Tue 28 Jul, 2009 06:09 am
Not much exciting to say about myself. I'm 46, male Cauc, undergrad in Philosophy. Started grad school, but after one semester the new Chair decided to reverse the previous Chair's decision to allow me to do Asian Phil. as an Emphasis. :nonooo:
I'm getting ready to take another run a grad school, so I came here to try to refill my brain. It seems to have run a bit low on knowledge and reasoning skills over the past few years. :eek:
I've been teaching English in South Korea since 1996, at university level since '97. Took one year off to waste all my savings, and a few years later, took another year off to spend in a Buddhist forest monastery in Thailand.
What else? I'm American, born in Mississippi, but please don't hold that against me, 'k? :cool:
Philforum is a great place to "catch up," refresh your memory, and improve your reasoning skills as you begin to participate in the many threads here. I think you will find many different philosophical positions represented here as well as a very large stock of common knowledge reflecting the contributions of many Members.
Thanks, jgweed. It looks like the perfect place for me to hang out.