Wed 14 Jan, 2009 02:15 pm
G'day, all. I have been wanting to become active in some forums related to my interests. I have long held a fascination for philosophy, and so it seemed appropriate to join in on the discussion. I hope my forth coming posts can be helpful to the community, and I hope to learn from the community.
If I were to state my goal for being here, it would be to learn more about philosophy, refine my own philosophies, and to help others do the same. That's a fairly lofty goal, but I think it's something worthy to strive for.
You goal for being here is what drives this philosophy forum. You shall find many individuals here who share your interest in philosophy and discuss and debate in a civilized manner. Enjoy the forums, and I anticipate your future contributions.
Welcome darkmist!
I hope philosophyforum peaks your interest and I applaud your goals of learning and contributing to the community.
Enjoy the forums!