Walter Russell; Question

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Reply Thu 8 Mar, 2007 08:05 pm
Can anyone help explain in The Message of The Divine Iliad Vol;2 Pg. 169 Verse begins With Men and women, that interchange concept a little more. And Pg. 180 With each sexual experience the pattern of the blood cells is instantly affected and,sequentially, the brain? Do the Jehovah Witness understand this? And Pg. 184 First verse? That's enough for now. Thanks.
Reply Thu 15 Mar, 2007 07:18 pm
All things in this world must be balanced no matter what it is. Think of human relations in the same respect as credits and debits. If you have $100.00 in a checking account and you write a check for $120.00 you have created a remainder in that transaction of $20.00 dollars which you now owe the bank plus the negation of more of your funds in bank fees to balance such a transaction. Divorce and ill health are the residue created by men and women who engage in such mismatings. High voltage interchange with the wrong match or mate is like dynamite in the elements of matter for thats all bodies are! Russell is saying all residue creates heat and more heat than you want means death.
Reply Fri 16 Mar, 2007 10:07 am
Thanks; but I got that much from Russell's info. I'm looking for educational tools. I believe there's more that happens in collective accumlation of memory transfer.As well as physical.For inhancement or hindrance.All our accumulated idea is in each cell transfer? Maybe im wrong.When you think every idea we marry becomes part of us how much more in intimacy.Thanks again for your response.
Reply Fri 16 Mar, 2007 06:26 pm
I wasn't sure how much you understood the Russellian cosmogany and was trying to keep things simple? Idea IS and doesn't ever become anything other than Idea. Idea belongs to the static universe of Omniscience, therefore can never enter the dynamic universe of motion as in cellular memory? And or transfer of memory. True marriage is for the sole purpose of erasing the Individual record half unit (man and other half unit woman) which in high voltage interchange with a partner of equal wavelength temporarily suspends all motion to attain the static state of the Universal One which is completely devoid of all attributes and leads to freedom from the bondage of karma or records cleansing us of past actions which I'm sure you know. Sorry I wasn't more help. I wish you success in finding whatever tools are helpful on your journey.
Reply Sat 17 Mar, 2007 11:08 am
Smile Thanks for your help.
Reply Thu 22 Mar, 2007 09:14 am
I was reading from a nother web this information; The human organism maintains its funtioning balance by a dynamic information exchange between its various systems and the environment. Information exchange occurs at all levels within the organism,where there are sensitivities to very weak signal processes. Certain discrete bodily power windows allow specific wave-forms and frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum to initiate informational transfer. The body water or blood acts as an important carrier of bio-information allowing paramagnetic substances in the blood to act like a magnetic tape carring and delivering information throughout the body. Not sure if it's right,just throwing it out there? David
Reply Sat 24 Mar, 2007 07:50 am
Hi David, I did read your post, and let me add every effort we make to better understand the relationship between ourselves and all other things is never wasted, however, some paths are more direct than others. I can only speak for myself when I say that while the Universe in which we live should be understood so as to improve oneself, there comes a time in everyone's experience that by just surrendering to that creative, sustaining and maintaining principle within, everything neccesary for our ultimate good happens spontaneously without our help (make the crooked places straight) If our desire is in line with the One desire, we find no resistence and frees us to the way of Soul. We have to live in the world and not be of it! --simple but not so easy. Peace be with you! Rob
Reply Wed 4 Apr, 2007 08:12 pm
Walter Russell predicted also that after the late fourties, our society will witnessed the marriage of Science and religions...and it certainly didnt happened ...the religions that have survived the effect of the 20th century's scrutiny... the one that have survived Science & Technologies, did it through more onslaught of fabulous promises for the after-life for their believers urging their faithful on suicidal missions...using a more syrupy carrot to lead them to that great pasture of the skyes populated with willing and waiting virgins .... the other religions certainly felt the blow as more and more of their people became disenchanted and either separated or diminished their assistance to their rites and rituals.... eg: the Catholic religion is a great example of all that sprouting
unhealthy tumors rended visible by the media...therefor more and more victims decided to speak up through newspapers through broadcasting news ....despite the fact that the pope kept an opaque veil on the scandals of his pedophile priests.

