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I believe that poetry can be defined by an actual experience giving rise to the ideas and cogency of the poem; being the interpretation into words from thought.
It does not need rhyming schemes, or petty rules, but whatever one finds creative and appealing in context to language. A way of interpreting experience as language for language with soul. (If that sounds stupid then tel me).I just found what I enjoy about poetry the best. The ambiguity, I can create, more than one interpretation, like more than one perception can be created from it, like more than 1 story is read from the same words. The stories could have nothing to do with each other or quite relevant to each other. Simply an art but very easing to the mind with practise... hopefully.:a-ok:
Betowski, (at least I think thats his name), said that critical thinking to find the right words was not poetry, that you had to be born with poetry, gifted with it, but that is not my definition. Anyone who appreciates their own cognition can find a way to creatively piece together an abstract in words.
Anyone who doesn't see the beauty in poetry has never seen it in their own regards before, otherwise they hate their own mind.
What do you like best about poetry? Why do you write it or why don't you if you don't.:rolleyes:
Poetry to my way of thinking is not a great deal different than a lot of arts. I give my daughter a guitar sometime ago, but before she ran into much in the way of frustration I decided to explain that simplicty that sounds so complex, That everything about the guitar is about pattern, the neck, pattern, the cords patterns, the rhythm patterns, the beat patterns, improvisation, the playing with patterns, even the frequency of a vibration string, pattern. Then it dawn upon me, this is not only true of guitar, it is also applicable to other instruments, one can use this model to write short stories, write a poem, or construct a whole, there is something cathartic about the process of creating a whole out of its own patterns, and playing it back to itself. For me poetry is something one does for ones self, if it finds praise that is pure gravy. Oh, poetries cause, Well the way I see it is, poetry is about the beauty of order, how a fortunate rhythm can evoke an emotional response, and speak to the order innate within you.
I believe that poetry can be defined by an actual experience giving rise to the ideas and cogency of the poem; being the interpretation into words from thought.
It does not need rhyming schemes, or petty rules, but whatever one finds creative and appealing in context to language. A way of interpreting experience as language for language with soul. (If that sounds stupid then tel me).I just found what I enjoy about poetry the best. The ambiguity, I can create, more than one interpretation, like more than one perception can be created from it, like more than 1 story is read from the same words. The stories could have nothing to do with each other or quite relevant to each other. Simply an art but very easing to the mind with practise... hopefully.:a-ok:
Betowski, (at least I think thats his name), said that critical thinking to find the right words was not poetry, that you had to be born with poetry, gifted with it, but that is not my definition. Anyone who appreciates their own cognition can find a way to creatively piece together an abstract in words.
Anyone who doesn't see the beauty in poetry has never seen it in their own regards before, otherwise they hate their own mind.
What do you like best about poetry? Why do you write it or why don't you if you don't.:rolleyes:
Here's a verse that I took from a poem I wrote, except is stinks and unfortunately I found out that 'primson' is not a word.
"The primordial has turned to crime,
but the son would contrive roses".
Prim, crim - the two subjects in first line
match with...
son, roses - the two subjects in second line
so you get primson roses "turned to" or "contrives" crimson roses.
I had thought when I wrote this originally that primson was actually as word so this verse doesn't work with the poem. But both the primson and crimson roses have connotations I think, some made up, but what would it be without originality.:a-ok:
Thats some critical thinking in a way. And making it flow and sound good is what makes it poetry, but its rather aesthetic idealism and I won't stand for Just kidding
Also, that verse requires some thought when creating a figurative and literal interpretation from it, just some ambiguity I thought was cool.:rolleyes:
Well unfortunately I'm a critical thinker, I think, and I prefer rationalism, people love what is simple, and don't care to figure out what the complex stuff can apply to.
It's all about making life easier, and life will slap you far that. lol
Poetry, to me, is my perceptions emphasized by my conclusions (based on my perceptions) that I use to create a correct (by my interpretation) expression (of words) to represent what I intend for others to perceive (of myself and the way I interpret the world and ideas around me). In other words, it's what I think and how I express it in a way that I believe most people will understand in at least one way.
Whether or not another individual who reads (or has read) my poetry interprets it in the same light as I do is another case. Poetry is an art that is free for individual interpretation, which is I why I don't like the way it is generally taught in school systems. Most teachers (according to my experiences) teach poetry (including many notable poets) as an exact art with minimal variety of interpretation and symbolism.
However, it is my belief that the symbolism and ideas represented in poetic works should be free for individual interpretation as they (the readers) see fit.
I write poetry for pure expression of things I observe in everyday life. I personally find it a simple and enjoyable way of getting my thoughts out on paper (though my peers have criticized me in the past for the ease in which I create poetry). I understand that for some, however, to create a work of poetry is sometimes a laborious art indeed...Like all terms and ideas of existence, society, being, understanding, and creating, some people prefer some methods over others (i.e. strict analysis over (preference of) figurative expression).
What, prey tell, is the poem's cause?
A medium to make you think and pause?
An expression of the auteur's deepest emotion,
Such as a declaration of love and devotion?
Is it a brash attempt to be an artiste,
for one who cannot paint, who resorts to ink?
Is it a simple memory, immortalised in time?
Or perhaps a picture, painted with words, inside the mind?
Is it a jest, designed to entertain?
Is it hard work, filled with blood, sweat and pain?
Is it a design, to earn other's respect?
Or to gain critique, to collect and reject?
Is it a thought, given a voice?
Would you stop reading, given a choice?
It is all these my friends, and so much more,
And that is why something....I adore...