sarek wrote:I would think that by creating any kind of unbalanced sub matrix you would simultaneously need to create an equally large amount of 'counterunbalance' outside that sub matrix.
Call it the law of the preservation of balance if you will.
By enlarging the sub matrix to encompass the whole of existence you force yourself to create your counterunbalance inside rather than outside the submatrix.
I get your point..The sub matrix would
have to be balanced looking from the outside matrix. Because the Balance law here is only one valid.
I hope I will be at least somehow understood. Let's return to the computer games. They already
exist. This games are a part of physical world we (our bodies) live in and where the balance law is manifestating. But what is happening looking from the outside? Electricity is flowing in chaotic like pulses (zeros and ones) and the LCD screen flashes. No real meaning here, you could say - if you don't know that the meaning is in symbols which are made. Transformation. This symbols are the new world, the new matrix. You can be a knight and "kill" badguys with your sword and not be afraid that the karma will strike you back with its own sword. In fact, you can get bonus points for doing that. You can have planets with zero gravity and not linked to sun or whatever crosses your mind. And it is possible because it is not really real.

It can't be real. 'Cause the balance law isn't working here. But all this is not real
only by observing from the outside of the sub matrix.
Joe wrote:
If your talking about a matrix in where you create an environment that produces a "good" human condition rather then a "bad" human condition, then your diving into some truly questionable territory.
I am talking about the sub matrix where the outside law could be fooled into beliving that the sub matrix is balanced. Indeed, it would be balanced looking from the outside.
Joe wrote:Lets establish what Humans need to survive:
Sexual Reproduction
.....Although would these even be necessary in a Matrix?
Let's assume these elements would still be part of the outside matrix but with the help of machines automated so the human mind would not have to be aware of it. Only the human mind would live in the sub matrix.
Joe wrote:So now you created a livable environment. Now you must determine what other factors invoke the best of humanity. This is where I think the formula is sketchy at best.
Is it? Dr. Russell told us the recipe:
Quote:Man can make whichever he chooses. He can make happiness, success, wealth, friendships and health only by obeying the law. He can never find them by disobeying the law.
Obeying the Law... And in this case The Submatrix law! And the catch is, the law here can change on our will. :devilish: Devilish? The only law we would always have to obey is we_have_to_make_a_law.