Fri 16 Jan, 2009 07:25 am
Hello, I come from a far off place called New Zealand. I would like to introduce myself as Jason (Ogre Is my gaming handle). Yes I do game, and I also play golf, do quantity surveying (QS is my current Job)and 3D modelling.
But this does not satisfy the soul. I have questions that no-one I know has even begun to come close to answering. Except one very good friend of mine whom I have not been able to contact in several years.
Topics that are as diverse as the universe itself, well not quite. But some of you may know where I am coming from?!?!?!?
Having no previous experience in the art/culture/Science of philosophy I am not sure where I should begin.
I am certain you are mistaken unless you are a long way from home..Ogres were a real people from the Balkans, as far as I can tell...They attacked the Eastern Roman empire...Its pests and mountain climbers that come from New Zealand; I think..
And the Roman Empire is no longer. I wonder where the miistake comes from, or....
ogre wrote:And the Roman Empire is no longer. I wonder where the miistake comes from, or....
From a twwitich in my hhand, and this stupid key board... Some times it double hits and sometimes not at all...The twitch comes from New Jersey State Police..They gave me one as a parting gift to keep for a pet... I always have music with my supper, and all from them...Yes, it was love...
I repiled only with a desire to question. If they left you music then that is more than the New Zealand police gave me. They gave me a logical not.
ogre wrote:I repiled only with a desire to question. If they left you music then that is more than the New Zealand police gave me. They gave me a logical not.
Too bad...If was a Gordian knot I would know what to do...Alex showed me where they keep the knives...
It's a struggle in this country to find people with a sense of (intelligent) humor.
Where do they usually hide???