energy cannot be created nor destroyed
if everything has energy equivalence then its all apart of 1 homogenous infinite energy mix
u cant measure the whole thing because infinity cannot be mathmatically or logically calculated. (infinity + 1 = infinity)
this is why you cannot prove god exists or prove that you exist and shouldnt look towards pragmaticism for the whole truth because im sure you agree you exist but just cannot prove it
the absolute all inclusive whole expresses itself both infinitely and finitely
feelings are facts
we can see chemical reactions occuring in the body when certain feelings are being expierenced
but look at the otherside of that statement
whos to say what i feel is the same as what you feel? or see or touch or taste or percieve?
maybe my rainbow looks completely different from yours
the qualitys of mass are interpreted differently in each individuals brain even though we are percieving the same mass its qualitys are interpreted uniquely in each of us but fortunately that gives realitys the ability to be united through things like communication
even though we are describing something we both obviously percieve, its actualy something quite different after we interpret it, but these differences are scaled accross each individual persons reality and thus uniting our realitys is possable
the reason the absolute has split its self up finitely is so it can realize it exists, so it expresses itself in every way possable
and it does this by appearing finite and split into a predetermined array known as time
there are lots of illusions in life.. for instance the stars you see in the sky are millions of light years away and their actual existance is questionable yet we still see them.. well the absolute has split itself up in an infinite number of concious beings in order to discover itself ..
to look at life from an infinite perspective is the "enlightend" state everyone referes to.. is absolute awareness.. but its a hard practice to practice every day of our lives- to treat someone else as if they are god usually they will treat you the same way
if everything exists both partical wise and energy wise then finite seporation appears partically but the infinite structure of existance is in the form of energy, which appears as an infinite homogenous whole and cannot be calculated because it is not seporated
what is truth?
if we all percieve the whole thing differently, then obviously my truth is a little different than yours, its all about what you decide to believe intuitively, even if a=b and b=c then does that really mean c=a? its up to you to decide with the evidence u belive in which is determined by your intuition and that in turn is not a logical decision