Jesus Camp, Anybody?

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Reply Tue 12 Sep, 2006 12:16 am
Jesus Camp, Anybody?
My apologies if someone´s already posted something about this. I just thought it might be of interest:

Decide for yourself.
Jack 2
Reply Wed 13 Sep, 2006 02:34 pm
Peter Frouman
Reply Wed 13 Sep, 2006 02:52 pm
religious propaganda
Day of the Subgenius
Reply Wed 13 Sep, 2006 04:35 pm
Just one comment
Holy molet! Did you see the molet (sp?) on that guy? Well, all I can say is, this is the genre from which sprang Berg's little group. Except he strayed pretty far from it. Nothing new. Keep moving, nothing to see here, folks, move along.
Reply Wed 13 Sep, 2006 10:31 pm
Jack wrote:

shudder? Do you not unterstandt zat ve must start training zem young if ve vish to liberate za verld?
Zen zay can all zing together, "Tomorrow belongs to me"....

Note: The author of this post does not in any way endorse fascist ideas and indeed, opposes all forms of fascism.
max 1
Reply Thu 14 Sep, 2006 12:25 am
Well said Ms Piram aka Joseph Goebbels !
Pictures of Nazi's!, how juvenile and insensitive.
If you were living in Germany you would be arrested by the old bill and quite rightly so.
You should know better!

God Bless

Love Max
Reply Thu 14 Sep, 2006 03:10 am
Actually, I go to Germany quite often, because my daughter and her German husband live there. I rather like Germany, and far from ever having any trouble there, I have always had a great time. It´s the fascists, like certain so-called "Christian" fanatics, that need to be locked up -- and people show whether they´re fascists by they way they live. People on this board can decide for themselves whether I´m "juvenile" and "insensitive" Personally, I hardly think you´re in a position to be labeling anyone on this forum "juvenile" and "insensitive".
max 1
Reply Thu 14 Sep, 2006 04:22 am
Piram wrote:
Actually, I go to Germany quite often, because my daughter and her German husband live there. I rather like Germany, and far from ever having any trouble there, I have always had a great time. It´s the fascists, like certain so-called "Christian" fanatics, that need to be locked up -- and people show whether they´re fascists by they way they live. People on this board can decide for themselves whether I´m "juvenile" and "insensitive" Personally, I hardly think you´re in a position to be labeling anyone on this forum "juvenile" and "insensitive".

Dear Ms Piram
I never intimated or said that you or anyone had any trouble when visiting Germany so why raise that?
What I said if you cared to look, was that your posting of photographs depicting Nazi propaganda was and is juvenile and insensitive.
As you quite rightly point out people can and hopefully will make their own minds up on that.
If as you say, you have visited Germany and have a German son-in law then you should know that the depiction or promotion of Nazi propoganda is understanably forbidden and is a prosecutable offence for which to use your words people can and are "locked upâ€
Reply Thu 14 Sep, 2006 09:50 am
Piram wrote:
Actually, I go to Germany quite often, because my daughter and her German husband live there. I rather like Germany, and far from ever having any trouble there, I have always had a great time. It´s the fascists, like certain so-called "Christian" fanatics, that need to be locked up -- and people show whether they´re fascists by they way they live. People on this board can decide for themselves whether I´m "juvenile" and "insensitive" Personally, I hardly think you´re in a position to be labeling anyone on this forum "juvenile" and "insensitive".

Piram - sorry, I can't let this go by. Calling fundamental Christians facsists is over the top. Those people in that video were purposely being portrayed in a negative light to make you think that way. They are pentecostal-evangelicals, I know what they are like. They are not fanatics of the stripe you are insinuating, a la TF or Nazis (for heaven's sakes). They believe in emotion and the more emotional, the better. They feel they are closer to God that way. I don't care how someone worships as long as they don't hurt anyone. I didn't see anything in that video where they were attempting to hurt anyone. Please - try to be a little more objective.
Reply Thu 14 Sep, 2006 02:27 pm
Fascism: Any program for setting up a centralized autocratic national regime with severely nationalistic policies, exercising regimentation of industry, commerce, and finance, rigid censorship, and forcible suppression of opposition ; any tendency toward or actual exercise of severe autocratic or dictatorial control (as over others within an organization)
Source: Webster´s Third New International Dictionary.

