HexHammer;142222 wrote:In the free world the fool can lead fools ..but never punished just as long as nothing criminal happens by that.
We must allow them freedom of speech, because too many times we have considerd great knowledge for foolish, see Darwin's Evolution Theory.
However imo some of the philosophy should be labled as outdated and only for fools.
Well you do have to take into consideration that the philosophers of antiquity lived in differsnt times and had , for the most part, less insight thatn us in the present . So saying it's only for fools is a bit harsh, we must simply aknowledge that it is aoutdated and perhaps obsolete.
Also, outawing certain philosophical doctorines is innefective. Think how the Despots outlawed Enlightenement philosophes. They tried but failed horridly. Censorship can only go so far and for so long. Another point is that by arbitrarly restricting knowledge risks having the people turn on you and embracing that knowledge, even though it is wrong/inccorect/malcious ect. It wuld be more logical, and it is what most philosphers have done, to instead provide a solid counter argument that exposes the fallacy of the doctorine's logic.