Kolbe wrote:I know exactly what you mean! A friend of mine, whilst I was discussing philosophy with a member of my class, said "Why do you bother? We're too young for this sort of thing, it's pointless!".
I am fifty five and too young for this sort of thing... The more you think about what you are going to do before doing it the less time you will have to devote later to regrets... And trust me, If you are active, and you do, and you live with abandon, daring death and serious injury, loving and hating with all your mortal energy then you can bet you will have some regrets... I can't tell you how close I have come to killing over nothing, but that is the only one of the ten I have not consciously broke... There might be a million things I would have done differently, and yet, since life is going okay right now, and has been for some years, all I can ask is: What could I have changed that would not have led me from this point... I must have done something right... Yet, it gnaws at me what a stupid ass I was. Too soon old and too late smart...Consider that foresight, which is the difference between the intelligent and the average is a gift which should be used... Hold onto your virtue because it is hard to get back, and I do not mean that as some prick, but all your virtue, honesty, courage, constancy, etc... Some times your reputation is your best asset and may save your life... Avoid trouble, and places where trouble happens..Never be an innocent bystander; they always get it... Where ever you are, watch the door, and check out everyone... 99% of the time you can see trouble coming in the door, and when it comes in, go out the back...Best of luck, and if you got any, never, ever count on it... Fido