Hello. I would have used a different name being that people always misread my name, but, though I've tried others, I've grown too attached to this one over the years.
To introduce myself though, I'm 28. I live in Minnesota in the United States. Because it pertains to philosophy I'll say my mother's family is catholic and my fathers lutheren. Me and my 2 other brothers under the same parents never shared much interest in the somewhat religious background of our parents' families, and as a consequence probably would have called ourselves athiests if we were to "choose a side."
I however would not call myself an athiest, rather I would classify all religion, poetry, music, literature, movies, and stories of all kinds as variations of mythology. You could follow the teachings of Christianity or the Star Wars Jedi and still come out with many of the same meanings.
BTW, a little joke I found.
Time to get myself to work now.
P.S. I apologize if I offended someone by calling their Star Trek religion a joke. Its very unusual to me and in consequence humorous. Would this be considered incorrect conduct on the Philosophy Forum?