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...the wrongdoings that have been comitted by individuals in The Family.
How were you just like me? Somehow I dont think you were. You didnt have what it takes to stay in it till the end. Big difference between the two of us.
I tell you, rather than traveling all over the world, rather than experiencing different cultures, rather than feeling like you matter to someone, rather than making the world better one life at a time, let’s live it your way.
I wonder what it must feel like to be a loser. That is what they call those who don't win in a competition. You poor things. Your wounded egos must have something to do with these stupid rants against those of us who are still in the race.
You either gave up, or were given the pink slip. Either way, you wouldn’t stand a chance in real life if you gave your job or current occupation what you gave to The Family.
Once you have left, then it’s fine to dedicate your whole life and time to one objective, the downfall of God’s chosen.
Unfortunately, now all you can do is look back with anger at what was probably the best time that your life ever went through, or, at the rate you’re all going, ever will.
Dying for the Cause, can i ask how old you are?
Fools from my generation, ...If you woke up every morning and found you had to chip at a cliff wall with a straw to be able to survive, how would you feel?
It’s as Toynbee says, “The only thing we learn from history, is that we never learn from history.â€
by that, are you implying this is the end of the family? you will only know your final status at the END of the family.
Jeezz... what makes you think a lot of us don't travel MORE than you? i do, i am fairly sure.
huh? the rat race?and you can turn your question to us right back on you, because i for one don't feel like a loser, nor do i have a wounded ego, nor do i rant against you or what you believe, i just think it's really weird. what i also think is that like me when i was in the family, you have a persecution complex. I've been out for a few years, and know a lot of these people you're talking about, and i don't know anyone who's trying to bring you down. who's telling you all this stuff about us all trying to bring you down? if you aren't allowed on all the ex-member sites it's only family people trying to make you dislike us? ever thot of that?
and you think that because....?
oh my god, dude, YOU are the one ranting. you sound very bizzare. if you lump us all together, then any one of our answers should suffice as an answer for the collective. MY objectives are to be a good wife, mother, friend, to serve god in any way possible (if i really feel it's god speaking to my heart and not just some leader of a church, PS: you are the perfect definition of a church and a cult and don't say you're not, remember we know, we grew up in it, and we also know the other side, something you don't seem to understand), to be successful and happy. Downfall of god's chosen? wo, whatta lie someone has told you.
all i can say to that is that maybe you wish that's our state, but my state of mind is nothing of the sort, nor do i, nor have i EVER regreted leaving the family. it was not the best time of my life, i had ups and downs, just as i do now, but i am happier now than i have ever been and i am surrounded by wonderful, loving family and friends. i did not give up, nor was i given the pink slip. i left because i didn't believe in what you do. there's a difference.
since you love analogies, try this one, it's like if you go up to a girl who's got some chub and she asks you how she looks. you, being raised to, thus feeling the need to tell it to her straight tell her, well you could lose some weight, and then she tells you, "I'm pregnant". ... just cuz you see things one way, you don't know until you KNOW, Why don't you try to be a little bit more educated before you give a lecture. would maybe do you some good, as far as the kind of response you'll receive. Until then, try not to sound like you maybe had one to many, eh?
What exactly is this independence we are talking about here? The kind that gives you the ability to choose how you ride the same transportation to the same job you do every day from 9 – 5? The kind that says, “Heck, I’m tired of a life of making mankind somewhat of a better place. Let me go and do my own thing, making neither myself or anyone else’s lives better. As a matter of fact, let me go and screw over as many people trying to enjoy life as much as is possible given our calling.â€
Let me ask a question: If you woke up every morning and found you had to chip at a cliff wall with a straw to be able to survive, how would you feel? How much more so to be found trying to undermine God?
It must suck to be you, to wake up each morning to a perfectly impossible task. You know it’s never going to work, I know it, and so do each of the other people on this place. Why do you continue on with the rant?
But then, logic was never used by the good ol Master Deciever. No, twisted truths and lies were all he ever used. A small amount of truth, to be certain, but so twisted and distorted, the media today looks like a perfectly honest establishment.
