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Reply Sat 10 Feb, 2007 04:45 pm
Fellow list Members, and Forum Members

Perhaps a little more insight into Walter Russell and what Tarot Key 13 teaches us:
(Please see attached file for Tarot card)

Walter Russell: (From A new concept of the Universe)
How Gravitation and Radiation born each other:

Nature works in strange ways. Of all her mystifying processes, her manner of producing the double polarity, which assures two-way balance for the two-way journey of her two conditions is perhaps the most elusive of her illusions. It is well to clarify this mystery step by step at this point.
(a) The carbon wheel spins true upon a horizontal shaft which arose vertically from its plane of equilibrium.
(b) The rim of the wheel begins to spin on the horizontal plane of equilibrium and arises to become the vertical equator of its hub.
(c) The vertical has become horizontal and the horizontal has become vertical to transform one unchanging rest condition to two changing conditions of motion.
(d) The positive electric worker has made the rim of the wheel become its hub by use of its centripetal force. That is how Nature manufactures GRAVITY and multiplies potential to contract waves (motion of seeming "mass") into solids surrounded by space.
(e) The negative electric worker has made the hub of the wheel become its rim by use of its centrifugal force. That is how Nature manufactures RADIATION and divides potential to expand waves into space centered by solids.
(f) The rim of the wheel is now 90 degrees from the equilibrium plane of its birth, and is 90 degrees from the shaft of its hub. From a plane of no motion. It has become a sphere of maximum motion.
(g) The hub shaft of the wheel is now parallel with the plane of rest and 90 degrees from the plane of maximum motion.
(h) The rim of the wheel was maximum speed and the hub was minimum when motion began on the plane of rest, but now the hub is maximum speed and the rim is minimum when the wheel stands up from rest.

This is Nature's process of dividing the still Light of the Creator into the two moving lights of matter and space to simulate the Mind imaginings of the Creator by moving image forms of his creation.

A word picture of this process might simplify Nature's method. Imagine, therefore , the seed of idea placed upon the wave axis like the seed of a tree put into the ground.

Now imagine the ground rising as a hoop would rise from the ground until it stood straight up instead of lying down.

As the ground rises to stand up, imagine the idea of the tree unfolding in a series of four efforts which we will call stages of growth.

The seed of the idea becomes a fully formed mature body when the ground has arisen from wave axis level to wave amplitude height, 90 degrees from its axis level.

The ground, which borned the formless seed, is now the vertical equator which balances the fully formed body.

Half of the upright tree extends to the north of that equator and the other half to the south of it. Its roots extend north toward gravity, and its branches radiate south toward space.

This is the manner in which growing matter appears.


Fraters and Sorors
Remember that the Skeleton represents the Ego in Tipheret, the Guardian Angel, the Son of God, etc. The Ego is harvesting what he planted. The seed (upper left) is the idea of "us" being "planted". The many personalities/bodies in which "we" (He) have incarnated. The red background denotes the mars force as you well know.

So there you have it, as wondrous and explanation as Walter Russell gives us is hard to find. Thus we can see how the Tarot helps us in our development. We also see how this applies to what Nature can teach us.

Hope this may be of help

Walk in MAAT (Truth)
Electra phil
Reply Sun 11 Feb, 2007 05:13 am
TheHermit wrote:
Fellow list Members, and Forum Members

Perhaps a little more insight into Walter Russell and what Tarot Key 13 teaches us:
(Please see attached file for Tarot card)

Walter Russell: (From A new concept of the Universe)
How Gravitation and Radiation born each other:

Nature works in strange ways. Of all her mystifying processes, her manner of producing the double polarity, which assures two-way balance for the two-way journey of her two conditions is perhaps the most elusive of her illusions. It is well to clarify this mystery step by step at this point.
(a) The carbon wheel spins true upon a horizontal shaft which arose vertically from its plane of equilibrium.
(b) The rim of the wheel begins to spin on the horizontal plane of equilibrium and arises to become the vertical equator of its hub.
(c) The vertical has become horizontal and the horizontal has become vertical to transform one unchanging rest condition to two changing conditions of motion.
(d) The positive electric worker has made the rim of the wheel become its hub by use of its centripetal force. That is how Nature manufactures GRAVITY and multiplies potential to contract waves (motion of seeming "mass") into solids surrounded by space.
(e) The negative electric worker has made the hub of the wheel become its rim by use of its centrifugal force. That is how Nature manufactures RADIATION and divides potential to expand waves into space centered by solids.
(f) The rim of the wheel is now 90 degrees from the equilibrium plane of its birth, and is 90 degrees from the shaft of its hub. From a plane of no motion. It has become a sphere of maximum motion.
(g) The hub shaft of the wheel is now parallel with the plane of rest and 90 degrees from the plane of maximum motion.
(h) The rim of the wheel was maximum speed and the hub was minimum when motion began on the plane of rest, but now the hub is maximum speed and the rim is minimum when the wheel stands up from rest.