Webster´s Third New International Dictionary says that "objective" is "publicly or intersubjectively observable or verifiable esp. by scientific methods:independent of what is personal or private in our apprehension and feelings." Acheik, since you were the one that was asking for objectivity, it would only seem logical that you must first demonstrate that you are objective, and that from your position of objectivity, you can then require objectivity from others. Can you sincerely tell me that you think you are objective when you deny that among pentecostal-evangelicals there are people with "any tendency toward or actual exercise of severe autocratic or dictatorial control (as over others within an organization)"? Perhaps you are one of those that accept as perfectly natural, concepts such as the union of church and state(I believe church and state should be separate) If this is the case, then I will understand why you think that no pentecostal-evangelicals are fanatics.
(You may have noticed by now that blanket condemnations are not my style -- nor blanket approvals!!! - very important!!!)

"I don't care how someone worships as long as they don't hurt anyone."
I agree. But you start using religion to push a particular political agenda, and you´ve got yourself something that I consider to be potentially very dangerous. And something that can hurt people. You may disagree, and I respect that opinion, even if I cannot possibly share it.
Reply Thu 14 Sep, 2006 03:47 pm
You will find fascist in all walks of life.

Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Atheism, Socialism. It is not the preserve of any one particular group.
Reply Thu 14 Sep, 2006 04:38 pm
evanman wrote:
You will find fascist in all walks of life.

Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Atheism, Socialism. It is not the preserve of any one particular group.

I have to agree, even Gandi had fascist followers.

Love & God Bless

Max aka Guest
Reply Thu 14 Sep, 2006 08:13 pm
Piram wrote:
Fascism: Any program for setting up a centralized autocratic national regime with severely nationalistic policies, exercising regimentation of industry, commerce, and finance, rigid censorship, and forcible suppression of opposition ; any tendency toward or actual exercise of severe autocratic or dictatorial control (as over others within an organization)
Source: Webster´s Third New International Dictionary.

Webster´s Third New International Dictionary says that "objective" is "publicly or intersubjectively observable or verifiable esp. by scientific methods:independent of what is personal or private in our apprehension and feelings."

By that definition, the people on that video were definitely not facsists! Fanatics maybe, or very, very dedicated.

Acheik, since you were the one that was asking for objectivity, it would only seem logical that you must first demonstrate that you are objective, and that from your position of objectivity, you can then require objectivity from others.

That's exactly what I'm trying to be by not immediately passing judgment on some people via a 2 min. video spliced together by some clever editor.

Can you sincerely tell me that you think you are objective when you deny that among pentecostal-evangelicals there are people with "any tendency toward or actual exercise of severe autocratic or dictatorial control (as over others within an organization)"?

I said all those things? Where did I say that? Certainly, there are Christians in every stripe that act dictatorial to a certain extent. However, there are people in all walks of life that do that. That doesn't make them fascists.

Perhaps you are one of those that accept as perfectly natural, concepts such as the union of church and state(I believe church and state should be separate) If this is the case, then I will understand why you think that no pentecostal-evangelicals are fanatics.

I was talking about your depiction of them as nazi fascists - remember? There are plenty of fanatics in the world that I don't agree with, but to call them fascists because you don't like their belief system is over the top - that was my point.

(You may have noticed by now that blanket condemnations are not my style -- nor blanket approvals!!! - very important!!!)

Well, bully for you.

"I don't care how someone worships as long as they don't hurt anyone."

I agree. But you start using religion to push a particular political agenda, and you´ve got yourself something that I consider to be potentially very dangerous.

And what was that political agenda? What I saw in the 2 min. vid was people being fanatical about following Jesus and the bible and eschewing the tempations that are in the world they have to be faced with every day. Yeah, they act a little weird and emotional, definitely not my style, but it's what they believe and they are strict in living it - so what. My daughter lives on a street full of Pentecostals and they are the nicest people. And guess what, there is very little crime on that street, but go down a block or two and it gets ugly and dirty. No church-going people there.

You may disagree, and I respect that opinion, even if I cannot possibly share it.

Good for you - me too.
Reply Thu 14 Sep, 2006 10:11 pm
"Fanatics maybe"

Dividing the world up into two camps, those who believe in their religion(good, of course) and those who don´t(not good, of course) -- only means they´re "fanatics maybe"?

I believe in tolerance, but tolerating what I consider to be intolerance is where I draw the line.

