Zizek is great. I've read the Ticklish Subject and it's just
good. He made Lacan worth studying for me. Also improved my appreciation of Hegel, just as Kojeve did. Have you seen his new wife? He's a pimp. Not a bad life. Here's something that tied into another thread.
Hegel distinguished between discursive Understanding and Reason which was capable of seeing unity-in-difference. I just bumped into this passage by Zizek (The Ticklish Subject):
"For Hegel, Reason is not another, "higher" capacity than Understanding; what defines Understanding is the very illusion that, beyond it, there is another domain (either the ineffable Mystical or Reason) which eludes its discursive grasp. In short, to get from Understanding to Reason, one does not have to
add anything, but on the contrary, to
subtract something: what Hegel calls Reason is
Understanding itself, bereft of the illusion that there is something Beyond it."