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Excerpts from The Revolt of the Masses by Jose Ortega y Gasset. Originally published in 1932.
Public life is not solely political, but equally, and even primarily, intellectual, moral, economic, religious; it comprises all our collective habits, including our fashions both of dress and of amusement.
I wanted to start thread to appeal for a revolt against the corporate-political system in western Europe but could never do it so well as Jose Ortega did. You would wish our local nobility would stand up again and remember why their ancestors were selected and rewarded in the first place.
Nowadays the masses are suppressed without realizing how. There is very little charisma left in Europe. Our wealth goes in all directions; military toys from the US, gas from Russia and oil from the middle East we import. Manual labor is done by immigrants and consumer goods come from Asia. Masses won't revolt if they are comfortable.
We have little honor left. I think the situation is not very different in the rest of the western world. IMO Corporate Capitalism is on the verge of breaking down and who dares to present an alternative ? I wish we in Holland would reinstal the Republic and help make the European Union a democratic post-modern country. I rather live in one country with Germany and Belgium than in a Anglo-Saxon partnership based on fear and hostility.