Right and Wrong? It's not Greek to me.

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Reply Tue 4 May, 2010 05:20 am
Right and Wrong

Will we ever determine one from the other? Is it right and left? Hmmm? Could be? Does that possibly mean left is wrong and right is right? Makes one wonder just exactly what the center is? The middle of the road, or two roads merging into one. Is it as simple as 123? ABC? You know, getting back to basics?

What about it takes two? Confusing, huh?

We are now existing in this duality male/female, right/wrong, good/evil, truth/false, yes/no, positive/negative, and so on. It is a polarity and for all intents and purposes most just seem to be stumped. Are we reaching an equilibrium? Are we still developing and evolving? You bet we are. We are not there yet, but we are getting there.

We have a brain/computer that has two halves/hemispheres
and it is merging into one. We all have a female side and a male side. Should it be 50-50? Here is were we really get confused. Yes and No is the truth. That is the universal attraction. We are ourselves ATOMIC.

We are fusing together as one. Makes one wonder what "con-fusion" is? Anti-fusion? We have plenty of evidence of what confusion means and it is a bit bloody, isn't it!

Any attempt to define purity or ONE is impossible considering the story of US. We can't in any way define ourselves in the plural because there are just to many hybrids to do that. It can be conceived that we were originally 3 peoples; the Asian, the Black and the Caucasian or the abc's of us. Who was first is just mental masturbation and that means it doesn't matter. We were meant to fuse together not only physically as but mentally as well.

The one, two and three of it all so to speak. The one is the Earth, the two is the male and the female and the third is the child, a continuation of the one and the two.

We have been trying to do that since we have all been here in our numbers and our letters and our words and symbols; trying to become ONE.

It has never been so complicated since the UNITED STATES was formed. The name itself confirms our attempt to do that; a united state of people and mind.

The one word that rings a truth in all our words is the word FREEDOM. There is no greater word than that one word. There are two words that are that and they are FREE WILL. Every one of us, allowed, not "all-owed", to speak we will become the one, that God we....all.....are!!!

Then and only then will that God speak to us through us as one of us to another one of us; ALL OF US.

We are still developing and evolving and we have one brain with two parts/hemispheres as does the Earth and God in Man and woman/male and female. All that God is we are and what we do will be reflected in that Earth. No one can explain that...........NO ONE!!!!!! NONE!!!!!

We have been trying to tell ourselves the Truth since we have been here on this one planet, and only when all are free to do that will we know that truth. The issue is whether or not we will progress, digress or regress. I vote for progress, you? We were undressed; we dressed now we address and progress. The digress and regress don't offer us much at all, et el, or further more. Ha, see how easy this is once we begin tying up loose ends. Who likes Tattered Ends? Not I!

Now as far as man and woman and our brain and the two hemispheres that are there. It's difficult to tell if the corpus callosum is going or coming. Ha! Let us just say it is getting it's act together, ok, ha! Unlike monotremes that have no connection. Let us not hope ours is disappearing, yet our conduct in 10 percent of us wants it to. The left hand of our thinking not caring what the right hand is doing. They should work in unison, not apart until they do become one; then we will just have hands both equally able to do. We don't want to separate the male half from the female have. They are meant to cooperate in perfect unison with each other. Now let's observe the word UNISON. One Son. One Sun.

The male of the species has both male and female and the gender of the child is determined by the donor of that life that creates both the male and the female. We cannot speed up the fusion of the two hemispheres of the brain but we can understand how we can cooperate with those who appeal to one side or the other.

Right now it is a 'right handed world'. Not good as far as balance goes. Just the same as it would be if it were a left handed world. 90 percent right and only 10 left. We are going for 50-50. Let us not regress, please.

When we digress we just confuse the issue. Ha! BIG TIME and lose time. The right brain is the "female brain" the left is the "male brain". As we consciously understand that from that perspective only and reason the cooperative unison of the two we will find a balance which will ensure the merging of the corpus callosum exponentially. The merging of those minds to understand the ONE. God.

