I do have Eurekha moment. But it happened suddenly.
I am like everyone else thinking atleast few out of 6 billions human may be telling the truth or they may be knowing something we do not know.
It hit me suddenly one day that as a humans we can't know the truth because we are limited by words and language.
We can only rotate the definitions and meaning in those words. We relabel things to make it look new. We recyle.
We always wants to feel new and feel we are growing but infact we recycle same crap for past 2000 years.
There is a reason philosphy of 2000 year old still sound good now because things has not changed that much in human evolution.
The eurekha momenet is humans can not know the truth. He can only end up in a belief even if he meditate for 10000000 years. Why?
Because at the end you will going to die , when you run out of energy , you will try to form a belief to in order to save your life. Life comes first , truth comes second.
Truth without life is useless. So basically humans create a lie around himself such a way that he will stop seeking truth because it is endless path.
Philosophy is actually for fools who likes to live in the past.