Why cant Science see the truth?

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  3. » Why cant Science see the truth?

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Reply Tue 13 Nov, 2007 09:08 pm
Hello Everyone,

I am just beginning to read some of Walter Russell's books and I am in awe. I have no formal training in science but to me what he talks about is the truth.

I have some questions that maybe the community might be able to answer;

1). Why does modern science dismiss Russell's cosmology so quickly?
2). Are there any groups of scientists that embrace and promote his cosmology?
3). If we had more people who embraced his cosmology what kinds of new technology would he have today?

Thank you for your Time and Effort.
Seeker phil
Reply Wed 14 Nov, 2007 09:17 am
@Emerald King,
We as human beings are always acting through one of two thoughts systems. One is fear based and we call it the ego. The other is based in Pure Unconditional Love which is the perfect Energy Russell is talking about. We have been letting the ego run our lives for so long that we have forgotten our reality. But we are awakening. The mass confusion we see the world today is the cleaning out process. You can't put new wine into old skins.
Emerald King
Reply Wed 14 Nov, 2007 09:15 pm
@Seeker phil,
Hello Seeker,

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my question. After reading what you said and thinking about it, I looked up Walter Russell on the wikipedia and this statement I think is the answer to my first question and your statement is the cause.

Such conflicts have left the work of Russell somewhat in the category of obscurity as his cosmology, while complete in itself, would require upon its academic and scientific acceptance not only the upheaval of many scientific theories, but also matters such as the nature of God. The connections between matters that many consider religious has left many to dismiss all of his material.

Now I am wondering about my other 2 questions.

Thank you for your Time and Effort
Reply Thu 15 Nov, 2007 05:48 am
@Emerald King,
if you look behind, you will find some mentions online of a Russell Science Research Team. youll find notices of gone-away journals being released in the 90s, that i have been trying to get access to but they are of course not sold via the philosophy.org bookshop.
i know that, for now, the three people stand, again, tim binder, toby grotz, ron kovac.
but i cannot vouch for how deep they got, it appears that not really that deep -- thus im hesitant to start accumulating money to purchase the rare-and-hard-to-find u.s. psychotropical association VHS's, + the fees to convert them from NTSC VHS to DVD so i could watch them myself..

maybe it would be good to have these videos for archival purposes, just to see, as sometimes with this forum, where things are not as russellian as they could be.
Reply Thu 15 Nov, 2007 12:59 pm
Russell sent out a lot of material to scientists and universities. I can't help but think that someone somewhere with an R&D grant is working on his ideas. He had ties to the scientific community and corporations for years. Now perhaps they didn't buy all of what he was saying particularly that which they perceived as religious or spiritual but I feel some of his ideas are already present in technology and in theories.

I read occasionally about some tech idea and it sounds Russellian. Perhaps it was inspired by Russell or simply found to be the way a thing works...I'm not sure. The work of Sir Oliver Lodge and Sir William Crookes has been accepted in science and both these gentlemen experimented with somewhat out there ideas of the (a)ether which produced valid results. Russell while of the same lineage so to speak seems to have come along when scientific dogma was well in place and not willing to go his extra mile. If I remember correctly Lodge and Crookes met with much resistance too.
Reply Thu 15 Nov, 2007 02:50 pm
@Emerald King,
there are claims that the russian academy utilize versions of walter russell's frequency charts, and that this would have been a book-accumulation-project in the 50s or 60s straight to russia. but i am yet to see the frequeny charts or any of it, so currently it is a claim, which might have full truth behind it, but as long as i dont have a picture to paste about these fancy charts, its just a rumour..
Emerald King
Reply Thu 15 Nov, 2007 11:33 pm
Here is a question that the more experienced members might be able to answer.

As everything starts from nothing and then goes through its dynamic cycle of expansion/compression until it is refolded into the coldness, how can one track something as to where it is in its own cycle?

Sorry if I am unable to express my question in a clearer manner as I am not really sure how to say what I am asking.

Thank you for your Time
Seeker phil
Reply Fri 16 Nov, 2007 09:24 am
@Emerald King,
I am new to this site and I do not know how to us most of the software gadgets.