Many time I have offered the twins/two of this duality; INEQUITY/INIQUITY, the two twins of US/united states that have to go then all others will slowly merge into truth. A balanced equation.
Mankind/womankind = humankind. It's not GREEK to me!

Speaking of which much of our male thought is based in the left hand in our cross EAST/WEST/NORTH/SOUTH world. In all our thoughts, our "mankind" thoughts we have been trying to "nail down" the truth and once we did that on that cross........remember. We nailed down that left brain depiction of the truth in man. That is the depiction of our confusion.

It's not Greek to me!

There have been threads about just who a philosopher is and to answer that question specifically.............they are men. Men who engage in deep thought trying to figure everything out as to why, what, and who and become obsessed with asking those questions in hopes to arrive a some universal answers in which all men could agree. Women were of little significance and is indicated in most philosophic thought. At least those who left writings. As far as we can ascertain Greek philosophy begins with Thales on to Socrates to Plato to Aristotle and so on.

What is critical here is their little regard for the women of those times and to a large degree many years after the ancients on to today. Of those times many men were considered sexual animals. They would stick it to anyone, ha! Most men were reared by women with little male influence in there early youth. And that created a serious gap in the over all mind set of 'those men' on to what is written about Christ and his twelve disciples. Thought it was said he did have a mother and a father, little is known and all that is, was handed down orally as was much of what is now written of those times. Hearsay, by an large, all. Much is lost in the translation of all of that.

I have offered many times the relationship of the heavens and the Earth as being associated to man and woman and the peace and harmony that should be those relationships. Man being that god and woman being that earth and it is depicted in all we say and do in many of our colloquialisms. God the father and woman the nature of things. Women are very possessive of "their" things and the most valuable of which should be her children. Or more precise, 'their' children.

Here's the thing, that child is not her/their child; it's their/their child. They multiplied themselves 1 x 1 = 1; they didn't add to themselves. They multiplied and we even say that today and we are the "multitude. Odd coincidence, ever notice when a child is in distress and in our effort to console we say "their-their", ha? Perhaps if both were there/there that child would not be in so much distress?

Now when we speak of the One universe it can truly become difficult to imagine two from that but in all our mechanical language (1 and 0) one is the only number of significance. Now let's observe the significance of those two symbols, the 1 and the 0. Man being the 1 and woman being the 0. A perfect match when "joined". 1 being a phallic symbol the other being an orifice. Together they still = 1. No >, no <. No more no less. Still One. One universe, one voice, always one. There is no meaning of 1 without the Other. Base 10. Basic 1 and 0, with 8 in between. Now why 10? How many fingers do you have, ha! 20 digits if you take off your shoes, ha! But fingers are what we use to "point" at, ha!

Now we have the 0, the orb, oriface; Earth, egg. We don't start with 0, we start with 1.

The symbols for man and woman both have 0's. Meaning they are no thing alone; without each other there would be no thing for US. United States. Each state united into one divided but still one; 1 into 0 equals 1. Math 101, ha! United State of Mind! One mind, one brain existing as one.

One brain. Two hemispheres, right and left. Right hand, left hand, male, female. Right brain vs left brain. The reason for the "vs" is they have not joined.......yet. Yet they are trying to and one day they will. In other words we are still developing/evolving.

When there is a dominance in either conflict occurs. If neither is "dominant" they help each other. The weaker is more of a aid to the other in that effort to coexist together..........................IF the mind is not disturbed they will eventually join and we then will become well balanced or what is known today as ambidextrous. People born that way is so rare it is none existent. Most left handed people are close but it requires effort because, as my Dad, a lefty, told me at a young age that it was a right handed world, and most lefties 'train' the right hand to adapt therefore giving the appearance of ambidexterity. I, am right handed, big time, my left hand is virtually helpless by itself, ha; but it does aid my right hand almost perfectly so.

