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In The Message Of The Divine Iliad Vol. One, page 125; He states that the night is the "most" important part of life. We waste our precious nights through not knowing what sleep means, and what it is that sleeps. Certainly it is not Consciousness which sleeps. It is also certain that there is no such state as unconsciousness. We must know that in order that we may make use of our nights to hasten our journey to our mountain top and not be limited to the day alone. Night and dreaming is not an area of my studies can someone shed some insite for me? I understand the seperation from the sensing realm to free up mind for knowledge, any tips on recall of our nights.Thanks David
Below is a suggestion of how to get from sleep the ability to make changes in our world. What do you think of this exercise he mentions? This was said by Neville Goddard.
"Desire and imagination are the enchanter's wand of fable and they draw to themselves their own affinities. They break forth best when the mind is in a state akin to sleep. I have written with some care and detail the method I use to enter the dimensionally larger world, but I shall give one more formula for opening the door of the larger world. "In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction." Job 33: 15, 16......