Home Study Course 4 Introduction - Walter Russell

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Reply Wed 25 Feb, 2009 12:21 am
This here is the introduction to the Home Study Course by Walter and Lao Russell. I am now taking my time to restart the entire course and read the 1950 version of the introduction written by Walter Russell and it was astounding.

I could not find the intro in text form but here is the intro for the new one. It's worth looking at.[INDENT]BASIC FOUNDATION FOR A LIVING PHILOSOPHY
To bring blessings upon yourself, bless your neighbor.
To enrich yourself, enrich your neighbor.
Honor your neighbor and the world will honor you.
To sorely hurt yourself, hurt your neighbor.
He who seeks love will find it by giving it.
The measure of a man's wealth is the measure of wealth he has given.
To enrich yourself with many friends, enrich your friends with yourself.
That which you take away from any man, the world will take away from you.
When you take the first step to give yourself to that which you want, it will also take its first step to give itself to you.
Peace and happiness do not come to you from your horizon; they spread from you out to infinity beyond your horizon.
The whole universe is a mirror which reflects back to you that which you reflect into it.
Love is like unto the ascent of a mountain. It comes ever nearer to you as you go ever nearer to it.

Lao Russell

God's universe is based upon the love which He gives to His universal body as Life--and the love that His universal body regives to Him as Death for eternal reborning as Life.
is based upon the balanced perfection and normalcy of the love principle of Nature which never takes, but gives for the purpose of equally regiving that which has been given.
is the great gift of love which our Father-Mother has given to all Creation -- and
is the great gift of love which all Creation regives to our Father-Mother for eternally resurrecting all Creation into equally balanced and divided two-way life sequences for ever and ever.

[/INDENT]You can read more of Russell at Philosophy.organd this course is available and well worth the investment into yourself.[INDENT] ___________________________________________________________

The purpose of life is to reach the topmost pinnacle of human unfoldment. That topmost pinnacle -- beyond which no man can go -- is the illumination into Cosmic Consciousness and Christ Consciousness. During all history, there have been not more than forty humans who have acquired Cosmic Consciousness, and only one who has attained Christ Consciousness. The purpose of these lessons is to help every seeker by illumining the path to that supreme goal, so that he can gradually become aware of his own immortal divine SELF.

The divine spark of that Light lies dormant in every human being. As long as that Light does lie dormant, one is aware only of one's mortal body which lives and dies and has physical desires one is forever satisfying. That awareness of physical existence lasts for many centuries after primitive man emerges from the jungle and before the dawn of his Consciousness begins to awaken a slight awareness of the Light of his divine power.

During that period, he is dominated by his body desires to such an extent that he thinks and believes that his body is his Self. Out of millions of sensually-dominated humans, however, one of them awakens that unquenchable divine spark which all inherit from God, and becomes an extraordinary human being with extraordinary knowledge and power. We call such extraordinary men "geniuses."

Genius is the first step away from the purely physical human toward the spiritual-Mind goal. Every genius has begun to develop God-awareness in him and knows that he is MIND and not body.

All body-dominated human beings think outwardly through their senses. They can hear sounds with the ears of their bodies. They can see objects with physical eyes and record the memories of such sensations upon their brains.

Every genius thinks INWARDLY toward his Mind instead of outwardly toward his senses. The genius can hear sounds coming out of the silence with his inner ears. He can vision non-existent forms with his inner eyes and he can feel the rhythms of God's thinking and His knowing -- which are a blank slate to the man who believes that HE is his body. When a human rises to the exalted state of genius, he becomes a co-Creator with God. The beginning of creative expression in man is the first evidence of the unfolding Light of his genius, for no man who is purely sense-controlled can create. He can remember and repeat the records which he has imprinted upon his physical brain, but his brain has no knowledge. Therefore, he cannot create. Man can create only with his Mind -- and the brain is not the Mind. The brain is merely the seat of sensation and the electric recorder of sensation.

Humans must think outwardly through the senses in order to live and function in a sense-objective universe, but the genius -- who thinks inwardly toward the Light of his Self -- can vision or imagine that which spiritually exists and can then think outwardly through his senses and cause his mentally-visioned image to exist physically. That is what Creation is -- and what the geniuscreator does.

Our first step with you is to teach you how to transform your thinking so that the genius in you will gradually appear and intensify to that high state which transforms you into the next stage of spiritual unfolding.