This is Nature's process of dividing the still Light of the Creator into the two moving lights of matter and space to simulate the Mind imaginings of the Creator by moving image forms of his creation.

A word picture of this process might simplify Nature's method. Imagine, therefore , the seed of idea placed upon the wave axis like the seed of a tree put into the ground.

Now imagine the ground rising as a hoop would rise from the ground until it stood straight up instead of lying down.

As the ground rises to stand up, imagine the idea of the tree unfolding in a series of four efforts which we will call stages of growth.

The seed of the idea becomes a fully formed mature body when the ground has arisen from wave axis level to wave amplitude height, 90 degrees from its axis level.

The ground, which borned the formless seed, is now the vertical equator which balances the fully formed body.

Half of the upright tree extends to the north of that equator and the other half to the south of it. Its roots extend north toward gravity, and its branches radiate south toward space.

This is the manner in which growing matter appears.


Fraters and Sorors
Remember that the Skeleton represents the Ego in Tipheret, the Guardian Angel, the Son of God, etc. The Ego is harvesting what he planted. The seed (upper left) is the idea of "us" being "planted". The many personalities/bodies in which "we" (He) have incarnated. The red background denotes the mars force as you well know.

So there you have it, as wondrous and explanation as Walter Russell gives us is hard to find. Thus we can see how the Tarot helps us in our development. We also see how this applies to what Nature can teach us.

Hope this may be of help

Walk in MAAT (Truth)

Dear Frater J

I love this imagery and of course can see inside it, having done it. I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your work on the higher planes. This is being said publically for a reason. It is done... and >I< am <inside>. Thank you so much.

There were three very great men that stepped forward at this time in this journey. One was Pythagorean, the other was you Frater J and the other was a man on another group who does work with Shamballa teachings.

Yesterday was full of magic and unity. I was able to see working inside the One. It was intense and ecstatic. The process is not complete, but well on the way. At this juncture I am uncertain what this new life is really like, but it is undifferentiated, so I am trying to not analyze it too much as this takes me back down to a perception that does not service the purpose. I am able to remark a bit of astonishment, however, lol.

Thank you so very much. Many blessings to all.
Reply Mon 12 Feb, 2007 11:18 pm
@Electra phil,
Continuing... please refer to Tarot Key 13 attached.

I have been trying to show how actually Walter Russell ties to Qabalah, Tarot, and also Alchemy, in this and other posts, as the Truth is One.

13 is Achad in Hebrew and is equal to Unity. The body dies so that it can be reborn. Its conscious focus changes from the physical body to the astral body. The degree of "awakenes" depends on your evolment. In fact every cell in your body has a different personality! Consiousnes must have a body (form) in order to individualize itself.

We "Man" are charged with transforming the matter aspect of the One. Through us the Vital Soul is raised so that God can shine forth on this universe of forms.

Qabalah shows us the path of return. Its Tree of Life is used to achive this goal. Qabalah tell us that the universe is a cube (read info on The Cube of Space books). This is shown in the Sefer Yetzirah. We can see this with the Hebrew letters. There are three mother letters, 7 dual sounding letters, and 12 single letters. The three mother letters compose the 3 dimentions in space. The 7 dual sounding letters compose the six faces of the cube and the center (holy of holies). The 12 single letters compose the 12 edges of the cube.

Astrology is tied to Qabalah through Chokmah of the Tree of Life (The sphere of the Zodiac). Also the 12 single letters attached to the 12 signs of the zodiac as is Alchemy with the 12 Alchemical steps to the "Great Work". Tarot is tied by all the Hebrew letters equated to a Key. The "small" tarot cards are tied to the Tree of Life and the Four worlds.

I say Hebrew but in actuality this information is Chaldean as in Babilonia. In actuality the Sumerians were the first to divide the Zodiac into 12 parts. So where does this info come from? Could Zecharia Sitchin have the clue?

