@Phoenix phil,
Phoenix;57583 wrote:WR tells us that Carbon occupies the ++4 position in the 5th octave, and as such displays perfect gyroscopic motion and maximum hardness.
Hardness is achieved by increased revolution and decreased rotation, but perfect gyroscopic motion is achieved by increased rotation and decreased revolution. Later in the UO he describes how increasing rotation is centrifugal! Hhhhhhelp!

I was interested in answering your previous question about potential in another thread. I looked through many of my notes, compiled an answer (more like an observation) only to see the thread was locked! So here is that material then I'll address your question above.
In the previous thread you asked about "potential" as it relates to planets and satellites. I doubt I'm qualified to answer that but I did look up definitions of the important terms.
"Potential of energy means that state of motion of the universal constant of energy in which time dimension has been accumulated, by deceleration of speed, into power." The Universal One, Book 2, Chapter 6
Universal Constant of Energy
"The Universal One divides His time by the periodicities of His inhalations and exhalations, which together make one universal constant of energy, and subdivides it into four exactly equal unit constants of energy. These periodicities, and tonal and mid-tonal subdivisions, measure the dimensions of His idea in the illusion of form, space, time, sex, temperature and other periodicities." The Universal One (note: I have this quote as from the UO but I cannot relocate it within that text. So maybe its from another Russell source?)
Also potential is listed as Russell's 7th dimension among the 18 dimensions. So I feel your question needs to be rephrased before it can be appropriately answered.
Rotation is motion about a body's axis while Revolution is motion around its orbit. Here are two distinct uses of the terms in these contexts:
"The maximum of working high potential in any mass is developed when opposition is at its maximum in poles concentrated to points of disappearance in its axis of rotation." Genero-Radiative Concept
"The rotation of every mass upon its axis, the revolution of every mass around the nucleus of its system....." Genero-Radiative Concept
It is my belief rate of Rotation slows down the closer to the primary/axis. While velocity of Revolution speeds up the closer to the primary/axis. These two motions would result in increased hardness. A look at Kepler's laws could help out with this.
To address the actual contradictions you mention would require more time than I have at this moment to track them all down and go through them.