Hi there. I'm a newbie to this forum, but not to philosophy in general. Though I am self-educated, I live in San Antonio, TX, and I enjoy thinking things out. Growing up, I was just way ahead of too many kids. They made my life miserable with their cruelties... *sniff* Indeed, most of my friends growing up were adults, adults who were capable of teaching me things I never knew before.
So. What am I doing here? I wonder if most people come to philosophy forums in order to spread their pet theories about their pet subjects. I know I like to share my ideas. I don't expect everyone to agree, though. I'd be pretty petty to think that.
I enjoy debate almost as much as I enjoy my food. To me, debate is a sport, so I often get caught up in meaningless arguments just for the fun of it. Sometimes I hurt people's feelings, the one's who take it personal when someone *gasp* disagrees with them.
Sooo... yeah. I'm sorry I sound like such a dunce. I'll get better. don't you worry about it.