@Emerald King,
The real universe is composed of
Ain - Nothing,
Soph - Limitless,
Aur - Light (not the light we see as bright)
That is Ain, Ain Soph, and Ain Soph Aur.
The real universe is dark and void and unmoving.
The Limitless light is show in Qabalah as one side of the Face of God, this is Russells One. The One becomes Two for creation to proceed. This is God the Father (Chockmah, Life Force) and God the Mother (Binah, Universal Subconscious(stuff))) or Russells Two.
Creation has four "worlds"
Atziluth - Archetypal - Fire - Idea of God - example like atomic structure.
Briah - Creative world - Water - God's Idea moves subconscious - example like steam.
Yetzirah - Formative World - Air - Patterns start forming - example like water.
Assiah - Active world - Earth - solid forms (our universe) - example like ice.
Creation goes through these four wolds. It would start at idea and in Briah - The King of Cups (water) in tarot shows the Father seated in his throne above the ocean of water or overall subconscious (Mother). His Thinking moves the waters of the ocean and the wave starts.
Thus creation is brought about. We say from the nothing for we only see (sense) our world of "solid" forms. But ALL comes from the One's Thinking, can we really then say that it realy exists?
I like Popeye's statement - I am that I am and thats all that I am.
Or I am that I AM and that is all that I am!
We are all in reality God Himself!
Peace Profound
The Hermit