A few great geniuses have given the world its culture in all of the arts, and the great immortals among them are the few whose works will endure as long as history endures. There have been, however, many geniuses whose works have raised the standard of world culture even though they do not stand out as being supreme in the Light of their own immortality.

The journey of life is long -- and one must know many reincarnations to arrive at his destination in the Light of all-knowing. Each life, however, is another step toward that goal, and each day of each life can be a greater step than the last one. When we arise from each period of sleep with a wholly regenerated body, the seed of all that has transpired in all our lives unfolds withi the new cycle of life to bring us still closer to the door of the immortal Light.

Each step upward toward that Light is a glorious one, for it becomes ever nearer and is worth the effort of its attainment -- while each step the other way toward the dark is ignominious and fraught with cosmic frustration which may take many lives to overcome. Hence it is that you MUST go forward to attain that glory, and these lessons are for the purpose of giving you the knowledge which will make it possible for you to go forward toward the Light to any extent that you desire without limitation -- for man's limitations are set by himself.

Cosmic knowledge can be given to others who desire to attain it only by those who have attained it. God has given that rarest of all gifts to both of us for the purpose of regenerating this decadent age by bringing the Cosmic Age into existence through those higher beings of earth who are ready for such knowledge. Of these, there are an increasing number who are reaching toward the Light to become the seed for world regeneration -- as the masses of mankind sink lower and lower toward the dark which they are making for themselves.

To one of us, God gave all knowledge of His ways, processes and laws governing the construction of matter and electric motion so that other men may, likewise, know how God builds His universe and destroys it in eternally repeated life-death cycles -- and also knowledge of how the Creator divides His light-waves of thinking into balanced male-female pairs of sexed opposites to continue the building of His sexed-electric universe.

To the other one, God gave all knowledge of the way of life which controls man's unfolding toward the Light of his immortality in order that the coming Cosmic Age could have a balanced living philosophy which conforms with God's ways, processes and laws. With this new knowledge, mankind will be able to live together as a unified WHOLE and at long last know the peace, happiness and prosperity which conformity with God's Law of Love can alone bring to warring fear-ridden man who unknowingly defies God's law.

All of our lives, we have been prepared for Just this one purpose and have known of it from the ages of seven and three, respectively. The details of these illuminations you will know later inasmuch as this knowledge will be helpful to you. It is because of our being prepared for this service to the human-race that we were brought together to fulfill the destiny prepared for us. God works in mysterious ways to unfold His plan, and He gives as meticulous care to the working out of your individual destiny as He does to a whole solar system or the lowliest spore of His Creation.

The one thing which man has not yet realized in the building of his individual or collective destiny is that God will work WITH him in the unfolding of his destiny, but He will not work FOR him. You must KNOWINGLY create yourself and your destiny WITH Him and in accordance with His law of balanced interchange in all transactions. To work WITH God KNOWINGLY, you must KNOW God and His ways. You can know God only by knowing yourself as MIND instead of thinking of yourself as sensed body.

The transition from sensed-body awareness to God-Mind awareness comes to the human race very slowly. It is the sole purpose of these lessons to KNOW God as the ONE reality and His universe as a simulation of reality. Man can think only what he knows in his Mind, or senses through his body. Likewise, the same principle applies to nations. Men and nations become what they think. Their standards are determined by their thinking. High standards are attained through Mind-determined controlled thinking, and low standards are attained through sensed thinking.

The standards of individual and national thinking have been steadily, and dangerously, lowering since world wars began to destroy world culture by using the wealth of the nation for destroying itself and man -- instead of conserving it for the building of man.

The PHYSICAL world of man could disappear into another period of dark centuries -- for half the world is already there -- but man's SPIRITUAL world CANNOT disappear. The divine Light in man cannot be quenched.

Civilization will survive and grow toward the Light only in the measure in which mankind KNOWS the Light .

Our service to you and to the human race is to increase the measure of your KNOWING in order that you may become CONSCIOUSLY aware of your Cosmic Source to such an extent that you can knowingly say, "I and my Father are ONE," and have full comprehension of its profound meaning.

Walter and Lao Russell

[/INDENT]This is up for discussion. If any of you have take the entire course I'd be interested in your opinion of it. If you haven't taken the home study course, I hope this intro above from the 4th edition helped to understand Dr. Russell and Loa Russell.