So it was that in 1947-48, Russell wrote: "This New Age is marking the dawn of a new world-thought. That new thought is a new cosmic concept of the value of man to man. The whole world is discovering that all mankind is one and that the unity of man is real - not just an abstract idea. Mankind is beginning to discover that the hurt of any man hurts every man, and, conversely, the uplift of any man uplifts every man" (Message of the Divine Iliad, vol. 2, p. 69). Russell's predictions about what the New Age would bring included "a marriage between religion and science" (MDI p 257).
Russell appeared to believe that this "New Age" would begin in 1946, based on a vision he had in 1921.

Now my question is ...apart from inciting the world to await for a false momentum ..the hippie era came and their aquarian revolution turned out not as predicted but more like green logs it fumed but would not fire......
is there any practicality in all his philosophy....can his predictions still happen?
Sorry it is really my first time at trying to organize my thread of thoughts and as you can read I have plenty of difficulty at doing just that...
Reply Thu 5 Apr, 2007 10:59 am
My search for truth has been a long one, with many twist and turns. We won't go into that but as a born again Christian for a long time and later becoming an antheist alway's studing the direction of my path has finally lead me to Russell's books. My wildest revelations that I could not share came into full understanding for me. Truth has changed many times for me but something keeps me desiring for more. His philosophy rings true in my ear. As for dates in his writing's I don't know if the world renewal is possible, but I do know each one of us can and do make a differance in every person we come in contact with. I believe that we should leave this place better than we found it and people are better off having known you.The more information to help me accomplish this, I am eternally gratefull. David
Reply Thu 5 Apr, 2007 04:32 pm
Damavava, I'm not sure as to the point you wish to articulate, let me just say that many of the things Russell predicts are coming true daily and have been predicted by others as well including the marriage of science (father) and religion (mother) starting with the Vedas! Symantics make it very difficult in trying to reconcile whats taking place and what appears to be taking place, but then again if we could but see through the intrisic and extrinsic nature of this dynamic universe of seeming,the game would be up and would spoil the play we like so well! Everything is in perfect order. be well Rob
Reply Thu 5 Apr, 2007 04:46 pm
cubesphere wrote:
Damavava, I'm not sure as to the point you wish to articulate, let me just say that many of the things Russell predicts are coming true daily and have been predicted by others as well including the marriage of science (father) and religion (mother) starting with the Vedas! Symantics make it very difficult in trying to reconcile whats taking place and what appears to be taking place, but then again if we could but see through the intrisic and extrinsic nature of this dynamic universe of seeming,the game would be up and would spoil the play we like so well! Everything is in perfect order. be well Rob

Well thank you Cubesphere,for answering my post yet am I the only one who cant see the marriage of science and religion happening now? because if that has happened recently....
all I see is a soon-to-be widow (science) and his agonizing wife (religion)
I think spirituality (his mistress) might be the one science might get hitched on.... later on....but definitively, (religion) is a goner, unmasked , it is an old, wrinkled monkey which was once seductively hypnoptic and suporific for the masses, ....
again thats my very personal take on it and welcome your argumentations....
Reply Thu 5 Apr, 2007 05:46 pm
Damavava, science and religion are two opposite ends of the same coin just like space and matter. Its true the word religion as you understand it has no meaning beyond the hypocricy you describe, however, the religion I speak of is above the little self and is universally applicable to all and excludes none. Hence (symantics) renders the meaning of words impotent. Look deeply inward and you will discover a world created by your thoughts which your experience mirrors perfectly and so it seems we are in agreement after all! from the One to the One Rob
Reply Thu 5 Apr, 2007 08:00 pm
cubesphere wrote:
Damavava, science and religion are two opposite ends of the same coin just like space and matter. Its true the word religion as you understand it has no meaning beyond the hypocricy you describe, however, the religion I speak of is above the little self and is universally applicable to all and excludes none. Hence (symantics) renders the meaning of words impotent. Look deeply inward and you will discover a world created by your thoughts which your experience mirrors perfectly and so it seems we are in agreement after all! from the One to the One Rob

