@Ron C de Weijze,
Lieh Tzu learned archery and, when he was able to hit the target, he asked the opinion of
Kuan Yin Tzu on his shooting. 'Do you know why you hit the target?' said Kuan Yin Tzu.
'No, I do not,' was the reply. 'Then you are not good enough yet,' rejoined Kuan Yin Tzu.
Lieh Tzu withdrew and practised for three years after which he again presented himself.
Kuan Yin Tzu asked, as before: 'Do you know why you hit the target? 'Yes,' said Lieh
Tzu, 'I do.' 'In that case, all is well. Hold that knowledge fast, and do not let it slip.'
'Mental and bodily equilibrium are to be sought within oneself. Once you know the
causal process which makes you hit the target, you will be able to determine the operation
of Destiny beforehand, and when you let fly you will make no mistake.'
The above principle does not apply only to shooting, but also to the government of a
State and to personal conduct. Therefore the Sage investigates not the mere facts of
preservation and destruction, but rather the causes which bring them about.
From the Book of Lieh Tzu.
If you are adverse to learning non western traditions from a non-western source, at least appreciate western traditions developed independently of the west.