Tue 1 Dec, 2009 08:09 am - firstly, i do apologize for referring to you as a female - i realized your gender once i visited your page. :-).
"⊃" is conditional "only false when antecedent is true and... (view)
Mon 30 Nov, 2009 11:08 pm - i assumed i was on the right track with the logical proofs i was doing but these have officially stomped me. user: emil helped me with the others\ ones by sending her book but somehow the new ones... (view)
Fri 27 Nov, 2009 08:23 pm - ok, i looked over my notes and skimmed the text book that you sent. please let me know if i'm on the right track with what i've done thus far.
1. O ⊃ P
2. P ⊃ ~P
3. ~P... (view)
Fri 27 Nov, 2009 05:23 pm - that's just it, i don't understand the text book! i read the chapter and none of it makes sense. i am attempting to find a tutor i can contact. i understand your argument, however! i said... (view)
Fri 27 Nov, 2009 04:57 pm - a kind person directed me here from the welcome threads to pose my questions for logic. i have a few problems that i have been boggling over within this week. each have to be solved using only the... (view)
Fri 27 Nov, 2009 03:58 pm - hello all! i am new here and was wondering if there is an area for logic questions. i am in a logic course and trouble with some proofs is hindering me. perhaps i did not look around long enough,... (view)