Sat 28 Mar, 2009 04:49 pm
Greetings everyone, I'm Doc.
Found this forum today and decided to sign up for a two-fold reason, because I'm interested in the various fields of philosophy and because I'd like some more stimulating discussion.
Some non-vital information about me.
5th year senior in college because I couldn't make up my mind on what I wanted to major in. I gratuate (hopefuly) this may with my BS in Criminal Justice
The two main things that interest me the most is the human mind and religion. Specifically I have a major interest in social sciences and social grounds in general but especially as it relates to criminology and the mystery of the mind behind the criminal. I don't hold to any one school of thought as it relates to criminology I believe that all have some validity, but I stand closer to the radical idealogy then any others.
As for religion, I just overal find the obsession with it fascinating, as for my overall stance you'll just have to wait and see.
Just as a random sidenote I am also close to fluent in German and am starting to study Russian.
Welcome to the forum. You found a descent place for stimulating philosophical discussion. Enjoy the forum!
Hi look forward to talking to you.
Good choice coming to where the criminals post to have stimulating social chatter,
GoshisDead wrote:Good choice coming to where the criminals post to have stimulating social chatter,
Can I ask who these criminals are?
We are millions of stupid people of course.