@Jose phil,
Given your dual interest in darwin and philosophy, you might find this article by the philosopher John Dewey on the impact of Darwin on philosophy interesting:
I don't know how familiar you are with either Plato, Aristotle(to a lesser degree), Descartes, or Kant, but if you aren't at all and still want to read the essay I think I can point you in some of the right directions and help you gain the necessary backgroun so that you should be able to formulate you're own opinions on it. =)
If you're primary interest is moral philosophy and ethics. I'd definitely suggest the following to give you some differing perspectives:
Nicomachean Ethics- Aristotle: virtue ethics (Aquinas is also a good possibility if you are especially into christian theology and morality)
Utilitarianism & On Liberty- John Stuart Mill
Bentham also if you can locate a nice text. I'll look for a link of the book we used for my class, which included both Bentham and Mill. I find
some of Bentham's ideas useful, even if they were somewhat misguided.
Kant- Grounding of the Metaphysics of Morals (deontology)
Noddings- Caring: A feminine approach to ethics (You're likely skeptical but trust me, I found it especially rewarding especially after going through the others.)
If decide to read these texts or any others and you have any difficulties don't hesitate to ask questions in the philosophy 101 section. Hope to see you around, Jose.