Hey Rob,
If the semantics renders the meaning of words impotent why and how? and so why do we keep using words? how can we converse? with icons? hyerogliphs? signs? this is true, words, have been used and overused and wrongly used and therefor have lost for some much of their calling everyone a "sweetheart" really second-classed and lessened the term "sweetheart" to a "John Doe or a Jane Doe"
the religion you are talking about isnt it call spirituality?
the world of my thoughts inside of me(or you or her or him ) that you are talking about may or may not have been tainted and organized by man-made religions...,
Reply Fri 6 Apr, 2007 05:06 pm
Damavava, If you will read between the lines, the symantics I'm referring to is the masses' unpreparedness to understand language on the whole and therefore misunderstand or mislead each other. Our responsebility is to reconcile everything within where the source of all power resides. Are you suggesting that this so called religion you speak of has a power onto itself and wreaks havoc in the lives of men and women in which they play no part? ummmmmm. I come to this site to share my insight and to learn from others who are like minded, I have no desire to reform anyone for I am too busy reforming myself. I have used far too many words which if one will look are fraught with meaning, yet cannot be adequately conveyed to you which I think supports my point beyond words. neti neti neti
No two powers exist! be well Rob
Reply Fri 6 Apr, 2007 05:51 pm
cubesphere wrote:
Damavava, If you will read between the lines, the symantics I'm referring to is the masses' unpreparedness to understand language on the whole and therefore misunderstand or mislead each other. Our responsebility is to reconcile everything within where the source of all power resides. Are you suggesting that this so called religion you speak of has a power onto itself and wreaks havoc in the lives of men and women in which they play no part? ummmmmm. I come to this site to share my insight and to learn from others who are like minded, I have no desire to reform anyone for I am too busy reforming myself. I have used far too many words which if one will look are fraught with meaning, yet cannot be adequately conveyed to you which I think supports my point beyond words. neti neti neti
No two powers exist! be well Rob

Rob, calm down man and peace on earth!
the point of philosophy is not to read between the lines . this is not an arcane or esoteric discussion. Philosophy is constructed with logic and reason. Would I have known you were so overly sensitive and too fragile for argumentation, huffing and puffing at a mere vexation....I am sorry to have exasperate you....However sorry to tell you that Argumentation is part of PHILOSOPHIZING... and thats doesnt mean that somebody is against you, its only mean... different people see differently.... the reasons for SOME Philosophy forums....You cant make such an emotional drama for if someone is asking you to define or prove your convictions.
Hey sorry but no offense Rob!
Reply Sat 7 Apr, 2007 07:22 am
Damavava, thanks for the list of attributes you have been so kind to bestow on me and the lesson in philosophy, which it appears I needed. No offense givin or taken for all are the children of the One. Rob
Reply Wed 2 May, 2007 11:13 pm
Fellow Forum members

I was browsing trough your messages and saw that perhaps I could answer what Walter Russell meant by saying that Science and Religion would come together. The following is my understanding of his statement.

Science is limited by the invisible, that which cannot be measured like the Soul. It can only observe the universe of form not that from which form comes, mind as Walter Russell explains. Religion is based on Faith so it is limited by the experiences, cosmic consciousness gained by the founder of the Church (some).

Walter Russell was a perfect example of one who brought Science and Religion together. The definition of a Mystic is one who brings Science and Religion together. A Mystic uses logic, anology and synthesis to explore the world of forms and the "invisible" world from which it comes.

Our mythology as well as holy books have always had this knowledge but this knowledge has waited untill humanity is ready for it. You can see this in the studies of Joseph Campbell who wrote "The Hero with a thousand faces." He found that all the mythologies of the world contained a pattern. The pattern was of those who walked the Path of transformation. One day something would happen that was not explainable by our existing knowledge. We would then have to decide if we were to take the challange and walk the path. The path would take us belyond the two towers which were the limits of worldy knowledge. We would travel the road which is in darkness (the unknown). We would then go trough trials that would transform us and take us to cosmic consciousness. Remember the tale of Prometheus.

There have been some who have walked this path Jesus, Buddha, as well as Russell. There are others of whom we know little. Now we are entering the Age of Aquarius where more and more people will take this path. The Age of Aquarius means the Age when we will learn more about how our Self conscious, Subconscious, and Super conscious work. Consciousness is ONE stream but we must use this terms to understand how it works on us. The Age of Aquarius is where "Science and religion will come together."

