Hey all.
Im a third year Maths student who has always been interested in philosophical discussions... even though i have never studied it or learnt much about it. But thats why i signed up, hoping maybe i can be taught some new things by enthusiastic and intelligent people (not like my lecturers at uni :/) and get in on some discussions because im able to get quite deep with my thoughts (being interested in physics and maths requires you to think very much out of the box sometimes lol). I have had many serious problems in my life and ive always tried to deal with it myself, this is usually because i think too much lol, but im hoping if i expand my philosophical knowledge and mind i will be able to find myself easier and look at life in a different way, because its all been so bland and dark lately, which is certainly not me, so its time to make a change! I would also love teach others some things and meet some nice people along the way to keep as friends!
And if your ever interested in taking my msn or email, just send me a PM!