Please don't rush to join the Kabbalah organizations like Maddona rather join if you wish to walk the Path.

The Hermit
Frater JA
Reply Sat 24 Feb, 2007 12:21 am
The Middle Path

Walter Russell:
"In the light of the creators Mind is Desire to dramatize His ONE IDEA by dividing its one unconditioned, unchanging unity of balance and rest into pairs of oppositely conditioned units, which must forever interchange with each other to seek balance and rest."

The key words here are two oppositely conditioned units which must forever interchange with each other to seek balance and rest. When the units are balanced they are at rest thus reaching the middle path.

Walter Russell:
"Mass is motion and motion must be balanced by opposed pairs of poles. When motion ceases, polarity likewise ceases."

Again the idea is presented that God is at rest. From rest comes motion which we see as mass. We must look deeper into what is said than the obvious.

The Buddha's story of discovery.
Siddhartha had been seeking the way to enlightment by trying different paths. He was with a group of ascetics and was dirty and hungry. He was meditating by the side of a river and feeling miserable. He was getting nowhere in his quest. As he meditated a boat was passing with a father and son. The son was learning to play a string musical instrument. The boy was having trouble with the string adjustment and broke one. Thus he heard; "no my son if the string is too tight the string will break, if it is too loose it will not play." Siddhartha understood at once and got up ate and cleaned himself. He had found the middle path.

All these paragraphs are speaking of the same thing but we must go beyond the obvious! Siddhartha knew that his body was his instrument given by God for him to experience life and learn. Thus his body should be between hunger and gluttony for example, and rested and exercised, not too thin and not too heavy. He carried this knowledge further by his eightfold path to illumination. The right speech, the right action, the right conduct, etc.. Perhaps you can begin to see with this, what the middle path really means. It applies to almost anything. Don't be too harsh but don't be too merciful.

Now where does the interchange occur? It is said that seeking illumination is like falling in love. This is because the energy of God is Love energy. "God is love". The kundalini energy does not travel up the spine because you are not balanced! All this unbalanced patterns of error that you have programmed into your subconscious are stopping the energy flow. If you are married you have an excellent way of beginning to balance yourself. You must give unconditional love to your partner. It must be an equal interchange between the two. The female must use her strength, intuition, to help her husband. The husband must use his strength to protect his wife. The wife must not castrate her husband (you know what I mean) and the husband must be true to his wife. The marriage must be balanced and have an equal interchange thus living the middle path. This will carry over to a good balanced relation between your self consciousness and the subconscious mind. In the same way love must be given equally to each other. The subconscious mind thinks that it must obey all wishes of the self conscious. The subconscious must be set free by releasing her from this mandate. Instead saying, in all my desires please consult the Super conscious (God) before manifesting the desire. The Super conscious may modify the desire as needed so that it may be a pure desire and not incur karma. It is the job of the Self conscious to desire and the subconscious to create, but it must be a balanced interchange between the two. One cannot be lord over the other and this applies to a marriage.

Yes this applies to God also! So when you go to sleep thank God for his love and send God "your" love also. Meditate by visualizing your spouse in front of you and sending her/him love and seeing him/her sending love back to you.

As Jesus said "Love one another as I have loved you."

I could go on and on but this must be not too short but not too long!

The Hermit
Frater JA
Reply Sat 27 Sep, 2008 10:52 am
Now that I have grown older and hopefully wiser I look back and wonder how I came upon this path? Verily I see that I had no choice for the path came unto me. Yet now I know that I was on this path perhaps an untold number of incarnations. Slowly and unaware of things I progressed to the point that I have reached. Yet I still wait to speak to the Hermit on top of that mountain and that is now my only desire.

Yes I remember that at 4 years old I started having dreams that talked to me. They foretold my future but of course who was to know at such an early age what it meant. At five I learned that I was and would join the Rosicrucians but at that point I asked what the heck was a Rosicrucian. I had never heard the name before.

I was quick to see that my education by my father was too male oriented and insulted woman when I voiced it. There at 5 years old I learned that my subconscious was full of erroneous patterns. I was aware of my subconscious as I met her at night when she spoke but never saw her until now in my older years. So by reason I began to analyze all that went into my senses before it was written into my subconscious so that truth would be the only thing written. Being frail and full of innocence many erroneous information got by.