You can see how more and more how people are going into learning the Kabbalah/Qabalah and the mystery schools like Builders of the Adytum. These schools are NOT religions. Our holy books will be found to have knowledge that is hidden from those who don't have eyes to see. This course of study will take you on the Path to Cosmic Consciousness.

So waiting for the Messiah is not what is meant but the comming of the transmutation of humanity toward Cosmic Consciousness is the reality. The readers of the Bible have taken it literaly they have mistaken the metaphor for the prose instead of the poetry.

The Hermit
Reply Fri 4 May, 2007 04:27 pm
Thank you Hermit for sharing your thoughts! I have said in a few words the same basic theme you have touched upon with some exception for it is a vast subject. The totality of the Universal cosmogany consists of twenty four basic principles. I would only say that the world is searching for that real substance which man calls God,Isha,Brahma,Eru and many other names to help describe that eternal faith believed intuitively in the existance of a Substance, of which the objects of sense sound,touch,sight,taste,, and smell- are but component parts of this visibe world- are but properties. As man identifies himself with his material body,composed of the aforesaid properties he is able to comprehend by these imperfect organs the properties only and not the Substance to which they belong. Therefore the reality remains hidden until we become Divine by lifting ourselves above the creation of darkness. The mind can't grasp that which precedes it. I would agree that Cambell is worth reading and His interview with Bill Moyers worth watching. From the One to the One Rob
Reply Thu 1 Nov, 2007 09:53 am
catman3 wrote:
Can anyone help explain in The Message of The Divine Iliad Vol;2 Pg. 169 Verse begins With Men and women, that interchange concept a little more. And Pg. 180 With each sexual experience the pattern of the blood cells is instantly affected and,sequentially, the brain? Do the Jehovah Witness understand this? And Pg. 184 First verse? That's enough for now. Thanks.

is there something specific you believe the witnesses should know or understand about this stuff? just wondering. as far as i know, none of them read walter russell.

could you quote page 184 first verse so that we could at least all know what exactly you are talking about? Smile

every experience molds you just like every thought and deed delivers an invisible chisel blow to your personal sculpture.

surely something as, well, large, as sexual interaction, would also affect your whole body, mind and soul. wasnt it russell who was saying that one should try and find people who are on the same level as you, so you dont get struck down quite a few lifetimes due to a bad mating decision..
i seem to remember smething like this from divine iliad part 2, but cant quote on it as i lent the iliads to my friend.
Diana Grace
Reply Thu 25 Sep, 2008 12:43 pm
I too noticed that Russells predictions about the marriage of science and spirit did not come about in the time he had thought they would. This concerned me a lot and I thought whether I should believe any other thing he said as strongly as I did when he was wrong here on this point. But then I realized that perhaps he said that not as a part of what was revealed to him, but his own personal optomistic vision that he held to for himself.

If that is the case then I see that he was holding forth the greatest vision that he could for mankind. It could have happened. Yet the reason it did not could have been because that there were not enough others thinking and believing this with him.

There are some visions I personally have today for our world, visions that I (to myself) have a time schedule on. It is true that they may not happen on my time table, but I must hold to my time table for it is my vision. I adjust that time table often but I want to not let it go completely. If I thought "Oh well, it probably won't happen that soon or be that effective" then I have shot myself a big blow in consciousness. I have to hold firmly to my vision because that is what I am putting into my subconscious self, that place of power, the Father within.

I see science and religion beginning to merge even now. Even the fact that they actually could merge is a challenge to many today, but it is happening with the quantum physics and their discoveries concerning the photon of light and what they are learning about how light behaves. So I start having visions (some with time tables) of our present day scientific minds studying moreso the words of Russell in order to further prove to themselves and the world, that religion is a science, only a higher order of science than we have thought possible. It actually takes a leap of faith for them to stop just studying the germ of matter and go on to the power that a person or a nation actually weilds in KNOWING a thing and that Knowing is a power greater than any way we now have of generating power. It's like KNOWING is the new frontier. We are waking up to realize that our thoughts are just that important.

Well indeed the game may be 'up' when we do actually all know the truth, and that is all right as well for we will just move into another game that we might like better having acquired more skills.

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