paulhanke wrote:... but again, when did the attitudes that allowed for colonization begin? (prior to the enlightenment, I think) ...
The attitudes were formed as colinisation was taking place. Men with ambitions left for the new world, and the recources there fueled their greed and created their attitudes. It is materialism, not christianity.
paulhanke wrote:
... but I think that White's argument is to the effect that it was the prevailing Christian attitudes toward nature that allowed the scientific discoveries to be so abused ...
The scintific discoveries were abused because of the changing role of rulers. In the past leaders of countries were restricted in their power- by their nobles, the preisthood, the pope and the merchants. However with the rise of absolute monarchy, we see the rise of the state, a body that of its very nature demands total and illogical secular power. For instance Henry VIII establishs the role of absolute monarch by splitting away from the catholic church, a rejection of christian authority over political power. The new unrestricted powers of the great states of europe made use of scince to conquer nature and the world.
paulhanke wrote:
... this point could be argued in exactly the opposite way ... that European rulers and ruling classes of the Christian era have been notoriously totalitarian, exploitive, and war-mongering, whereas the modern concept of evolution promotes niche-filling and co-evolution ...
.. a distortion of evolutionary theories for personal gain ... roughly equivalent to preachers in the pre-civil-war south mis-quoting the Bible in order to justify slavery ...
See above for my take on the ruling class. The modern concept of evolution is just that, modern. Before world war two most western nations had programs for the 'sterilisation of the unfit' including the USA and the UK. In this time most scintests supported it, as did most in political power. It was infact only the church and christians that really opposed it at its peak. For instance christians such as GK Chesterton, who wrote 'Eugenics and Other Evils' were almolst the only people fighting against eugenics. It was only when the horrors of eugenics under Hitler became known that widespread popular revulsion ensued. Even today, with 'designer babys' and regular abortions of disabled foetuses we have eugenics in the womb. As for christianity and slavery, it was greed that led to the slave trade and christianity is the greatest force agaisnt slavery that has ever existed. Christianity effectivly ended slavery in most of europe by the middle ages, and it was only centuries later that greedy and immoral men landed in africa to take slaves yet again. The oppistion to slavery at this time was led almolst entirely by protestant christians. Slaves in the US converted to christianity, and a couple of hundred years later it was the force and rallying call for the civil rights movement.
paulhanke wrote:
We could probably go back and forth on this forever

Or until you admit that I am right.