I lived a life of fantasy within my sleeping hours as my subconscious provided answers to my questions and helped me get rid of my fears. Yes those incarnations were told to me that filled my thousand yesterdays. A Viking warrior, an early man, an old Chinese, a German college teacher, and many more I was. I like best when I was black and achieved a victory.

When black I was a drunkard and a womanizer. I in my drunken stupor killed another. He had a wife and children who cried to God and said who will help us now? I in secret worked and gave them money to live. I would send some child to them with a message and a bag of coins. I did this until growing old I went to their town to do the transfer again. As I told a child to tell the family to come to a certain part of the city a couple of thieves overheard. So I went there to the appointed hour and as I told the child what to do the thieves came upon me to separate me from the bag of coins. The child on seeing this went to the family and told the mother and sons now men. They quickly came to see and scared the thieves away. Upon seeing the man who gave them bags of coins they realized I was the man who killed their father! Being in shock they knew not what to do! So this was the man who helped them and fed them. Their anger turned to love and soon cried "Father!" From then on I lived with my "family" and was cared for in my old age.

It must have been then our Father -Mother in heaven put me on the path! I have done in this life what others do in many. Many are the mysteries that I have learned and some of those I hold close by.

I know some of you have had some of these experiences and that is why I am here. To make your path a little more enjoy full To get you going on your long and tearful journey. And then some day upon that hill you will meet the real Hermit.

The Hermit
Reply Mon 29 Sep, 2008 11:26 am
It is perplexing to me how almost all people do not get the real message of the stories most dear to us, that is children stories. The Brothers Grimm, Lewis Carol, Goethe, and others have tried to wake us up to start on the path to Cosmic Consciousnes. The Myths that are so dear to all of us (Greek, Roman, etc.) also tells us about the Truth but yet are unperceived by the sleeping masses.

There was one man who discovered the message (to a great extent although not all) by the name of Joseph Campbell. his book "the Hero with a Thousand Faces" almost says it all. Walter Russell said that the pursuit of Beauty was his most important quest. Many still do not understand. I recommend that you read the books of these two men.

Walter Russell brought up the two polarities. One may be said to be the female and the other the Male polarity. In my terms that would be the personal subconscious and the personal self consciousness. We as beings have these two polarities.

I will tell you some of the Truth that these "fairy tails" try to make you understand. I will take "Beauty and the Beast" a story that has been told for centuries with earliest know by Italian author Giovan Straparalo in 1550.
The tale of Beauty and the Beast was first collected in Gianfranceso Straparola's Le piacevolo notti (The Nights of Straparola) 1550-53. The earliest French version is an ancient Basque tale where the father was a king and the beast a serpent. Charles Perrault popularized the fairy tale with his collection Contes de ma mere l'oye (Tales of Mother Goose) in 1697. The 17th century Pentamerone is also said to include similar tales.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe wrote a very similar story called the Green Serpent and the Beautiful Lily"

Back to Beauty and the Beast: The Beast is the self conscious and Beauty is the subconscious. This story gives you much "secret" information that guides you to Cosmic Consciousness! Now look at Tarot key "The Lovers"
This card gives you the information you need as to how the two polarities need to interact to make an advancement into Cosmic Consciousness. The male or self must communicate with the female or subconscious. The male cannot communicate directly with the Angel or super consciousness as he needs to go through the subconscious (who is looking at the Angel) to do that. At the early stages of evolvement he is unable to do this as the subconscious is like a little girl who does not know her divinity. Remember how Snow White (subconscious) went to sleep after eating the apple (apple or world of form)? Also the self may not have discovered or noticed that he has a subconscious! So at the early stages the subconscious does not know what to do as she thinks she is to follow the guidance of the self and gratify all his desires by creating them! So we have two consciousnesses that are going around creating things that may bring harm to them (bad karma) and are oblivious to the true guidance of the Angel/Master within!

So the story of Beauty and the Beast guides you as to what you must do. Become friends with your subconscious, give her a name, release her from her bondage of creating all your desires, and let the desires you ask for be guided by the Angel/Inner Master. In this way your desires (red rose) are purified (white rose). Then the subconscious grows into adulthood by the knowledge of her divinity and the marriage (Alchemical Wedding) is on! The Movie (Disney) actually shows at the end how your senses perceive when Cosmic Consciousness occurs! So Enjoy the movie and discover the other "fairy tales".

Let Love Guide you!

