"You had a better Constitution under Nicolas II (last Czar), more liberties for the people, abolistion of the serf-thing and a Doema which actually debated the Laws".
Nicolas II & European monarchs has made mistake. Fatal mistake. 1 World War - it was not need to Russia. If not this war, the world would be another. The world would be better. There would be no Stalin, no Hitler, no hunger, no holokost. Nietshe's prophecies wouldn't right.
---------- Post added 03-26-2010 at 10:37 AM ----------
"Your country is beautifull. Of course I saw not much but let me name you a few memorable sites.
1. Cathedral on the Kremlin
2. Admirality in Saint Petersburg / Aurora
You suffered heavily last wars. I am truly sorry".
Thanks for these words.
St-Petersburg really beautiful city. It built on the European technologies, but in difficult conditions. Unfortunately at us yet haven't photographed panoramic kinds for google earth.