I wonder what made you all so biased against us? Was it because you couldn’t make it? Was it too hard for you? Were they asking you to do something that went against your pride, your “independence,â€
Which of the top antagonists was it that is currently a janitor?
How many did Gideon have? His attrition rate in the matter of a day must have been mammoth. Didnt stop him from destroying an army way bigger than his.
The people I follow today had nothing to do with the abuse you received.
You cant blame actions of individuals on the leaders. For example, why dont you go yell at Bush for the soldiers sodomizing Iraqi captives in the secret prisons. It's all his fault, after all he is the leader of his country, no?
Look around you. Ten bucks says if you live in a city, within a mile of you lives at least one of these categories: rapist, pedophile, porngrapher, homosexual, murderer. You count out all the ones you find in our group, but get a grip. How many rapes, murders, etc are comitted each minute in the country that is supposedly God-fearing. Go yell at Bush for that too. As a matter of fact try to string him up for all that. He is the leader of the USA.
I can probably bet any of those people that did those things to you are not even in the Family anymore. At least if they are their conscience is giving them hell.
I take it you believe evil spirits dont exist. Probably if you believe in spirits at all, they would be flowery drug induced visions, that share love and universal peace.
If you are so insistent on bringing criminals to justice, arm yourself with pepper spray and a bungee cord and go and hang all those killers, rapists, etc that live near you. There are plenty to be found if you live in a big city. Bring them to justice. That'll ease your conscience.
Do you have any idea how many apologetic letters Mama, Peter, Dad, and others have issued, apologizing for the actions of people that misunderstood or misapplied what was said? I think after all that they'd get pretty sick of people harping on the same thing. Think up something new, its getting old.
Abusive environments? How come there are so many YOUR AGE still in the Family that never cease to praise God for their upbringing?
And I bet Darwin could tell you how you were truly born from a monkey and evolved just yesterday with a fully functioning brain and a head full of memories. Wouldnt make it right, would it?
It is true once saved always saved. The size of your mansion however will depend on the amount of material you send up. Seeing as you grew up here, remember the story of Sophie the Washerwoman? I believe deconstruction also takes place when you send material that opposes the good stuff you send up. Regardless of how nice a house is, it still looks crappy when covered in slime. If they did put everything you sent up there on your house then I wonder what it looks like now. Maybe God will only stick the good stuff up.
I call it stupid when you dredge up things that are corrected and no longer exist.
You talk about all these things in the past. That's exactly what they are, past. Why dont you go sue Germany and try to destroy them. They were the Holocaust. PAST.
All these things you mention have been corrected and changed, or at least to the knowledge of the leadership you slander.
I wonder what would happen if all that was said on these places was taken, contexed, and then we sued you all for libel. We could make a tidy sum I think. Great for the tithe.
How many people have been kicked out for all these things you accuse us of currently doing? Every last one that has been found out. I dont know of anything going on where I am. How do you know so much and you havent been here for years? Or is it once again THE PAST?
Notice the whole stop part. When you run a race, follow an order, etc, you dont stop to question. You just do it. Here's a thought: Next time a police officer pulls you over for speeding, ask him why he chose you to pull over. Ask him why he didnt pull the next person over, seeing as you were going just as fast as him. Then ask him why he's even wearing a badge and uniform, seeing as he cant differentiate between two speeding cars. Killer recipe for a beating I guarantee. Most people dont take you questioning their authority too nicely, do they. Just the fact that they tried to explain it to you, and let you take your time to walk out the door, rather than boot you out, should be a signal.
Yes, i could be bitter for those times I wasnt allowed to eat ice cream. Yes, I could hate my parents for the times they dragged me away from the TV screen. Yes, i could go and kill a random person I lived with because I, horror, got a spanking.
I hate to see good come to naught because of the lies that are spread by people like: Sam Ajemian, James Penn, Daniel Roselle, Sunny James, etc.
I wonder why you went through those Victor camps? I heard they only sent people who NEEDED IT.