Russell Question;

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Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2007 10:07 am
In The Message Of The Divine Iliad Vol. One, page 125; He states that the night is the "most" important part of life. We waste our precious nights through not knowing what sleep means, and what it is that sleeps. Certainly it is not Consciousness which sleeps. It is also certain that there is no such state as unconsciousness. We must know that in order that we may make use of our nights to hasten our journey to our mountain top and not be limited to the day alone. Night and dreaming is not an area of my studies can someone shed some insite for me? I understand the seperation from the sensing realm to free up mind for knowledge, any tips on recall of our nights.Thanks David
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2007 11:11 am
Interesting you brought this up because I was reading this very same thing in Working Knowingly with God booklet.

Catman, this is something I've been unable to control my entire life. If there is something that I'm working on or trying to figure out, much of the time I can go to sleep at night and when I wake up I have the solution as though I worked it out in my sleep. My mind never rests and I never understood this until I started reading the Russell works.

So these days when I sleep, I use this to my advantage rather than waking up in the morning perplexed because I'd been thinking all night long during my sleep. If I have a dilemma or a problem in which I need a solution, during my sleep is when I can spend most time on it and usually I will arrive with an answer or solution.

I hope this helps.
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2007 04:56 pm
Justin, Catman3
Thank you for bringing up this topic!

Well I guess you know the story about Isis, Osiris, and Seth. Seth (analysis) cut up Osiris (the problem) into small pieces and Isis (Subconscious) put him back together (during sleep).

Students on the Path are admonished "Know Thy self". That means, for one thing, how your "you" works. We have three consciousness divisions that we should be aware of; Self conscious (your personality but not really "yours"), Subconscious (the female part of duality, the stuff of the universe), and Super conscious (God, Angel, Inner Master).

The Self conscious works in the arena of time and space so that it can experience "evolution". The Subconscious works in an eternal Now. I guess you could say God works in Eternity or infinity (mathematical sign).

Self conscious seems to go to "sleep but Sub conscious is ever awake as is Super conscious else we all would not exist.

Self conscious cannot speak to Super conscious directly but only through the Sub conscious. The Sub conscious can speak to Super conscious and has access to all knowledge that creation has accumulated. Mass = recording

So how do I use this knowledge? The above is what Russell is getting at!

Remember the Bible says: Solomon spoke with God through his dreams and later was able to speak directly to Him.

You can say that Self conscious is the part of God the Father and Sub conscious is part of God the Mother.

By you being aware of how these consciousnesses work is how you can advance to illumination, without it you cannot.

So what you do if you have something to figure out is:
  • Analyze your problem but do not try to solve it. Just think of everything that is associated with it. Do this before you go to sleep.
  • Tell your Sub conscious to work on the problem while you sleep and give you the solution in a dream. Then go to sleep.
  • When you wake up in the morning immediately write down you dream! This is very important else you will forget.
  • Try to figure out what your dream is telling you, This will be in images as the Sub conscious works in archetypes.

How can you tell if your dream is telling you something? A non-sensical dream will be one where the story is not continuous and you go to many different places. A dream that has a message is a continuous story. A dream that is very important is when you hear a voice that tells you to pay attention to your dream.

It is best to start with dreams first but know that it will take a while for your sub conscious to respond since you have totally ignored it for so many incarnations!

The good news is that later you can do this 24 hours a day since this technique works in Meditations and at any instant you wish to do it. Please see my thread where I explain Meditation.

My advice is that you give your Sub conscious a name that you keep secret to yourselves! Remember she is a "she" whether you are male or female. Get to know her as you do a friend, speak to her and thank her for helping you. Most IMPORTANT never, never try to lie to her as she knows your innermost thoughts and feelings.

Later as you and her are children who grow up and you find that you are making wrong decisions (bad karma) You will free her from doing all your bidding and ask that when you wish for something (as you must do as it is the job of Sub conscious to create your wishes) to ask Super conscious to correct your wish so that your wish is purified as per the Will of God. Your Inner Master is the Christ Consciousness. He will teach you from then on.

The Sub conscious is Aladdin's Lamp. There are many more things to explain but this will carry you far enough.

The Hermit
Frater John Alvarado

This will help
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2007 05:54 pm
Thanks Justin, Like you I've been working hard at this. Still can't recall much as I would like. Getting better, but when he say's MOST important time I feel there's a LOT more going on than we are comprehending. If I come up with anymore I'll fill you in. Thanks again;David
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2007 06:11 pm
Hey Hermit, good to here from you. I'm a little confused. Russell say's there's no subconsciouse only consciousness.That subconsciouse is a misnomer. Thanks again; David
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2007 07:18 pm
Russell said there is no Unconscious not subconscious. He also implied that conscious always is active.

