That excerpt from the wikipedia article was interesting! Granted, wikipedia should sometimes be taken with a grain of salt, but in watching the Nightline debate between Chopra/Houston and Harris/Shermer, I am not very surprised that Chopra has been confronted by both the scientific and the religious community as someone who's views are rather... unorthodox and even unreasonable. I think Chopra, like many people who's ideas are generally viewed as lunacy has some valid points sprinkled in his views, but it seems to me, that he is confused, as kennethamy has said.
In the Nightline Face-off of "Does Satan Exist" (if you haven't seen it, youtube that right now, it's very interesting), Chopra says that belief is the mark of insecurity. This is brilliantly countered by a man in the audience who simply says "do you believe that?" and Chopra answers "yes" and the man says "Thank you" and sits down. Chopra seems to have taken an idea he had about spirituality and science and ran with it without some clear, concise thinking about what exactly he is preaching. Watch the Nightline Face-Off video and if you haven't seen the "Does God Have a Future" face-off versus Sam Harris and Michael Shermer, watch that as well. There are definitely some interesting ideas being talked about there.