@Victor Eremita,
you have to be very broad to lay down a definition of art that everyone agrees on, this is the one i usualy go with: Anyone who
says they are creating art
is, so anything created that is meant to be art
is. you have to remember: even if you
hate a paticular peice of art (for example the toilet) that doesn't mean it's
not art.
but this eaves out the whole concept of nature being art, perhaps nature is god's art?
i think an artist can't just be an observer, meaning you can't just look at a tornado and say "that's art" I think art has to be created by humans with art in mind, any definition that includes more than this is impractical because no one needs art to be anything more than that, except you guys arguing that time is art, but does it need to be? how would this help if it was?