Subconscious is not unconscious as I understand. Unconscious would be a void of consciousness or a stopage of consciousness. Subconscious is consciousness below the Self conscious and is always active. As I said in reality there is only one stream of consciousness. We are tasked to call it different names to denote the different places where they are at work. For example cell consciousness, this is not controlled by self conscious as you do not direct it to heal a wound. Subconscious on the other hand controls the building of the body. But in reality consciousness is one. Remember what Russell said "The Mind of God and the mind of man are One."

I have given you a secret that not many know and many are working hard to find. This knowledge is known to few who have written stories like Snow White, Alice in Wonderland, etc. Look a Joseph Campbell's discovery of this in mythology on the link I provided. Use it and prove it for your self.

The Hermit
Reply Fri 27 Apr, 2007 08:50 am
Forum Members

Russell in The Secret of Light:
"Likewise the same confusion leads us to the adoption of such terms as "subconscious mind" and "superconscious mind."

There is only one mind functioning universaly whithin all created things, and that mind is not stratified into more or less. There are no differing conditions of the One Mind, nor are there different kinds of minds."

This is probably the most confusing thing for students to understand and a hindrance in the path.

Russell is trying to say that psychologists were using terms like unconscious, subconscious, and superconscious erroneously. One error was that they would metion them as if Mind was several minds. Other was that unconscious and sub conscious were used sometimes to mean the same thing.

This is at this time a big discussion on my BOTA students list. For while we know that God is One, that the stream of consciousness is One we cannot teach about the world of duality in terms of one! We cannot teach the Path of return in terms of One.

For instance why do you have problems speaking to God? If you are one then there should be no problem. What is the difference between you and a man who has achieved Cosmic Consciousness? You certainly seem to be different since he has a perfect body and you have one with disceases. Why does this universe exist and is not One but dual.

So in the end all is One but creation in order to exist is Dual. As Russell says God the Father and God the Mother. Reflections of the Light is how God created the Universe. It is an illusion, but yet we know that God seems to be creating self conscious individuals. By limiting or concentrating his consciousness self awareness comes about. We are being groomed as co-creators. This is difficult to understand with the "minds" we have now for how can there be One and at the same time many co-creators?

So take my word for it, in this world of duality we must use terms like self conscious, sub conscious and super conscious in order to teach the Path of return. The Holy books teach it this way, Kabbalah, Hinduism, etc.

Kether is God (singular)
Chokmah and Binah; God the Father (Self) and God the Mother (Overall Subconscious). This is the Duality.

The Mother is impregnated by the Father (Yod => Heh) and the creation begins. The Universe is created from the Subconscious stuff.

You are probably somewhat confused after this....

The Hermit
Reply Wed 9 May, 2007 11:40 am
Forum Members

Russell in The Secret of Light:
"Likewise the same confusion leads us to the adoption of such terms as "subconscious mind" and "super conscious mind."

There is only one mind functioning universally within all created things, and that mind is not stratified into more or less. There are no differing conditions of the One Mind, nor are there different kinds of minds."

I've though about this a little more for it is difficult to understand.

The point is that Russell is correct but yet there is something he is not saying or he has said but we don't understand.

The point is this: Where is the creation located?

Mind is eternal, unlimited, the limitless Light. It is not moving. Creation cannot be apart from Mind as Mind is all there is. Creation is not like a baby that is born to a mother for then it would be something new and again apart from Mind. This cannot be either.

So creation is exactly what Walter Russell said, "God is Thinking", and that is exactly it! Creation is in the Mind of God as your dreams or meditations are in your mind. They are in Him but yet they can have their own laws of "creation". He can dream of Limitation, a world of duality. A world in which mind is ascending and descending from the higher planes to the lower and from the lower to the highest! A world where we can say Self conscious, Subconscious, and Super conscious ! It is still part of God but yet "apart".

Hope this helps.

The Hermit
Reply Fri 11 May, 2007 12:56 pm

This is a world of duality, polarities, male and female. Look at thread "Atomic Elements are boys and girls, male and female.":eek:

The body contains both polarities, male and female. The mind is also dual, this means male and female polarities. The self conscious is "male" (whether the body is male or female) and the sub conscious is female. This is why we use these terms.Wink

Think about it.Very Happy

The Hermit
Lancelot phil
Reply Mon 10 Dec, 2007 12:03 am
Hi, Catman3:

Yes, you might be inclined to take that statement literally. Unfortunately, I don't have a copy of the "Divine Iliad" from which you quote and therefore cannot be sure that I am on the right track - but I have two possible explanations...

