Well, the class just started today and my teacher says that we will be looking at some famous philosophers and their works. But most of the class will be envoling small group and class discusions. Like today, we where in groups of 3-4 and he gave us a philosophical quote or question and we would talk about it in our group, then share our group's thoughts with the rest of the class. Heres one.
"Scienctists have invented a box that shoots stimulents into your body that makes you feel happy. The box will vary the stimulents so that its a new feeling of happy. All you do is sit in the box. And, after about 10 hours in the box, a life support system would turn on to keep you alive. However, everyone that has stepped into the box has never come out. Now its your turn to try out the box. would you still go into the box knowing that you may never come back out?"
I said no because being in the real world and taking part in activities rather than sitting in abox and feeling happy isn't enough. I would rather run and move. The real box is right in your backyard.
What do you guys say?