Wed 25 Mar, 2009 01:10 am - Theoretically, if I were to take a number of people, one at a time, to look at a tree and asked each one what they see, they would all say, "A tree." I can know this would be the result... (view)
Wed 25 Mar, 2009 12:19 am - The minute you throw other human beings (each with their own unique ideopathic nature) into the mix, things become complicated. Thus, to sum up the issue of ethics would reqire a lot of... (view)
Wed 25 Mar, 2009 12:06 am - Believe it or not, there was a philosopher (what was his name?) who said the more simple a theroy is, the more likely it is to be true! The idea was that an atribute of perfectness was in fact . .... (view)
Tue 24 Mar, 2009 03:21 pm - Hello all. I'm new here. I've just recently become interested in philosophy, and hope I can learn a-lot here. I have many questions! While all areas of philosophy interest me, I'm... (view)