[CENTER][CENTER]Walter and Lao Russell[/CENTER]
[CENTER][CENTER]University of Science and Philosophy [/CENTER]
[CENTER][CENTER]Swannanoa, Waynesboro,Virginia [/CENTER]
Meditation is the most important of all the functions of human life which advance human progress. So little is known of it even by the greatest of the world's geniuses who constantly practice it knowingly -- but cannot explain it -- that it now seems necessary to define and explain that divine function. With sufficient explanation, everyone can knowingly practice meditation and thus knowingly command his achievements to be masterly. He can, likewise, command his body to be perfect, or his life to be full to overflowing, for through meditation every man can become whatever he wishes to become.
Meditation is communing with God for the purpose of working knowingly with God.

Meditation means to think inwardly toward the Mind-Soul rather than outwardly through the senses.

You will recall that Jesus told man to seek the "kingdom of heaven" within himself, not outside of himself. By that He meant that God dwelt within man, and that God-awareness will come to any man who communes with God through inner thinking.

There are but two kinds of thinkers in the world -- those who think outwardly through the brain and those who think inwardly toward the Soul. Outward thinking develops the physical qualities and desires of men, while inward thinking unfolds the spiritual qualities which await unfoldment for long ages of man's slow journey to the Light of his own divinity.
You all know that is the way we both work and, because of it, we have been able to do ten times the amount of work we otherwise would have done, and all of it in a masterly manner. When we KNOW that God's Mind and ours are one, and we are consciously aware of His presence every working moment, our work could not be other than masterly. To work knowingly with God constantly, never ceasing, is to be inspired constantly with the ecstasy of His nature. We have both felt that way since we were children. God was our teacher. We needed no other. He was always with us, as Soul, and lifted us to great heights even in our early days.

All during our lives, we have walked and talked and worked knowingly with God. We had always dimly known the years ahead for us, and we were both so clearly conscious of each other's presence that we consciously searched for each other, each knowing that neither could serve mankind without the other.
Knowing that we must demonstrate by our own lives that which we must teach to other men, our one desire through life has been to live life worthily to manifest the power which God gives to every man for the asking, and to immunize ourselves from all that is unlovely in order that we could forever create with Him that beauty of balanced rhythmic thinking which is His universe. That is the reason why we both must now write down our teachings in this manner, so that they will always be with all who seek the zero of stillness in near places and far beyond where we could, ourselves, ever go.


[/INDENT]You can read more of Russell at Philosophy.organd this course is available and well worth the investment into yourself.

Opinions thus far?
Reply Wed 25 Feb, 2009 05:15 pm
Justin wrote:

Opinions thus far?

Well, I like it. Thank you for posting it. Smile Although, everything he wrote can probably be found in the Bible or Upanishads, which were written a few thousand years ago. No? It is only a bit more modern interpretated IMO.

In this Home Study Course, did he also wrote about cosmogony and physics of how the universe is build?
Reply Wed 25 Feb, 2009 09:30 pm
proV;50621 wrote:
Well, I like it. Thank you for posting it. Smile Although, everything he wrote can probably be found in the Bible or Upanishads, which were written a few thousand years ago. No? It is only a bit more modern interpretated IMO.

In this Home Study Course, did he also wrote about cosmogony and physics of how the universe is build?

Walter Russell is not at all the same stuff that can be found in the Bible that was written a few thousand years ago. His is a new cosmogony and if you like physics and that sort of thing, he gets into the very deeply in the book called the Universal One. The home study course touches on that stuff to from what I've read so far but not as much as the Universal One.

One thing I will mention is that his life exemplified his philosophy. It's one thing to have an awakening, it's another to live and walk it. Thus far I have found Walter Russell to be an example of his philosophy which was in fact more 10 times what a normal human being accomplishes. Truly amazing is one way to describe and another would be, (as Richard says) infallible.
Reply Wed 25 Feb, 2009 09:41 pm
I am more interested in the physics Walter Russel has to offer. And being more of an absurdist, I can't say I find genius in his works depicting this god stuff.

I mean we could say the universe is just waves, sure. But this oneness of consciousness, being so 'divine'. I do not seem to grasp this at all.
Reply Thu 26 Feb, 2009 06:34 am
Justin wrote:
Walter Russell is not at all the same stuff that can be found in the Bible that was written a few thousand years ago. His is a new cosmogony and if you like physics and that sort of thing, he gets into the very deeply in the book called the Universal One. The home study course touches on that stuff to from what I've read so far but not as much as the Universal One.