Now as far as early philosophical thought it could be assumed man and his piety was a bit too god like, omni-potent in his thinking of himself and sowed his seed anywhere he could. His voice, his self, his essence to Other men of which he was more familiar seeking to love himself or a homosexual existence.

Man's voice is one sided and that is where homosexual comes from originally but coined much later in 1869. One Ate sixty-nine? Are we hungary for the truth? Ha! Cunning, huh! Linguistically, that is, Ha! I'll let your minds go wild on this one, ha!

One into zero makes much more sense that 1 into 1. The latter creates a cross and every tombstone has one. RIP.

Regards and later,

Reply Tue 4 May, 2010 03:58 pm
I've read this post about three times now, and still have no idea whatsoever what you
are proposing, William. Can you briefly summarize your point?
Reply Tue 4 May, 2010 08:04 pm
Good from bad is not the problem, but good from better, and better from best requires a lot of effort... It is easy to see the contrast between white and black, even at a distance; but far more difficult to tell the difference between white and light grey... Subtle shadings blind us to absolutes...
Reply Tue 4 May, 2010 09:26 pm
William;159900 wrote:
Right and Wrong

Will we ever determine one from the other? Is it right and left? Hmmm? Could be? Does that possibly mean left is wrong and right is right? Makes one wonder just exactly what the center is? The middle of the road, or two roads merging into one. Is it as simple as 123? ABC? You know, getting back to basics?

What about it takes two? Confusing, huh?

We are now existing in this duality male/female, right/wrong, good/evil, truth/false, yes/no, positive/negative, and so on. It is a polarity and for all intents and purposes most just seem to be stumped. Are we reaching an equilibrium? Are we still developing and evolving? You bet we are. We are not there yet, but we are getting there.

We have a brain/computer that has two halves/hemispheres
and it is merging into one. We all have a female side and a male side. Should it be 50-50? Here is were we really get confused. Yes and No is the truth. That is the universal attraction. We are ourselves ATOMIC.

We are fusing together as one. Makes one wonder what "con-fusion" is? Anti-fusion? We have plenty of evidence of what confusion means and it is a bit bloody, isn't it!

Any attempt to define purity or ONE is impossible considering the story of US. We can't in any way define ourselves in the plural because there are just to many hybrids to do that. It can be conceived that we were originally 3 peoples; the Asian, the Black and the Caucasian or the abc's of us. Who was first is just mental masturbation and that means it doesn't matter. We were meant to fuse together not only physically as but mentally as well.

The one, two and three of it all so to speak. The one is the Earth, the two is the male and the female and the third is the child, a continuation of the one and the two.

We have been trying to do that since we have all been here in our numbers and our letters and our words and symbols; trying to become ONE.

It has never been so complicated since the UNITED STATES was formed. The name itself confirms our attempt to do that; a united state of people and mind.

The one word that rings a truth in all our words is the word FREEDOM. There is no greater word than that one word. There are two words that are that and they are FREE WILL. Every one of us, allowed, not "all-owed", to speak we will become the one, that God we....all.....are!!!

Then and only then will that God speak to us through us as one of us to another one of us; ALL OF US.

We are still developing and evolving and we have one brain with two parts/hemispheres as does the Earth and God in Man and woman/male and female. All that God is we are and what we do will be reflected in that Earth. No one can explain that...........NO ONE!!!!!! NONE!!!!!

We have been trying to tell ourselves the Truth since we have been here on this one planet, and only when all are free to do that will we know that truth. The issue is whether or not we will progress, digress or regress. I vote for progress, you? We were undressed; we dressed now we address and progress. The digress and regress don't offer us much at all, et el, or further more. Ha, see how easy this is once we begin tying up loose ends. Who likes Tattered Ends? Not I!

