I am a very new member to the philosophy society and have a lot of catching up to do. I am not all to familiar with any philosophy works but have always had a hunger and curiosity for the unknown. Looking forward to learning and discussing as our lives become entangled.
An active curiousity is the ticket, we will look forward to some good conversations with you. Again Currious, welcome aboard the good ship philosophy forum!! boagie
Thank you for the warm welcome. As I stated before, I'm pretty new to all of this and would appreciate a nudge in the right direction. I'm not even sure what type of philosophy I am interested in except that I would like to learn more about lucid dreaming. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
What to you typically like to study? Answer that then you can begin your philosophical inquiry. Every subject has philosophy embedded in it in some way.
Anyway, thanks for joining and welcome to the philoforums!
Currious, are you sure you wouldn't rather go to a movie? At least there you get really good popcorn, and you learn how the story will end. Ha. Welcome.