Gordian Knots as to solve problems with seemingly no solution to it.
I don't have any high education, infact I have only bad grades from school, yet I solved problems which highly educated people couldn't.
I'v worked in a newspaper and got the worst task ever, to write the internal newsletter for all employees. It was manutally writing all news the entire staff of chiefs would give me. This task could take anywhere from 8 - 22h, because the written contributions could take up pages.
Ofcause most of the contributions could be delayed hours, and often deliverd when the chiefs went home from work.
My solution were simple, deny any contirbution even 1 min too late, it would be domped in trashcan. No need to say I got myself in the eny of the storm, every chief would hate me for that.
Further I would demand all contributions in digital form, either e-mailed or by floppy, with the right format which I had made in word, failing so, no cure for you!
This meant copy and paste in sec, instead of minutes/hours.
Finally a 8 - 22h task would only take 2 - 3h, in the first time of 14 years the CEO would get the internal newsletter on time.
On a side note, 2 with the highest education in Denmark, and several secretaries have had this task, but none cracked it like I did.
The comany had very old terminals, slow and really really poor doing the job. They took about 15 min to start up, yes I'm not exaggerating, they were 2 bit terminals! From1977!!!!! ...and it was anno 1999!
Everybody had tryed to get PC's instead of these dinosaurs, which was stubbonly refused by the CEO each time. I then approced the CEO and told him, your wasting worktime here, less time doing stuff compared to a modern terminal, on top of that ur terminals often crash 2 times if not more, that 15 x 3 = 45 min, 45 x ~100 (roughly the # of users) x work days/year x year. Punching the numbers on his calculator made him panic and order the IT chief to get his ass to the CEO's office ASAP and have a talk about new terminals.
It took 14 days to educated salestaff to use the OS in the terminals. It was ancient software programmed over 3 times, so you can kinda compare it to DOS, Windos 95 and Vista, all in 1 big program with different ways of doing the same thing. In some areas you click O so save, others F2 ..needless to say it was a total mess.
I told the CEO the software sucks b..ls, you can't get new people from the street and make money in matter of days since they first have to master the software, you need to scrap it and program some entirely new.
CEO: No then I would lose my database!
Me: No OS and database are 2 seperate things
CEO: No they'r not!
Me: Fine ..call the IT chief and let him explain it to you.
IT Chief: Database and OS are two enteirely seperate areas, and you can program a new OS without losing your database.
CEO: Good. Program me a new OS.
I might tell more later, some of the probmelsolving involves very unorthodox methods which isn't for the screamish.