I don't know if it can be tracked from the point of reference that I think you are asking the question from.

The way I understand it at this point is that the intelligence that forms an apple is not in the apple but acts through the apple. The apple goes through its states of being in a balance of harmony interacting with other forms of intelligence in different forms, it's a divine randomness. The real us, Divine Beings having a human experience can interact and speed up or slow down the process.

The Divine intelligence in us as human beings will return to the source were we are all One with and as the Creator.

When we accept this we can more fully enjoy our experiences on earth. We don't need to know how something works to enjoy it. We all interact with the Divine intelligence in things some time it works because we are working within the laws and sometimes it does not work the way we want it to.
Reply Fri 16 Nov, 2007 11:08 am
@Seeker phil,
Here is a question that the more experienced members might be able to answer.

As everything starts from nothing and then goes through its dynamic cycle of expansion/compression until it is refolded into the coldness, how can one track something as to where it is in its own cycle?

Sorry if I am unable to express my question in a clearer manner as I am not really sure how to say what I am asking.

Thank you for your Time

"Every action is voided as it occurs, is repeated as it is voided, and recorded as it is repeated."
The Divine Iliad

The Unfolding-Refolding Principle

"The two opposite electric expressions of desire of Mind unfold all idea of Mind from its pattern in the "seed" into imaged forms to simulate the idea of Mind and refold back into its recorded pattern in the "seed", for again unfolding."
The Secret of Light

I do not claim to be an authority in anything other than my own illusion! This life that I live in this instant is my own, and the things which I will share I have made my own!

S. Gillis

Everything extends from the One. Every created thing has within it, centering it, the seed from which it extends. In Dr. Russell's periodic table this concept is easily seen, and easy to follow. Dr. Russell indicated that the noble gasses were the seeds of their respective octaves. The elements unfold from and into these gasses as pairs and in rhythmic cycles. The same is true for complex organisms, (meaning they unfold and refold into their respective seeds) however when viewed like we view the periodic table it becomes an impossible task to find the seed. So how then do we accomplish this?


One must shift ones perspective. Acknowledge that we cannot locate what we are after in the material sense, the organism is too complex. Instead seek out the fundamental pattern. It is the pattern which centers, and orders the noble gasses; it is always overlooked because ones attention is focused on the material. We don't have to think hard and long to see that the pattern is a spiral, a double spiral. It can be said that the noble gas represents the material or substance out of which the elements will be composed, and the double spiral pattern is the recorder of that which emerges and returns to the seed which the noble gas represents. The spiral pattern is constant, centering the seed it waits until willed into action by Mind to preform its purpose of unfolding , refolding, and recording the ideas of Mind.

Go for a stroll, and observe the spiral centering all of the Creators creations, unfolding them from seeds, and refolding them into seeds, recording knowledge gained in this cycle for the benefit of the next!

Emerald King
Reply Sun 18 Nov, 2007 05:32 pm
Hello Seeker and RememberIAM,

Thank you both for taking the time and effort to respond to my queries. I would also like to thank you for imparting your knowledge and perspective to make my journey easier.

I know I have a long road ahead, so once again thank you
Emerald King
Reply Sun 18 Nov, 2007 05:38 pm
@Emerald King,
Hello Everyone,

All of the weekend I was thinking about the Spiral and Double Spiral Pattern, but didn't see anything meaningful when I tried to find a pattern in a sequence of Elements.

Lets say I have this sequence of elements;


With the Prime Element being 22.42

Can anyone see a Pattern in this sequence?

Thank you
Emerald King
Reply Sun 18 Nov, 2007 05:42 pm
@Emerald King,
Hmm... Allow me to add one more thing to that sequence of elements.

I am assuming that some of those elements are when dynamic compression/expansion cycle is hitting the boundaries of the square and some are at the start/end of a new cycle.