1.) The first is simple - there is such a thing as lucid dreaming, when one wakes up in a dream, becomes aware of the fact that one is in an active dream and then proceeds to shape one's own dream according to one's most ardent wishes. I can imagine that this can not only be entertaining but inspirational as well because one can then fly, swim under water, visit other planets and maybe attain superior knowledge that is then available when waking up. Interesting stuff this lucid dreaming. The internet has a lot of information regarding this subject.

2.) The second explanation is not as clearly cut as the first. I am particularly thinking about the interpretation of the term "Night side of life" or "Night side of Nature" which was used extensively by adgar Cayce when he talked about Atlantis. This is also underscored by Phylos the Tibetan in his book "A Dweller on two planets" and "An Earth Dweller's Return" where he provides vivid rememberings of his sojourns as an Atlantean when he used the "Night side forces" or "Navaz" as he called it.
Private experiments with hypnotic regressions have further confirmed that this expression is a ubiquitous reference to unseen forces or energies that were routinely utilized by the ancients, particularly the Atlanteans. It is even possible that they had full control over anti-matter - I don't know. Keely also mentions this "Night side of Nature". Oahspe, as I remember, also mentions this ancient force - still around us - unrecognized - unutilized.

A diligent Google search might turn up more interesting confirmations. So, here you have my interpretation of your query.

Thanks for listening!
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2008 10:20 am
catman3 wrote:
In The Message Of The Divine Iliad Vol. One, page 125; He states that the night is the "most" important part of life. We waste our precious nights through not knowing what sleep means, and what it is that sleeps. Certainly it is not Consciousness which sleeps. It is also certain that there is no such state as unconsciousness. We must know that in order that we may make use of our nights to hasten our journey to our mountain top and not be limited to the day alone. Night and dreaming is not an area of my studies can someone shed some insite for me? I understand the seperation from the sensing realm to free up mind for knowledge, any tips on recall of our nights.Thanks David

Yes catman, I have discovered that at night time is my greatest creating time for what I need to experience in the material world the next day and the future. What I do is let my imagination run wild, and create with as much detail as possible, everything that I would like to manifest in my life. Then through the day I express that which I have imagined, without any thought or reason to what I am expressing. For in actual fact what I am seeing out there is a clear mirror image reflection of my own inner thinking.
Diana Grace
Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2008 06:46 pm
Below is a suggestion of how to get from sleep the ability to make changes in our world. What do you think of this exercise he mentions? This was said by Neville Goddard.

"Desire and imagination are the enchanter's wand of fable and they draw to themselves their own affinities. They break forth best when the mind is in a state akin to sleep. I have written with some care and detail the method I use to enter the dimensionally larger world, but I shall give one more formula for opening the door of the larger world. "In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction." Job 33: 15, 16

In dream we are usually the servant of our vision rather than its master, but the internal fantasy of dream can be turned into an external reality. In dream, as in mediation, we slip from this world into a dimensionally larger world, and I know that the forms in dream are not flat two-dimensional images which modern psychologists believe them to be. They are substantial realities of the dimensionally larger world, and I can lay hold of them. I have discovered that, if I surprise myself dreaming, I can lay hold of any inanimate or stationary form of the dream-a chair-a table-a stairway---a tree---and command to awake, while firmly holding on the object of the dream, I am pulled through myself with the distinct feeling of awakening from dream. I awaken in another sphere holding the object of my dream, to find that I am no longer the servant of my vision but its master, for I am fully conscious and in control of the movements of my attention. It is in this fully conscious state, when we are in control of the direction of thought, that we call things that are not seen as though they were. In this state we call things by wishing and assuming the feeling of our wish fulfilled. Unlike the world of three dimensions where there is an interval between our assumption and its fulfillment, in the dimensionally larger world there is an immediate realization of our assumption. The external reality instantly mirrors our assumption. Here there is no need to wait four months till harvest. We look again as though we saw, and lo and behold, the fields are already white to harvest.

In this dimensionally larger world "Ye shall not need to fight, set yourselves, stand yestilland see the salvation of the Lord with you." 2 Cronicles 20:17 And because that greater world is slowly passing through our three-dimensional world, we can by the power of imagination mold our world in harmony with our desire. Look at though you saw; listen as though you heard;

To those who believe that a true judgment must conform to the external reality to which it relates, this will be foolishness and a stumbling block. But I preach and practice the fixing in consciousness of that which man desires to realize. Experience convinces me that fixed attitudes of mind which do not conform to the external reality to which they relate and are therefore called imaginary---"things which are not" -- will, nevertheless, "bring to nought things that are."