I have observed and studied considerably more in my lifetime, of pentecostals and evangelicals than what is shown in the short trailer. It is this observation and reflection that have led me to hold the opinions I hold.
I have no doubt that many of these people feel they are doing the right thing, and have good intentions. But I certainly think that their methods go against critical thinking, and purposely, as Kirk Cameron (another individual with whom I disagree) said on his website, "by-pass the intellect". Now, if you think it´s fine for parents to be submitting their children to these harangues and this indoctrination, then there´s not much more to be discussed with regard to this subject, is there?
We disagree. Full stop.
Reply Thu 14 Sep, 2006 10:42 pm
evanman wrote:
You will find fascism in all walks of life.

This is true.
Indian Joe 1
Reply Fri 15 Sep, 2006 07:30 am
The thing that bothered me about the video wasn't that it was of a lot of very dedicated adults engaging in these activities of their own free will. The people in the video were children.

It is difficult to know if they have any other choice, or what the result would be if they didn't want to participate in these evangelical activites. Can they just walk out of Jesus Camp? If they do, where do they go? If they go home, how would the parents react? Would they be considered evil for that?

I realize it reads a lot into it, but that was my reaction to it.
Reply Fri 15 Sep, 2006 08:13 am
Indian Joe wrote:
The thing that bothered me about the video wasn't that it was of a lot of very dedicated adults engaging in these activities of their own free will. The people in the video were children.

It is difficult to know if they have any other choice, or what the result would be if they didn't want to participate in these evangelical activites. Can they just walk out of Jesus Camp? If they do, where do they go? If they go home, how would the parents react? Would they be considered evil for that?

I realize it reads a lot into it, but that was my reaction to it.

Again, perhaps people think I base all my ideas on a 2-minute trailer, and that I have unfairly "passed judgement" on these "dedicated" Christians. That´s their prerogative. Both in and out of TF, I have come into contact with a significant number of pentecostals/evangelicals. A number of folks here are quite irate about children being allegedly sexually abused in TF, and rightfully so, IMO. A number of folks here, I think, would agree that young children are impressionable and malleable and can easily be convinced and/or intimidated to do a number of things which a critically-thinking adult would not accept unquestioningly. Some people however, see nothing wrong at all when it comes to this mixture of religio-patriotism (children pledging allegiance to the flag of christ?) and encouraging young children to see the world as made up of "two kinds of people" (the good ones and the evil ones -- what follows, by this logic, is that if we "righteously" rid the world of the evil ones that haven´t seen our "light" and converted, we will undoubtedly be within the Almighty´s will. Count me out of such a "Christian Crusade", thank you very much.
Reply Fri 15 Sep, 2006 10:26 am
Piram wrote:
"Fanatics maybe"

Dividing the world up into two camps, those who believe in their religion(good, of course) and those who don´t(not good, of course) -- only means they´re "fanatics maybe"?

I believe in tolerance, but tolerating what I consider to be intolerance is where I draw the line.

I have observed and studied considerably more in my lifetime, of pentecostals and evangelicals than what is shown in the short trailer. It is this observation and reflection that have led me to hold the opinions I hold.
I have no doubt that many of these people feel they are doing the right thing, and have good intentions. But I certainly think that their methods go against critical thinking, and purposely, as Kirk Cameron (another individual with whom I disagree) said on his website, "by-pass the intellect". Now, if you think it´s fine for parents to be submitting their children to these harangues and this indoctrination, then there´s not much more to be discussed with regard to this subject, is there?
We disagree. Full stop.

What? You have your last say and then tell me the subject is closed? How convenient for you.

Let me clarify, again, as you are missrepresenting me. I don't like fanatics either, but I don't think calling these people fascists with a nazi symbol being displayed is correct. I am not dividing the world into black and white - you are. This is what I take issue with.

Also, they have every right to train their children how they see fit. As long as they are interacting with the outside world - that would be the area I would question. David Koresh took this to the extreme and created a world within a world and there I would agree they were fascists of a sort. Are these people like David Koresh? I can't tell from the video, apparently you can - maybe that's the problem.

There are plenty of groups that are tightly wound within themselves such as the mormons, Jehovah witness, the Amish, Scientologists, etc., etc. Do we call them all fascists and try to lock them up? You're treading on dangerous ground with that attitude. You're creating your own Nazi hell.

Are you going to take away my right as a parent to train up my child? Would you lock me up if I didn't allow them to watch TV, go to movies, read Harry Potter, etc, etc? (although I personally do) Would I be forced to allow them to play video games all day long and attend punk rock events (which I do anyway) to satisfy your perception that I'm a good parent and by giving this so-called freedom to my child? The point is, it's your perspective which you are saying I must abide by to be a good parent. Just how far do you go with that?
Reply Fri 15 Sep, 2006 01:29 pm
Acheick wrote:
Piram wrote:
"Fanatics maybe"

Dividing the world up into two camps, those who believe in their religion(good, of course) and those who don´t(not good, of course) -- only means they´re "fanatics maybe"?