I am just throwing things out maybe something I say might hit a keynote with someone else and they will say "Oh yeah I see the pattern"

Again thank you for allowing me to ramble
Reply Mon 19 Nov, 2007 05:53 pm
@Seeker phil,
Seeker wrote:
We as human beings are always acting through one of two thoughts systems. One is fear based and we call it the ego. The other is based in Pure Unconditional Love which is the perfect Energy Russell is talking about. We have been letting the ego run our lives for so long that we have forgotten our reality. But we are awakening. The mass confusion we see the world today is the cleaning out process. You can't put new wine into old skins.

Now, I would have said that the two poles of human behavior are fear and hope. I suppose you could substitute love as some point where hope resides; but mostly hope.
Reply Tue 20 Nov, 2007 04:08 am
@Emerald King,
Emerald King wrote:
1). Why does modern science dismiss Russell's cosmology so quickly?

just a question. which modern scientists have dismissed russell's cosmology quickly? do modern scientists even hear of walter russell?

the books that he has published, have mentioned a couple of times when he has contacted the scientists and the newspapers and universities at large, 1926, 1953, and a couple of lectures. what else was done?
i know he published in 1926 his two periodic charts of elements, and copyrighted them, in which he suggested deuterium, tritium, plutonium and uranium, and many other substances, some of which have been discovered and later not-named by the names that Russell used.

i know Vladimir B. Ginzburg, in his 3d super spiral string theory, mentions in his many books, both Walter Russell and Viktor Schauberger. i do not however know how reasonably mainstream scientists take him. he does seem to have a job tho.

could we even find some bad press for russell from the scientific communities? anything?? or just total deafening silence?
Reply Tue 20 Nov, 2007 04:16 am
@Emerald King,
i see "Unified Science Abstracts" from 2002, with these people:
Neo-Russellian Cosmogony, Basic Theory
Chester Hatstat and Jerry Williams The uniqueness of the Russell Cosmogony resides in the wholeness of its explication of the patterned thinking of Cosmic Mind as cause of the cosmic patterning of the universe. Consciousness, as the primary substance of the universe, Self-contemplates. Therein, Consciousness experiences itself through thought-wave images-cum-matter wave images. Our presentation builds a logical context for how matter appears from Consciousness and disappears back into Consciousness in eternal cycles of rhythmically balanced creating-decreating interchanges. We utilize a three faceted model of the universe to assist in our explication and understanding of the fundamental processes-structures-contents employed by Cosmic Mind in the ordering-ratiocination of the One Whole, timeless-spaceless Idea of Creation into emergent three dimensional ideas-effects, interacting within/upon a implicate, holographic space-time matrix.

A historical overview of Mind/Consciousness as the primal source of creation will precede our overview of the Russell Cosmogony. In the overview, we will explicate the mechanism of creation, i.e., the conceptualization-ratiocination of the One Whole Idea into binary complementary opposites of multiple ideas, the primordial thinking pattern of concentration-decentration, a cubic wave-field as the space-time matrix-holon, the geometry dynamics of energy patterns within the cubic wave-field, the propagation of electromagnetic radiation, the patterned potentiation of the holographic space-time matrix, and the wave field geometries and generative-radiative spiral wave dynamics that determine the octave periodicities in the cyclic integration-disintegration of systems of matter. Our presentation includes discourses on the evolution of planets and moons from solar and planetary ring formations, supporting evidence for Russell's predictions of the expansion of planets within solar systems, and possibilities for the fundamental geometric patterning of atomic systems.

Fundamental Patterning in the Universe And Its Reflections in Consciousness and Daily Life
Foster Gamble
Then I will share many new 3D animations illustrating the simple, least-effort principles guiding the development of complexity in the space/time of the sensory world. We will investigate how these constraints may also determine the atomic periodicity of the Chemical Table of Elements. Correlations will be explored between this approach and the work of Walter Russell on the "pressure points" of the Periodic Table, the interpenetration of vortices of expansion and contraction, and the dynamics of "seeming motion" in the field.=

im not sure if these people hit the mark but anyway, im adding this since it also mentions ginzburg and it is from 2000s..
Unified Science Abstracts
Emerald King
Reply Tue 20 Nov, 2007 06:50 pm
I would like to thank Fido & Esaruoho for joining this thread.

