Hello Mr4,
if you already new that, how is it that you could not grasp that what Dr. meant with: solar system = atom
meant the solar system is like an atom, that is nucleus plus orbiting electrons (using the language used by scientists). I tell you why: because reading his books where he gives statements...this is so, that is so, etc.etc. does not make people THINK and reflect. They only compare it with what they have already studied and guess .
Dr. Russell wrote the Home Study Course with Lao not for dumb people or for primary school but because he realized that NO one could understand his books - not even the most brilliant minds around him, and he had many. In this, Lao's presence and input was essential, if she could not understand...no one else would have either.
He then had to first replace the wrong premises people were starting from as if you start from a wrong premise you will never understand: that is why scientists could not understand him.
And then he had to explain things in such a way that made people THINK and reflect and IMAGINE. Only then the understanding/knowledge sinks in loud and clear.
As long people pick up his books, read his "statements" - as they really are such - and try to fit them in with what they have studied at school or university, they will NEVER understand. In the HS Course, Dr. expounded on those 'statements' and made them clear and in so doing sometimes gave the statements another meaning.
The H S Course must be done as it is recommended, that is one unit per week from the beginning: read it paragraph by paragraph and reflect. If you go directly to the units which contain all the diagrams you will still not understand because in the previous units he removed the "wrong premises" and built the correct ones.
Just to confirm what I am talking about, just after Lao's passing to a better life, the new President of the University of Science and Philosophy, Dr. Tim Binder, had decided to change some of Doctor Russell's writings because to him they were unexplainable and therefore incorrect. I wrote to him with copy to all the then Directors, a pretty strong letter asking NOT to change any word or we would have done what was done to Jesus words. He wrote to me a very rude letter (as if to say... who are you to tell us what to do) and challenged me to explain some sentences and paragraphs, which I did. They were very clear and simple to me, but, realizing that if he and the rest of directors did not understand them was because they had never done the HS Course, so the wrong premises had not been removed and replaced in their mind, I had to write a very long letter, like 16 pages, and explained step by step.
Well, he never answered me, but I received a letter from two Directors who apologised for Dr. Binder's rudeness towards me and also confirmed that they had all agreed NOT to change any words as written by Dr. Russell.
So, you are not the only who tried to understand Doctor's teachings without doing the Course. Therefore I suggest that you do that because asking a question here and a question there does not give you a clear picture and a deep understanding.
Be well, my friend, and be happy and in joy and grateful for the Love and Beauty that we truly are and the Love and Beauty that is reflected all around us.