Now as far as man and woman and our brain and the two hemispheres that are there. It's difficult to tell if the corpus callosum is going or coming. Ha! Let us just say it is getting it's act together, ok, ha! Unlike monotremes that have no connection. Let us not hope ours is disappearing, yet our conduct in 10 percent of us wants it to. The left hand of our thinking not caring what the right hand is doing. They should work in unison, not apart until they do become one; then we will just have hands both equally able to do. We don't want to separate the male half from the female have. They are meant to cooperate in perfect unison with each other. Now let's observe the word UNISON. One Son. One Sun.

The male of the species has both male and female and the gender of the child is determined by the donor of that life that creates both the male and the female. We cannot speed up the fusion of the two hemispheres of the brain but we can understand how we can cooperate with those who appeal to one side or the other.

Right now it is a 'right handed world'. Not good as far as balance goes. Just the same as it would be if it were a left handed world. 90 percent right and only 10 left. We are going for 50-50. Let us not regress, please.

When we digress we just confuse the issue. Ha! BIG TIME and lose time. The right brain is the "female brain" the left is the "male brain". As we consciously understand that from that perspective only and reason the cooperative unison of the two we will find a balance which will ensure the merging of the corpus callosum exponentially. The merging of those minds to understand the ONE. God.

Many time I have offered the twins/two of this duality; INEQUITY/INIQUITY, the two twins of US/united states that have to go then all others will slowly merge into truth. A balanced equation.
Mankind/womankind = humankind. It's not GREEK to me!

Speaking of which much of our male thought is based in the left hand in our cross EAST/WEST/NORTH/SOUTH world. In all our thoughts, our "mankind" thoughts we have been trying to "nail down" the truth and once we did that on that cross........remember. We nailed down that left brain depiction of the truth in man. That is the depiction of our confusion.

It's not Greek to me!

There have been threads about just who a philosopher is and to answer that question specifically.............they are men. Men who engage in deep thought trying to figure everything out as to why, what, and who and become obsessed with asking those questions in hopes to arrive a some universal answers in which all men could agree. Women were of little significance and is indicated in most philosophic thought. At least those who left writings. As far as we can ascertain Greek philosophy begins with Thales on to Socrates to Plato to Aristotle and so on.

What is critical here is their little regard for the women of those times and to a large degree many years after the ancients on to today. Of those times many men were considered sexual animals. They would stick it to anyone, ha! Most men were reared by women with little male influence in there early youth. And that created a serious gap in the over all mind set of 'those men' on to what is written about Christ and his twelve disciples. Thought it was said he did have a mother and a father, little is known and all that is, was handed down orally as was much of what is now written of those times. Hearsay, by an large, all. Much is lost in the translation of all of that.

I have offered many times the relationship of the heavens and the Earth as being associated to man and woman and the peace and harmony that should be those relationships. Man being that god and woman being that earth and it is depicted in all we say and do in many of our colloquialisms. God the father and woman the nature of things. Women are very possessive of "their" things and the most valuable of which should be her children. Or more precise, 'their' children.

Here's the thing, that child is not her/their child; it's their/their child. They multiplied themselves 1 x 1 = 1; they didn't add to themselves. They multiplied and we even say that today and we are the "multitude. Odd coincidence, ever notice when a child is in distress and in our effort to console we say "their-their", ha? Perhaps if both were there/there that child would not be in so much distress?

Now when we speak of the One universe it can truly become difficult to imagine two from that but in all our mechanical language (1 and 0) one is the only number of significance. Now let's observe the significance of those two symbols, the 1 and the 0. Man being the 1 and woman being the 0. A perfect match when "joined". 1 being a phallic symbol the other being an orifice. Together they still = 1. No >, no <. No more no less. Still One. One universe, one voice, always one. There is no meaning of 1 without the Other. Base 10. Basic 1 and 0, with 8 in between. Now why 10? How many fingers do you have, ha! 20 digits if you take off your shoes, ha! But fingers are what we use to "point" at, ha!

Now we have the 0, the orb, oriface; Earth, egg. We don't start with 0, we start with 1.