I believe in tolerance, but tolerating what I consider to be intolerance is where I draw the line.

I have observed and studied considerably more in my lifetime, of pentecostals and evangelicals than what is shown in the short trailer. It is this observation and reflection that have led me to hold the opinions I hold.
I have no doubt that many of these people feel they are doing the right thing, and have good intentions. But I certainly think that their methods go against critical thinking, and purposely, as Kirk Cameron (another individual with whom I disagree) said on his website, "by-pass the intellect". Now, if you think it´s fine for parents to be submitting their children to these harangues and this indoctrination, then there´s not much more to be discussed with regard to this subject, is there?
We disagree. Full stop.

What? You have your last say and then tell me the subject is closed? How convenient for you.

Let me clarify, again, as you are missrepresenting me. I don't like fanatics either, but I don't think calling these people fascists with a nazi symbol being displayed is correct. I am not dividing the world into black and white - you are. This is what I take issue with.

Also, they have every right to train their children how they see fit. As long as they are interacting with the outside world - that would be the area I would question. David Koresh took this to the extreme and created a world within a world and there I would agree they were fascists of a sort. Are these people like David Koresh? I can't tell from the video, apparently you can - maybe that's the problem.

There are plenty of groups that are tightly wound within themselves such as the mormons, Jehovah witness, the Amish, Scientologists, etc., etc. Do we call them all fascists and try to lock them up? You're treading on dangerous ground with that attitude. You're creating your own Nazi hell.

Are you going to take away my right as a parent to train up my child? Would you lock me up if I didn't allow them to watch TV, go to movies, read Harry Potter, etc, etc? (although I personally do) Would I be forced to allow them to play video games all day long and attend punk rock events (which I do anyway) to satisfy your perception that I'm a good parent and by giving this so-called freedom to my child? The point is, it's your perspective which you are saying I must abide by to be a good parent. Just how far do you go with that?

Well said, my compliments, which I do not give easy and/or often.

Love & God Bless

Max aka Guest
Reply Fri 15 Sep, 2006 01:40 pm
Acheick wrote:
Piram wrote:
"Fanatics maybe"

Dividing the world up into two camps, those who believe in their religion(good, of course) and those who don´t(not good, of course) -- only means they´re "fanatics maybe"?

I believe in tolerance, but tolerating what I consider to be intolerance is where I draw the line.

I have observed and studied considerably more in my lifetime, of pentecostals and evangelicals than what is shown in the short trailer. It is this observation and reflection that have led me to hold the opinions I hold.
I have no doubt that many of these people feel they are doing the right thing, and have good intentions. But I certainly think that their methods go against critical thinking, and purposely, as Kirk Cameron (another individual with whom I disagree) said on his website, "by-pass the intellect". Now, if you think it´s fine for parents to be submitting their children to these harangues and this indoctrination, then there´s not much more to be discussed with regard to this subject, is there?
We disagree. Full stop.

What? You have your last say and then tell me the subject is closed? How convenient for you.

Let me clarify, again, as you are missrepresenting me. I don't like fanatics either, but I don't think calling these people fascists with a nazi symbol being displayed is correct. I am not dividing the world into black and white - you are. This is what I take issue with.

Also, they have every right to train their children how they see fit. As long as they are interacting with the outside world - that would be the area I would question. David Koresh took this to the extreme and created a world within a world and there I would agree they were fascists of a sort. Are these people like David Koresh? I can't tell from the video, apparently you can - maybe that's the problem.

There are plenty of groups that are tightly wound within themselves such as the mormons, Jehovah witness, the Amish, Scientologists, etc., etc. Do we call them all fascists and try to lock them up? You're treading on dangerous ground with that attitude. You're creating your own Nazi hell.

Are you going to take away my right as a parent to train up my child? Would you lock me up if I didn't allow them to watch TV, go to movies, read Harry Potter, etc, etc? (although I personally do) Would I be forced to allow them to play video games all day long and attend punk rock events (which I do anyway) to satisfy your perception that I'm a good parent and by giving this so-called freedom to my child? The point is, it's your perspective which you are saying I must abide by to be a good parent. Just how far do you go with that?

Why don´t you have a nice chat with max? I´m sure he´ll be glad to keep you company.

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  3. » Jesus Camp, Anybody?
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