The Hermit
Reply Thu 9 Oct, 2008 10:27 am
You are like a boat without a sea anchor in an ocean (subconscious) full of emotional waves. Being that you are not anchored the waves throw you about and you are left to the whims of the sea.

How can you begin to anchor yourself? Sit on a chair with hands down on your lap. Do not cross arms or legs, spine straight. Now close your eyes and begin to "feel" inside you. Observe the emotions that swirl inside you. Do not become part of the emotion but just observe it. See that the emotions are not part of you but waves that hit you and put you off balance. After a while you will begin to see these waves of emotion as gases or water passing through your body. If you just observe and do not participate in the wave's emotion you will see them leave your body. You will be at peace! Go from emotion to emotion and let them leave you.

In this way you can center yourself and become a ship that is well anchored in this ocean of emotions.

The Hermit
Frater John Alvarado
Reply Thu 16 Oct, 2008 09:27 pm

This is the Tarot Key 21 "The World"

The dancer represents us. God is limiting His consciousness by concentration. The wreath around the dancer denotes limitation. It is the vesica piscis or akasha symbol of the hindus. In actuality it is an akasha akasha symbol that means the consciousness limitation where the Christ Consciousness is being born. That is right, we are awakening to Christ Consciousness or Cosmic Consciousness.

You will note that the dancer has two coils, one in each hand. If you look closer you will note that one coil is centripetal and the other is centrifugal. That's right the dancer is experiencing control of these two forces that Walter Russell talks so much about! The dancer creates his desires with these two forces helped by the four "animals" or forces that surround him/her. This we do through out each and every incarnation until we achieve Cosmic Consciousness.

All solid forms have both centripetal and centrifugal forces even our own bodies. That's right you are male or female depending on which force is more preponderant in your body. The sun and the planets themselves have these two forces and the sun's centrifugal force induces the centripetal force of the planet which in turn has the centrifugal force. Walter Russell also says that the atoms themselves are like this and explains that an electron is the same as a planet so that science is wrong in attributing it a negative charge only.

We are able to see how the centripetal and centrifugal forces work by observing the High pressure and low pressure centers in our weather news.

Food for though!

The Hermit
Reply Tue 21 Oct, 2008 01:14 pm
On the two forces that Walter Russell speaks about. A question should arise as to why Meditate?

As Walter Russell tells us the centrifugal force of the sun induces a stronger centripetal (generating) force on the planet. As this occurs the centrifugal (radiating) force of the planet increases!

As you are these two forces yourself the following occurs. When you meditate you are looking inside of you, meaning you are generating your centripetal force more speedily. Consequently your centrifugal force will increase! Not only that but your inner stars are stimulated so your centrifugal grows stronger but your force also goes UP the seven centers.

Of course it depends on your meditation object and whether you are using love in your heart or genitals!Laughing

This information will unlock a mystery for you at its proper time.:shocked:

The Hermit
herman phil
Reply Wed 22 Oct, 2008 02:29 pm
TheHermit wrote:

When you meditate you are looking inside of you, meaning you are generating your centripetal force more speedily. Consequently your centrifugal force will increase! Not only that but your inner stars are stimulated so your centrifugal grows stronger but your force also goes UP the seven centers.
The Hermit

I thought he said concentrating was an inward tension (centripetal), and meditation was a relaxing, or outward (centrifugal) expansion of mind.

More confusion. :-\
Reply Wed 22 Oct, 2008 09:21 pm
holy crap this guy was cool. I like a lot of his "musings."

this is the reason I joined this forum!
Reply Wed 22 Oct, 2008 10:01 pm
@herman phil,
herman wrote:
I thought he said concentrating was an inward tension (centripetal), and meditation was a relaxing, or outward (centrifugal) expansion of mind.

More confusion. :-\

Herman you are right, somewhat. I believe I talked about meditation somewhere in this Walter Russell group. The way I mentioned before was that meditation is composed of concentration (about 15 min) and at the end a letting go (15 min) or in actuality a state of listening as in waiting for someone to answer you (this is the best way). In waiting for an answer you pay attention and automatically the mind quiets. Of course about 30 minutes are for begginers you later fall into the time you are most confortable with.

I believe in that posting where I explained about meditation I said that it was that you were like a fisherman. The concentration was the bait on your hook. When this was accomplished you then threw the fishing line into the sea (letting go) and waited for the fish to bite (the answer). The sea being the ocean of subconscious, where the answer was attracted by the magnetism of the bait. If you visualize this scene it will work better for you.

