I'm not sure I understand your question. It's possibly because my English is limited.
But I tend to think that the number "one" requires two things with a distinction made between them: namely, Erebus and its offspring -- ie, dark and light/day. It's a bit messy to borrow terms already used for something else, but conceptually, it could also be called the "is-not" and the "is." (not to be mistaken with parmenides' is and is-not) The distinction between the dark and then the light is what allows number to exist. The first number being "one." But the number "one" is itself made up of two things: is-not and is.
"one," as a concept, cannot exist by itself. That's because the number "one" is a whole number. It is bounded. It is infinity in a neat little package. If it's bounded, then there's edges, and a space that is beyond the edges.
I don't know what this has to do with "intelligence."
I'm still not quite sure what "existence," "one," and "intelligence" have to do with one another. The relationship that you're suggesting that these have with one another is unclear to me. What are you saying the relationship between these things are?