Sorry, I wrote it ambiguitly. I meant everything he wrote in this section of HSC (that you have posted). I have read some of his new cosmogony and I think he was on to something although it is not very compatible with today's science (and he admits it). One has to start from a whole new beginning to understand him.

Justin wrote:
One thing I will mention is that his life exemplified his philosophy. It's one thing to have an awakening, it's another to live and walk it. Thus far I have found Walter Russell to be an example of his philosophy which was in fact more 10 times what a normal human being accomplishes. Truly amazing is one way to describe and another would be, (as Richard says) infallible.

I am really courious how did you come to this conclusion? Smile I like his words but to know he also lived acording with them would give much more respect to it.
Reply Mon 6 Apr, 2009 08:51 am
Holiday20310401 wrote:
I am more interested in the physics Walter Russel has to offer. And being more of an absurdist, I can't say I find genius in his works depicting this god stuff.

I mean we could say the universe is just waves, sure. But this oneness of consciousness, being so 'divine'. I do not seem to grasp this at all.

The universe as a whole cannot be understood through JUST intelligence. Just not possible.:bigsmile:
Reply Mon 6 Apr, 2009 09:04 am
He writes well, and I like the ideas; they are nice ideals that we can hope for in this world, which I would say the same thing about in regards to the mainstream religions.

I don't really get it as "philosophy" though. To me, a philosophy has to include arguments that follow logically, with a premise and conclusion of some sort. Russell's writing mainly is full of those "non-arguments" called "loosely associated statements", or "statements of belief" that, while sounding nice, don't really tell us why we should believe what he is saying to be true.

Then again, maybe he does make some good arguments to support this philosophy in other works; I haven't seen it in what I read of him. Still, it is a nice personal outlook, but incomplete as a philosophy, in my opinion.
Reply Mon 6 Apr, 2009 11:20 am
Pangloss wrote:
He writes well, and I like the ideas; they are nice ideals that we can hope for in this world, which I would say the same thing about in regards to the mainstream religions.

I don't really get it as "philosophy" though. To me, a philosophy has to include arguments that follow logically, with a premise and conclusion of some sort. Russell's writing mainly is full of those "non-arguments" called "loosely associated statements", or "statements of belief" that, while sounding nice, don't really tell us why we should believe what he is saying to be true.

Then again, maybe he does make some good arguments to support this philosophy in other works; I haven't seen it in what I read of him. Still, it is a nice personal outlook, but incomplete as a philosophy, in my opinion.

He spent a lifetime breaking it down scientifically. He has approximately 26 books for this reason and some of them were so detailed scientifically that it takes realizing genius to understand it all. This is just an intro to a 900 page Course in Cosmic Consciousness.

---------- Post added at 01:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:20 PM ----------

proV wrote:
I am really courious how did you come to this conclusion? Smile I like his words but to know he also lived according with them would give much more respect to it.

There is much documentation, writings, articles and letters in the archives to support this, not to mention those that actually knew him. For a brief summary take a look at the Man Who Tapped the Secrets of The Universe. It's available to read online and free of charge and is a short introduction to a brilliant man that walked the walk he talked and his life's works were an example of this.

You can feel comfortable knowing that this man lived according to the words he wrote... then some.
Reply Mon 6 Apr, 2009 11:34 am
I did read that "Man Who Tapped the Secrets..." online a while back. He sounds like a great guy and interesting thinker. As to the science behind his works, is there anything available online that introduces that? Is the Divine Iliad the book that would be the starting point?
Reply Mon 6 Apr, 2009 11:54 am
Nothing online. I'm pushing for it pal and have been for a couple years. I'd like it all to be online and in classrooms and out there. I'll put bits and pieces up when I'm able to and keep adding article to Philosophy.org and pushing to make it all available online.

Understand that even today, very few people know about Russell. Just a very small percentage because he was way past his time with his cosmogony and people didn't understand it. There couldn't be a better time for it then right now. I haven't read it all, but I read what I can... when I can, and cannot say enough about this man and his philosophy.