I do not wish to write a book of wonders, but rather to turn man's mind back to the one and only reality that the ancient teachers worshipped as God. All that was said of God was in reality said of man's consciousness so we may say, "that, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in his own consciousness."
Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2008 08:19 am
@Diana Grace,
Diana Grace wrote:
Below is a suggestion of how to get from sleep the ability to make changes in our world. What do you think of this exercise he mentions? This was said by Neville Goddard.

"Desire and imagination are the enchanter's wand of fable and they draw to themselves their own affinities. They break forth best when the mind is in a state akin to sleep. I have written with some care and detail the method I use to enter the dimensionally larger world, but I shall give one more formula for opening the door of the larger world. "In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction." Job 33: 15, 16......

Thank you Diana, I can resonate to what he is saying as I let this world go as I give it no thought, and spend more time in 'La La land' at night, with this clarity of mind that I am experiencing I am dreaming a lot at night and they lead me to ponder that this is the real world that we are awakening to. It would seem as I let this world go will be the degree I awaken to the real world, the inner world where all is One with God. I will try and get some of his books. Thank you Diana, we were destined meet. I AM YOU Richard
Reply Fri 12 Sep, 2008 12:53 pm
Desire and imagination are tools used by the awakened self conscious to create our future life. We are not conscious that we are already "co-creators" with God, in fact we are not and God is. We must hear Popeye when he says "I am that I AM and that is all that I am."

This shows us that who we think we are is really God for there is no "us."

In fact most of us are walking and talking and acting but we are mostly in automatic pilot! That's right, our automatic consciousness (sub-consciousness) is working on patterns or programming that we have programmed in this life and others. It has been shown that when we look at a scene we are actively conscious of only a small part of the scene. The subconscious is filling in the rest of the scene. It is no wonder that Buddha saw us "sleeping" and unaware of the why of our suffering. The Buddha was the awaken one! He was able to use desire and imagination and his wishes were instantaneous as God wants us to have all we desire. "From the unlimited riches of the limitless substance, I draw all things needful, both spiritual and material."

The way to use our desire is to "speak" with our subconscious (who is tied to the All). When can we do this? It is at the time when we are between wakefulness and sleep that we plant the "seed of desire" in our subconscious. This happens when we go to sleep and when we "awaken" in the morning. That magical hour when we are half asleep and half awake! It is by getting to know your subconscious (female polarity) that we open the door to the night. We can then gain the wisdom and the guidance from the Holy Guardian Angel/Inner Master to whom the subconscious is able to speak. :bigsmile:

The Hermit
Reply Thu 25 Sep, 2008 11:29 am
If I could do a quick follow up to what I said before perhaps it will be clearer.

The self conscious is the one that desires while the subconscious is the one that creates our desire. The self conscious guides and the subconscious follows. The self conscious uses inductive and deductive logic and the subconscious uses inductive logic.

The self conscious analyses the problem, that is. breaks it apart. The subconscious puts it back together in ways we could not imagine. Remember Seth (analysis) cut Osiris into small pieces and Isis (subconscious) puts him back together.

So the way that it works is that self suggests (not orders! Like you do not order your wife!) to subconscious that it would be nice to have a new house. Subconscious will then see to it that circumstances come about that will allow you to get a new house. Then visualize your self in your new house as if you already had it!

You must never lie to your subconscious as she is your most trusted companion and knows all your secrets! You must try to give only correct patterns to your subconscious for they become your future rules. When you hate others for the color of their skin you are poisoning your sub consciousness with things that distance you from God. Remember the body is a vehicle that you are using in this lifetime and you have used many colors of vehicles before. All are your brothers and sisters of creation and are the same as you are!

When you get better at this then you can suggest to the subconscious, before you go to sleep, to help you solve a particular problem whose answer has eluded you. Ask you subconscious to give you the answer in a dream and make it so that you remember when you "wake" up. In this way the night opens to you in a new way.

Give your subconscious (female polarity) a name and become true friends with her. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe wrote "The Green Serpent and the Beautiful Lily". So you may say he gave his subconscious the name Lily. Lily has much significance beyond the name itself. Beauty and the Beast (the movie) seen with the above in mind might give you further knowledge.:shocked:

The Hermit
Reply Thu 25 Sep, 2008 05:47 pm
Thanks again for all your good input. Always grateful / David
Reply Thu 25 Sep, 2008 07:39 pm
You might want to look at the Divine Universe topic in this group.


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