Hi Catman3,
Welcome to the forums!! I have known a number of blind people over the years,none of them showed or expressed any great spiritual insight/s.Sometimes I think people feel bad for them, and would like to believe that this really is not the tragedy that it at first appears to be,it however is.Sensory deprivation is an interesting topic,taken to its extreme the individual will begin to self-destruct.The world out there is the stuff which assumes our mind,as a lock assume its key.In other words it in some important way is a part of you,deprived of it and you will perish.It goes back again to the relationship of subject and object,take either away from the other and it ceases to exist.
The loss of any sense perception is a loss in consciousness,as we age this is a natural process.When these losses occur in the young, it is still a loss of consciousness.I would myself have thought that with the loss of sight,ideas would become more cherished by the individual, but this does not seem to prove out either.I do not know if your statement about the individual who is blinded at a very early age and does not dream is true,but it does sound reasonable.
The total absence of humor from the Bible is one of the most singular things in all literature"
Alfred North Whitehead :eek: