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Reply Fri 7 Nov, 2008 02:21 pm
Hello everyone.

I think for a while now I've been looking for a solid philosophical forum to become a part of. This one seems to fit the bill, though I'll admit I only looked it over for about ten seconds before deciding to register.

Maybe my haste is owing to the fact that I'm currently bored, sitting in a smoke-filled cafe in Amman, waiting for this last month to fly by so I can return to the home I love, and needing something to fill my time with since, no matter how many times I check, people just don't send me e-mails.

Anyway, about me: I'm currently a twenty-year-old university student studying Philosophy and Political Science. I'm heavily interested in politics--but I should clarify that I'm not so much interested in the machinations of politics as I am in my own views and desires to enact change. I also enjoy writing poetry and my own thoughts on whatever subject happens to consume me at the time--usually the concept of God and what meaning there is, if any, to existence. Other things I enjoy include sports, specifically baseball, American football, and basketball, reading, music, and probably some other things that are skipping my overly-tired brain at the moment.

I'm from the San Francisco Bay Area in California, but I've been studying Arabic in Amman, Jordan since August. Being so far away from home has made me realize what a truly wonderful place it really is. If you ever have the chance to visit San Francisco or the Bay Area at all, I truly recommend it. Whatever your view of California, the Bay Area is an entity unto itself! My university is in the area, as well. It's a small Jesuit school that doesn't get much attention--deservedly so, as I don't know that it's too amazing a school. But it works for me. Smile But you must forgive me for plugging my home so shamelessly as I'm a bit homesick and it simply feels good to focus my thoughts on memories of home.

Finally, I'll admit that I've really slacked off in my writing over the last month or so, and I'm hoping that some of the discussion here will ignite my desire to really get into writing. In short, I'm glad to be here!
Reply Fri 7 Nov, 2008 02:43 pm

You sound like a very interesting young man, I think you'll find the stuff your looking for here. Welcome aboard Bay, it is indeed a pleasure to have you join our community here. Relax and make yourself at home. Consider your first post in response to something that catches your interest. You cannot post a new topic until you have a few responsive posts under your belt. Again a big welcome aboard Bay!! boagie
Didymos Thomas
Reply Fri 7 Nov, 2008 02:51 pm
Welcome to the forums. Travel is priceless, but so is home. I hope you find this community to your liking.
Reply Fri 7 Nov, 2008 04:12 pm
Hey Bay,

Bay wrote:
... I'm hoping that some of the discussion here will ignite my desire to really get into writing....

I'd bet you a buffalo nickel it will. Since I've joined I've felt a resurgence of inspiration and philosophical questioning; the likes of which I haven't experienced for years.

Welcome aboard, I hope it comes for ya!


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