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Damavava, I'm not sure as to the point you wish to articulate, let me just say that many of the things Russell predicts are coming true daily and have been predicted by others as well including the marriage of science (father) and religion (mother) starting with the Vedas! Symantics make it very difficult in trying to reconcile whats taking place and what appears to be taking place, but then again if we could but see through the intrisic and extrinsic nature of this dynamic universe of seeming,the game would be up and would spoil the play we like so well! Everything is in perfect order. be well Rob
Damavava, science and religion are two opposite ends of the same coin just like space and matter. Its true the word religion as you understand it has no meaning beyond the hypocricy you describe, however, the religion I speak of is above the little self and is universally applicable to all and excludes none. Hence (symantics) renders the meaning of words impotent. Look deeply inward and you will discover a world created by your thoughts which your experience mirrors perfectly and so it seems we are in agreement after all! from the One to the One Rob
Damavava, If you will read between the lines, the symantics I'm referring to is the masses' unpreparedness to understand language on the whole and therefore misunderstand or mislead each other. Our responsebility is to reconcile everything within where the source of all power resides. Are you suggesting that this so called religion you speak of has a power onto itself and wreaks havoc in the lives of men and women in which they play no part? ummmmmm. I come to this site to share my insight and to learn from others who are like minded, I have no desire to reform anyone for I am too busy reforming myself. I have used far too many words which if one will look are fraught with meaning, yet cannot be adequately conveyed to you which I think supports my point beyond words. neti neti neti
No two powers exist! be well Rob
Can anyone help explain in The Message of The Divine Iliad Vol;2 Pg. 169 Verse begins With Men and women, that interchange concept a little more. And Pg. 180 With each sexual experience the pattern of the blood cells is instantly affected and,sequentially, the brain? Do the Jehovah Witness understand this? And Pg. 184 First verse? That's enough for now. Thanks.