Mon 16 Apr, 2007 10:57 am - [quote=Pythagorean]Are all cultures equal.
For example:
If it is legal and laudable to sentence a homosexual to death in Islam, does that make it o.k? If a gay travels from the U.K. (where... (view)
Mon 16 Apr, 2007 10:48 am - [quote=Pythagorean]I have come to the conclusion that a truly human life cannot be seperated from morality. That every human concern is ultimately a moral concern. So that it is incumbent upon us... (view)
Mon 16 Apr, 2007 10:39 am - Here's a quote from Kant's Lectures on Ethics:
"If a man wishes to satisfy his desire, and a women hers, they stimulate each others desires; their inclinations met, but their object... (view)
Mon 16 Apr, 2007 10:28 am - [quote=boagie]Good morning Vietnam![time warp]
This is a premise a great many people have difficulty accepting.The premise is that no matter what you chose to do or chose not to do it is still... (view)
Mon 16 Apr, 2007 10:21 am - Determinism is the logical conclusion of many scientists that believe in the cause and effect concept as it does support this.
The basic concept of determinism, in it's most primitive form... (view)
Sun 15 Apr, 2007 12:29 pm - What would you consider to be free-will?
I believe that to truly have such a thing of free will, then the human mind must posses a certain dgree of randomness within it's nature. For instance,... (view)