The symbols for man and woman both have 0's. Meaning they are no thing alone; without each other there would be no thing for US. United States. Each state united into one divided but still one; 1 into 0 equals 1. Math 101, ha! United State of Mind! One mind, one brain existing as one.

One brain. Two hemispheres, right and left. Right hand, left hand, male, female. Right brain vs left brain. The reason for the "vs" is they have not joined.......yet. Yet they are trying to and one day they will. In other words we are still developing/evolving.

When there is a dominance in either conflict occurs. If neither is "dominant" they help each other. The weaker is more of a aid to the other in that effort to coexist together..........................IF the mind is not disturbed they will eventually join and we then will become well balanced or what is known today as ambidextrous. People born that way is so rare it is none existent. Most left handed people are close but it requires effort because, as my Dad, a lefty, told me at a young age that it was a right handed world, and most lefties 'train' the right hand to adapt therefore giving the appearance of ambidexterity. I, am right handed, big time, my left hand is virtually helpless by itself, ha; but it does aid my right hand almost perfectly so.

Now as far as early philosophical thought it could be assumed man and his piety was a bit too god like, omni-potent in his thinking of himself and sowed his seed anywhere he could. His voice, his self, his essence to Other men of which he was more familiar seeking to love himself or a homosexual existence.

Man's voice is one sided and that is where homosexual comes from originally but coined much later in 1869. One Ate sixty-nine? Are we hungary for the truth? Ha! Cunning, huh! Linguistically, that is, Ha! I'll let your minds go wild on this one, ha!

One into zero makes much more sense that 1 into 1. The latter creates a cross and every tombstone has one. RIP.

Regards and later,


right and wrong , can and should be based on Humanity and Humanities ability to survive
Reply Wed 5 May, 2010 05:01 am
TickTockMan;160128 wrote:
I've read this post about three times now, and still have no idea whatsoever what you
are proposing, William. Can you briefly summarize your point?

TTM it is about us, the two, man and woman and all the polarities that exist and understanding they are a part of one. It is us evolving and making sense of the words we use, why they are there, and used in the context they are. In all we say right before our eyes we are trying to communicate a truth about us and who we are. Ha, sometimes it takes me a while to understand exactly what "I" say. As I have said, I don't consciously think, my thoughts just "come to me". That's what happens when peace of mind is reached; It does my thinking for me.

Conflict between the two represents all that is what we can understand is what is wrong. Right is understanding this and in that context we will ourselves minimize wrong and continue more rightly in a positive direction and end the circularity. We will do that AS ONE, united and complimentary/complementary with each other. I hope this helped?

Fido;160188 wrote:
Good from bad is not the problem, but good from better, and better from best requires a lot of effort... It is easy to see the contrast between white and black, even at a distance; but far more difficult to tell the difference between white and light grey... Subtle shadings blind us to absolutes...

Well said. Fido. Gray is our effort to bring the two together as they represent the ends of the spectrum and can be best understood as rationalization. As black and white merge they will gradually cancel each other out leaving all the colors in between. A pleasant shade of ECRU found in all the colors in found in the "Earths CRUst"; it's outer not inner self.

north;160201 wrote:
right and wrong , can and should be based on Humanity and Humanities ability to survive

Hello North. What you say her is accurate. Let's hope that we will stop applying so much effort in all we do apart from each other to survive from each other and learn how to live with each other. The human beings we all are. I will opt for living over surviving. I hope you would too.

Thanks all for your thoughts.


---------- Post added 05-05-2010 at 06:42 AM ----------

Let me add here as far a understanding words. My favorite past time is working cross word puzzles and has been for 26 years since 1984. The reason I remember that year is because that was the year my Dad died and his favorite pastime was working cross word puzzles. I had no interest in them prior but just seemed to take up where he left off and have been intrigued by them ever since. Words and cross word puzzles. Let's hope we end those "CROSS WORDS" we yell at each other, huh! They do tend to crucify us.


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  2. » Age of Enlightenment
  3. » Right and Wrong? It's not Greek to me.
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