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Human beings seem to have an insatiable desire for myth-making. What these examples show is that, unlike his animal ancestors, early mankind responded imaginatively to his environment, constructing creative scenarios which offered an explanation for the origin of the world they inhabited, expressing their values and sense of wonder at the astounding fact of existence.
Yes, Boagie. I share your interest in what a myth appropriate to our times would be like. It would have to be different from or in addition to the facts which have been accumulated by science since it would express and dramatise our values and whatever sense of significance we are able to achieve, but it would have to be consistent with the facts of the universe as revealed by our scientific knowledge.
Thanks for that reply, Boagie.
I'm thinking not so much about technology (though our prosperity depends on it) but about the knowledge of how the universe works which has been built up by astronomy, physics, Evolution, etc. Any modern myth would have to be consistent with these truths.
I am coming to realise that myths are not held on the same basis as facts (whether facts of science or of everyday experience). This is because myths express our values and incorporate our quest for significance. I have difficulty in conceiving on what basis myths are held. I know the basis on which facts and generalisations based on facts are held (that they can be relied on for predicting future events) but I am uncertain of the way in which a myth can be said to be true - especially if it appears to make statements of fact which contradict our other knowledge.Peter
It has also been said religion is misenterpreted mythology. Mythology is often interpreted as the other man's religion. Mythology though seem less powerful if it is not believed, indeed if it is not believed it remains mythology, only for the believer does mythology become religion, and as misinterpreted mythology, it is answerable to no one, to no thing, but its own circular arguments.
There are generally two interperations of a given myth that are possiable.There is the literal interpretation,which takes or misinterprets all the symbols and metaphors in the concrete.The other possiablity is a mystical interpretation,which reads these symbols as going beyond the word,interpreting them as connotations, generally quite the opposite of literal interpretation.
Our quest for meaning is indeed the viable seed which looks for fertile ground, and Christianity was that at one time, as was the Greek pantheon of gods and the whole historical evolutionary development of the gods theme. Man will always quest for meaning to his existence. Where man cannot find truth in fact, he will create reality from fiction,once his fiction is the reality of his mind, he is said to be a Christian----to be fair, a believer of whatever.
Whow man.. Just gotta say: great disscussion.. I read the whole thing..
Ofcourse religions work because people are scared of what comes beyond what they know, beyond death is a pretty big seller for most religions and people both wish and hope that if they act as that myth says they should it will let them live on forever, which ofcourse isn't the case simply because the thought of something that supernatural is bizzarr.
But as I understand it Christianity isn't meant to be about the son of god but simple astronomy. And as the time ages acctually changes (you know the earth axel moves slightly all the time and we move through the starsigns "capricorn" I think one is called in english and so on) and these time ages last for about 2150years and the people who wrote the bible is verry aware of this because the one age we are in now (the fish/es) acctually ends at about the year 2150 so our year counting started once we enterd our time age. Jesus also says in the bible "I will be with you until the end of time" but I've been told that this is a missinterpetation and it should be "I will be with you until the end of age" or in other words, until the end of this age, when a new "god" or "son of god" should rise.. In other words: it's just about 142 years until we need a new myth so maybe we should get started?
Boagie why don't you create one and then we can help spread it?(joking ofcourse, I wouldn't help you spread it...
:)Interesting perspective of the topic Wizzy, but I think things are still changeing a little to fast to be mythologized, confusion, alienation and fear seem to be the bread and butter of the modern man/women today. When one does arise I think it will be of one people, the people of the world, and our environment will be sacred-------that is, if we do not perish first.
Perhaps you're right that we are moving to fast for a new religion but might that not also be a good thing?
I see it as ludacris to follow any religon's laws because they where created from 2500 to 1500 years ago, they couldn't possibly have seen what the world would be like now, and it's not adjustible when they say things like "gods words last for ever".. For example the U.S Constitution can be changed because your founding fathers knew the one thing that everybody should know; that they can't know everything. They didn't know what the people would need in 10,50,100 or 1000 years, therefor they didn't make laws that couldn't be changed. But when all major religions said that "we know best" by making unchangeble laws, they proved according to me that they where full of themselves and shouldn't be followed...
Ofcourse, alot of people probably want religion because they feel empty and helpless with out the idea of a invisible man who keeps an eye on them, so it might do a little good.. What do I know?
Anyways I also agree with you that we should start thinking of ourselves as 'people of the world' instead of the people of a nation and fight pollution but think about who is against stop using oil and coal as energy sources and think about why, things will become clearer of who the real enemy of the world is... "Don't mind the people behind the curtain"...
I'm thinking not so much about technology (though our prosperity depends on it) but about the knowledge of how the universe works which has been built up by astronomy, physics, Evolution, etc. Any modern myth would have to be consistent with these truths.
I am coming to realise that myths are not held on the same basis as facts (whether facts of science or of everyday experience). This is because myths express our values and incorporate our quest for significance. I have difficulty in conceiving on what basis myths are held. I know the basis on which facts and generalisations based on facts are held (that they can be relied on for predicting future events) but I am uncertain of the way in which a myth can be said to be true - especially if it appears to make statements of fact which contradict our other knowledge.
:)We think a great deal alike, I find nothing in your statements to take acception to. It does seem however that humanity can not act in a reasonable manner in the face of a pending global disaster, the disaster has to be upon us, as it apparently is now. Necessity will forge the new mythology from the rubble of environment chaos you might say. What is that old saying, "You don't know what you got until its gone." Interesting times --------no?