Dasein;100671 wrote:longknowledge;
All I am saying is that it isn't "his thought." It is you. You are not sustaining "his thought", you are bringing "you" to life. It is not a "minor technical point" that I am making, it is an invitation. You are "the truthfulness of his thought" and when you read Gasset you re-cognize you otherwise you couldn't know it as "truthful."
You have been on the planet for over 70 years. It's time for you to be dangerous!
If you don't take me up on my invitation it won't change what I've said.
Dear Dasein,
I'm well aware of Nietzsche's dictum "Live Dangerously!" More to the point is Fichte's dictum [and Ortega's, who quotes him, if you'll pardon the expression]: "Life is danger."
I have confirmed this from my own experience. Last December I sustained a heart attack requiring quadruple by-pass surgery, from which I have recovered, except for some damage to the nerves in my hands and right foot. In September, right after my 70th birthday, I had a fall on a sidewalk, because of the condition of my foot. Fortunately, I just skinned my knee and bumped my head slightly. Last Fall, when I joined the Forum, I had hoped to make a lot of contributions right away. Unfortunately, because of my recovery, I had to delay until this Fall to begin again. And then there's global warming!
[I certify that the above paragraph is in my own words and if there is any resemblance to words or statements that have been said or written by others elsewhere at any time in the past, present or future, I blame it on my native tongue, the English language. I think that Ortega said somewhere, and don't quote me, that every language implies a metaphysics.]
I'll admit that recently I've tried to "live dangerously" by trying to read Heidegger's book,
The Question of Being," but I found it incomprehensible.
I'm now working on Aristotle's
Metaphysics. Any further questions?
I "invited" you to read Ortega's
Some Lessons in Metaphysics. Have you done so? Do you think it will be too dangerous to do so.
I'll admit tha