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A true hero is someone who has conquered all fear of man,death,horror,pain, etc. They're only fear is fear of GOD that is a true hero. Have you ever heard of champions of faith? Take the biblical story of David he killed a Giant probably twice his size because he feared GOD and not a mere man.
I think fear should be embraced. Fear, in a way, is what allows us to take things seriously and do things well.
I suppose then that Falseness would be a huge characteristic for False Humanity.
I had to chuckle a bit when I read this because I figured it kind of goes without saying when referring to True Humanity.
That said though, good list. You've established the fundamentals well in a very comprehensible (sp?) fashion. Though I would have worded some parts a bit different I can't find a whole lot I disagree with here.
I feel strongly toward the 8-fold path. It's a nice model but is there more to it? if there is it can more be clearly defined WHAT the right effort is what the right purpose is and so on.
I don't think humanity can work without the GOD equation. there has to be some form of belief or religion in order for humanity to move forward. As for the answer let me say if there was a person who had no belief in GOD and wanted to have 8 characteristics of true humanity could they? sure. but it would be based on their understanding or philosophy. So whatever we say may not make much of an impact to that type of individual but my purpose of this post is that is to show that humanity cannot work without the GOD equation and no human should be self-reliant or self-dependant. It is my belief to be truly human one must depend on a true source for their identity. Without knowing the One True GOD they could be living a false identity which may not benefit them spiritually.
So whatever we say may not make much of an impact to that type of individual but my purpose of this post is that is to show that humanity cannot work without the GOD equation and no human should be self-reliant or self-dependent. It is my belief to be truly human one must depend on a true source for their identity. Without knowing the One True GOD they could be living a false identity which may not benefit them spiritually.
Hey Justin Nice reference I am interested in checking that out. I will check back when I have read the entire thing. You brought up a good point on fear though. Well one reason why people should fear GOD is because it's a commandment. another reason is that he is the source of power,love, and energy so we should fear him because he is our maker.
Have you ever heard your heart beat? I am sure you have try it some time. when it's quiet put your hand on your chest and listen to your heartbeat. Now think whatever man, beast or spiritual force can do to you it has nothing on your heart. Just think these other forces try to damage or heal your heart but can they create one? No Hashem made man's heart and we should fear him above all things because no matter what they do to us it is only bodily harm. Remember that because we should fear him not in a bad way that we are afraid of his judgment or punishment we are not fearing him. To fear him is to revere him and to fear him is to let go of fear of anything for he is Sovereign. This is a constructive and healthy fear since it drives us to do great things.
Imagine if you will a person who has no GOD and relies merely on their will. Let's say they fear death and fear man. They go their whole life trying to live as long as they can as healthy as they can and as happy as they can but because they fear man they are trying to please their peers and are overly submissive to authority that is stronger than they more powerful than they or richer than they so they will have little happiness. So they spend some of their life trying to be stronger, more powerful and more rich so they can overcome their fear of man. Now because they did this without realizing it they die young, stressed, and happily poor because of their fears. Did they maximize their potential? No.
Now if you fear Hashem with a good kind of fear it will take you to your maximum potential as a human and you will actually do things MOST humans wouldn't dare. Like say you are sky diving. You take your first leap because you want to know what it's like to take risks and subdue unhealthy fears. You land shortly after and decide it wasn't fear that made you jump it was faith.
When we begin to realize that we should never hold back because of fear we learn to leap out in faith knowing we are going to land eventually but because we have our GOD he will be waiting right there to catch us when we fall.
Could we maybe define faith?
Could we maybe define faith?
Faith without understanding is arbitrary. What's more, faith without understanding tends to be more dangerous than helpful to anyone.