I know there are some that are more rounded in the Walter Russell cosmogony and hopefully they find this thread and chime in.
Reply Wed 8 Apr, 2009 11:52 am
I have taken the Russell course and find it to be very profound. I am starting it again and find it even more informative this second time. It has changed how I behave and think and has had a very positive impact on my life. I highly recommend it for those who are ready for a new way of thinking and want to discover themselves.
Peace phil
Reply Sun 19 Apr, 2009 03:14 pm
I am more interested in the physics Walter Russel has to offer.

Anone who is mainly interested in the "physics"-part I can just recommend the 3rd edition of the HSC and not the 4th. As the 4th is a remastered version of the 1st edition. And the differences in content is quite profound, especially the physics part, as a lot of his work in this direction has been done at the end of his life (e.g. the NORAD work). Also a lot of important drawings in this relation were drawn quite late and so are only in the 3rd edition.

I still wonder, why they made the fourth edition based on the first and not on the 3rd.

I don't really get it as "philosophy" though. To me, a philosophy has to include arguments that follow logically, with a premise and conclusion of some sort.

To me. I discovered, that you can get a "logical" argument for everything, as absurd as it sounds. So I realized that logic has an approvement for the truth of approximately 0%! Laughing

But what I also discovered is, that the truth lies within you. And that if you hear or read the truth you will get an inner feeling telling you, that this is the actual truth. Without any logical justification needed, which as I already mentioned would anyway mean nothing...
It would just be a justification for your brain to believe this argument. But you still wouldn't know if it's the actual truth. As the brain can never know it.
Real knowledge can only come from within. And all the books etc. can only help you discovering the truth that already lies dormant within oneself, ready to become discovered.

In this sense. I wish us all to discover the truth within oneself.
Reply Tue 19 May, 2009 04:37 am
@Peace phil,
I find Russell's science and his philosophy to be ONE integrated subject.

"The CREATOR is the all-knowing Mind of undivided still and unconditioned invisible Light of Mind. The CREATOR is Mind only." Russell, Home Study Course, unit 6, page 397

In SVP we study the Mind/Consciousness as associated with materiality and so-called spirituality. Mind has power to create and is the only "thing" or substance in the universe - manifesting in diverse manners. In this regard Man is created in the image of the Creator meaning Man is also a creator by the use of his creative Mind. The physics of what Mind is and how it makes manifest Idea into materiality is a strong thread through Russell's work as also through SVP - if not the strongest thread.
Reply Tue 19 May, 2009 12:54 pm
I have been trying to find people who are interested in the scientific experiments related to Hydrogen energy that Walter Russel performed. If anyone has any ideas on how to accomplish this, that would be great.
Reply Wed 3 Feb, 2010 12:18 am
Justin;50511 wrote:
This here is the introduction to the Home Study Course by Walter and Lao Russell. I am now taking my time to restart the entire course and read the 1950 version of the introduction written by Walter Russell and it was astounding.

I could not find the intro in text form but here is the intro for the new one. It's worth looking at.

Hi Justin--

Thanks for sharing this! My great goal is to dive into the Home Study Course, ASAP.

A few questions after finding your post:

How can I read the 1950 version of Walter Russell's introduction? Which edition of the book has this?

You mentioned not being able to find it "in text form" but that you were reviewing it again. What form do you have this in to be able to read it? I would very much like to see it myself. "Astounding" makes it sound very intriguing.

Also, not certain how soon I'll able to purchase a brand new print of the Home Study book. Though I do like and can appreciate very much the idea of supporting the school. Very glad it exists! Do you know of anyone who has available for sale a perhaps 'well-loved' used copy? Maybe even the school itself? [I've searched online but so far have not found any]. From what I've been reading around earlier editions are preferable. Third or previous ones. Do you find this is true, in your opinion?


P.S. Just saw this:
[QUOTE=Peace;58934]Anone who is mainly interested in the "physics"-part I can just recommend the 3rd edition of the HSC and not the 4th. As the 4th is a remastered version of the 1st edition. And the differences in content is quite profound, especially the physics part, as a lot of his work in this direction has been done at the end of his life (e.g. the NORAD work). Also a lot of important drawings in this relation were drawn quite late and so are only in the 3rd edition.

I still wonder, why they made the fourth edition based on the first and not on the 3rd. [/QUOTE]

This also seems to be another vote for the 3rd edition. I'm interested in the philosophy but also definitely the physics that offers the rationale.
Thanks, Peace, for posting that info!

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  3. » Home Study Course 4 Introduction - Walter Russell
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