There are many ways to meditate as I also mentioned about sensing the passions within you. This did not involve preliminary concentration but you do concentrate or observe, as I mentioned, your emotions. This without immersing your "self" in the emotion.

Likewise, you can do this with pain within your body, observe or concentrate on the pain. You will begin to experience healing as you observe or concentrate on the pain. This will take longer to master but when you do, a mere observation of the pain will heal it. This happened to me when I was in a marine corps meeting many years ago. While talking to two of my friends I noticed I had a headache. In about a second I observed it, it healed, and I continued talking as my turn came around. This took but seconds.

Suggestions to your subconscious before going to sleep is another way of seeking knowledge as I mentioned before.

I cannot recall exactly what Walter Russell said about meditation in his lessons as it was about 20 years ago when I read them. I already had learned meditation from my Rosicrucian teachers. I do not think the methods are very different if at all.

Hope this explains it a little more. As always you make the techniques yours in the best way that they work for you.

The Hermit
Reply Sun 26 Oct, 2008 02:28 pm
As I said before, my teachers were/are Walter Russell, Paul Foster Case (B.O.T.A.), and Ann Davis (B.O.T.A.). B.O.T.A. teaches Tarot, Alchemy, Astrology, and Qabalah. Listen to them.

Walter Russell talks about the One dividing into two and attributes to them their respective forces centripetal and centrifugal. He talks about God's thinking starting the motion whose wave of motion fools us into seeing form.

Now let us hear what our teacher Paul F. Case says in the Oracle of Tarot (52):
In pondering the true basis of form, we must remember that weight, temperature , mass, color, space and time are effects or appearances of motion. That which initiates motion is the movement of mind. The universe is an eternal creation of the One Mind.

What about centripetal and centrifugal forces?
Ann Davis in Vibratory powers of Qabalah lesson seven says:
The Saturn symbol, Key 21, portrays the expanded state of Cosmic Consciousness. We arrive at that exalted state through concentration and restriction. To expand the limits of our individuality we first set definite boundaries within which we can work. Any expansion is the result of initial contraction because contraction winds up energy, intensifying it, so that it can propel us outward and upward.

In the above replace contraction by centripetal and expansion with centrifugal.

Walter Russell talks about planets and electrons (and us) having both centripetal and centrifugal forces. He talks about how the centrifugal force of the Sun intensifies the centripetal force of the planets raising its level of energy which then increases the planet's centrifugal force.

This we do in our meditation exercises, concentrate (centripetal) more energy is us which then expands our centrifugal force (mind?) and effects our internal planets forcing energy up.

Lux Mundi
Reply Mon 3 Nov, 2008 02:10 pm
It is lovely to see how the Centripetal (inward) and Centrifugal (outward) forces occur in Nature.

This fall we are being treated to the centrifugal force. We can observe it in all the trees and shrubs. Red, radiate, cold, mars, Geburah, being on the pillar of Binah our Mother. Observe how the centrifugal force acts on the trees first turning the leafs red, as it is its color, then the leafs fall leaving the tree naked.

In the following spring we will be treated to the centripetal force when the flowers bloom and the trees recover their green foliage or form. Green, Venus, inward, generate, hot, Netzach, being on the pillar of Mercy, Chokmah the Father.

Remember both centrifugal and centripetal forces exist at the same time but one is more preponderant than the other.

The Hermit
Reply Fri 21 Nov, 2008 09:11 pm
Hermit, where did the lovely version of Key 6 come from? Thanks
Reply Tue 16 Dec, 2008 04:12 pm
I see the truth of it!

Walter Russell compares our Solar System with the atom. He states that if we see the planets like electrons we can then see the following. The Earth being like the electron of an atom can show us that the Earth contains ALL elements thus we can say that

All atomic elements contain all the other elements within it!
Can you see how earth shaking a statement this is????

In all my years of Mystical teachings we have been bombarded with the following statements.

All forms in the universe are made of the same stuff. This in explaining how everything comes from the universal subconscious (ocean) which God's thinking stirs in waves of his desires.

Also "As above so below, as below, so above."

This and much more understanding of God's universe has accumulated in my mind to the point where "I UNDERSTAND!"

Can you see how wonderful this creation of God is? It can be molded into anything that we can see around us! This is truly the super "stuff" of creation.