I am glad that there are at least some scientists out there who are pursuing the Russellian Cosmology.

I think modern science will never fully embrace Russellian Cosmology for these 3 facts;

1). Science and GOD resemble pseudo-science and pseudo-science will be shunned at all costs.
2). Rewriting/Adjusting Newton, Einstein & Kepler = Blacklisting, Ostracized and Death Kneel for any scientists career.
3). I would think that most organized Religions will oppose the marring of religion and science as much as the scientific community.

I think it is a shame that these 3 facts are the reality that we live in today.

I know that if I had the money I would setup a research lab and staff it with as many scientists and engineers that were capable and weren't too concerned about what the rest of the scientific community thought.

Thank you
Reply Sun 2 Dec, 2007 12:02 am
@Emerald King,
Emeral King
You have come out with good conclusions.

Science and religion work at opposite ends. Science will not deal with the invisible and religion does not want to accept science explanations since they cannot explain the invisible. The science that we have today will be erased by the science that we will have in the future. Religion will be the same way as we have seen how religion changes as men like Jesus and Buddah bring new advances. This is how mankind advances.

Walter Russell was how mankind will be in the far future. He "joined" both science and religion aspecs. He was trying to show how a man with Cosmic Consciousness was able to work on both fields. In reality both science and religion as we know them will not exist in the future. They will be made irrelevant by humanity who will be cosmic conscious.

Mankind is not ready to understand that matter comes about from the movement of the unmovable. That moving Light (God's Thinking) uses the receptacle (reflection of light) that is the overall subconscious (femenine aspect of God) which gives form (freezes God's Thinking) to create the universe of form. That God's thinking or movement of light is seen as waves of matter which have wave cycles that are seen as time. As in the cycle of birth and death which takes "time" to complete thus fooling us as the past, present, and future.

The Hermit
Emerald King
Reply Tue 4 Dec, 2007 10:27 pm
Hello The Hermit,

Thank you for confirming my points and thank you for taking the time to reveiw this thread and post in it.

Thats a sad state that we live in, what can we do about it? What does the other members think that can be done about this? Are we to accept that we are just singular entities surrounded by the vastness of space?

Does anyone else wonder what amazing new technologies await to be re-discovered or am I the only one.

There must be a way to see how the wave unfolds along the peroidic chart

Thank you for your Time
Reply Thu 31 Jul, 2008 03:26 pm
@Emerald King,
I have been a student of Walter Russell for many years, the reason science does not recognize him is because the scientific society do not acknowledge anybody who is not a scientist, no matter what they discover, I myself have been applying the Russell philosophy to my every day living with wonderful results.
Reply Sat 2 Aug, 2008 03:02 pm
@Emerald King,
The real universe is composed of
Ain - Nothing,
Soph - Limitless,
Aur - Light (not the light we see as bright)
That is Ain, Ain Soph, and Ain Soph Aur.
The real universe is dark and void and unmoving.
The Limitless light is show in Qabalah as one side of the Face of God, this is Russells One. The One becomes Two for creation to proceed. This is God the Father (Chockmah, Life Force) and God the Mother (Binah, Universal Subconscious(stuff))) or Russells Two.
Creation has four "worlds"
Atziluth - Archetypal - Fire - Idea of God - example like atomic structure.
Briah - Creative world - Water - God's Idea moves subconscious - example like steam.
Yetzirah - Formative World - Air - Patterns start forming - example like water.
Assiah - Active world - Earth - solid forms (our universe) - example like ice.

Creation goes through these four wolds. It would start at idea and in Briah - The King of Cups (water) in tarot shows the Father seated in his throne above the ocean of water or overall subconscious (Mother). His Thinking moves the waters of the ocean and the wave starts.

Thus creation is brought about. We say from the nothing for we only see (sense) our world of "solid" forms. But ALL comes from the One's Thinking, can we really then say that it realy exists?

I like Popeye's statement - I am that I am and thats all that I am.

Or I am that I AM and that is all that I am!

We are all in reality God Himself!

Peace Profound

The Hermit

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  3. » Why cant Science see the truth?
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