Emotions are truth, as close to truth as we can manage. We feel we are true, without thinking of the world rationally we think we are true to what we see and know, and this is the great difficulty presented in trying to change a person's mind with rational argument, since truth is not only what they think, but what they are, and what they feel they are, emotionally. No one deliberatly holds on to false ideas like the fears and fantoms of youth, and yet our fears may never leave us, and can be tapped into and manipulated.
People are their emotions, the gut reaction to the world they percieve. But, if you want to see a person angry, point out to them a contradiction in their thoughts, or an inconsistency in their behavior. We are not all deliberate hypocrits, just inadvertent hypocits. But we are true to what we know is true, and we have an emotional attachment to what and who we are without troubling to examine what that might be. I look at myself in balance, good traits compared to bad and find myself good, and true. But what is that other than justification? Still, I feel good about myself because of what I know and where I have come, and if you attack what I hold true, I will not like you.
With all that said, we should all consider how advantaged is the artist compared to the realist because that one, through art, can reach the emotions -which are the person, and fix them directly. All other people trying to communicate with reason are at a disadvantage that makes the chances of changing any one or any behavior remote.