The Hermit
Frater John Alvarado
Reply Wed 11 Feb, 2009 11:46 am
The Path of Return or The Path of evolution.
The above picture is Tarot key 18 and shows us the Path of return to the One.

For those who know the Qabalistic Tree of life you will see that the reflection of Kether is Tifereth and the reflection of Tifereth is Yesod and the reflections of Yesod are manifested in Malkuth.

The water is the eternal subconscious from which all is created according to the Thinking of God. We can see at the shore the rocks representing the mineral world, the greenery as the vegetable world, and the wolf and the dog (product of human adaptation) are seen in the card. The crustacean is rising from the ocean of the subconscious and we see the path clearly leading to the towers which signifies the extent of human civilization. The path continues into a dark area which signifies beyond human understanding at this time. It ends at the top of the mountain where the Hermit or the Ancient of days holds his lantern guiding us to Him.

The dark portion of the path is traveled by those who are called mystics, rosicrucians, etc. Nature can only evolutionize us to a certain point and then it is up to us to advance further. Who is this entity that will evolutionize us further? Our self conscious! The dark path can only be traveled by our self conscious giving us the impetus. To understand this we must look at the letter of the card. Qoph is the Hebrew letter meaning the back of the head. This points us to the medulla oblongata. This is the part of the body which never sleeps and maintains our automatic functions like breathing. What the mind thinks during the day is passed to the cells of the body during the night. Thus the body and all its surroundings are the reflection that our self conscious sees. We or our self conscious is like God's reflection of Himself.

Thus to advance in the dark area of the path we must evolutionize ourselves by learning the nature of God and the universe. The Tarot is like a book of wisdom that shows us the way but this is not the Tarot of the gypsies or fortune tellers! This Tarot is taught to us by such as the B.O.T.A. organization or like organizations. There are many of these organizations and some lead you to nowhere so we must be careful in our choice.

So remember you are a reflection of God and as such you must come to the Great Work of developing the Philosophers Stone.

The Hermit
Reply Thu 5 Mar, 2009 11:57 am
Greetings my fellow travelers.

I have spoken before of how "we" seem to be asleep and acting on automatic pilot in our life. Buddha saw us sleeping and his quest was to help us to awake from the dream of reincarnations and suffering.

The real problem has to do with reflections. As God saw his reflection for the first time, "we" also see ours. Who is this "we"? It is our personal self conscious which is really part of God's Self Conscious.

Let us reflect on this reflection. How you see yourself and all around you is the reflection of your self conscious mind. This is what "you" have created. This is how much your consciousness has evolved! So we have to ask ourselves why we have this weak body full of problems when we (our self conscious) are really a reflection of God and are in reality IMMORTAL!

Why are we creating this body which is full of weaknesses? It is our wrong thinking of who we really are! This is really the original sin (if we use that term) of thinking that we are "separate" from him when in fact we are not! People like Walter Russell who have achieved cosmic consciousness have done this because they have realized that they are the sons of God, they are His mediators and can live life abundantly.

Let us begin to think ourselves as the sons of God and are one with him. Let us immerse that though on our subconscious, who builds our body, and have it build us that perfect body of the philosophers stone. The body which regenerates itself and has no illnesses or any pain or suffering and can "live" for as long as we wish to utilize it. The body is only a vehicle in this universe of form and not who we really are! This perfect body is the prerequisite to achieving cosmic consciousness!

Let us begin to use the sword of discrimination and cut from our mind and thinking all the erroneous patterns that we have recorded in our subconscious (the recorder) mind.
  • Cut the error of separateness
  • Cut the error of thinking we are better than other people.
  • Cut the error of anger towards others.
  • Cut the error of envy.
  • Cut the error of taking advantage of other people.
  • Cut the error of robbing other people.
  • Cut the error of thinking we are not worth anything.
  • Etc. (enter all your other weaknesses here)
All of these erroneous patterns have resulted in what you see as your reflection. Look at B.O.T.A.'s tarot key 11, Justice. Walk the middle path of the scales and use the sword of discrimination to cut all our erroneous patters. Cut away all that is useless and brings sorrow to you. Learn from the errors that you have made and remember that the problems that come our way are there to teach us something. Be a good Samaritan.

May God Bless you and bring you Peace Profound.

The Hermit
Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2011 10:41 pm
Hello fellow travelers, I am back for a while. Tell me of a subject that you would like to hear more off.
The Hermit
Frater John Alvarado

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