Mon 10 May, 2010 11:51 pm
In "Science and the Experience of Expression," Merleau-Ponty claims that there are two kinds of language. What are they and how do they function? Give an example. If language is "expressive" as Merleau-Ponty claims, and expression is open ended, what does this do to truth? How can an algorithm, which appears to discover absolute atemporal truth, be a form of expression for Merlau-Ponty? Merleau-Ponty argues against Malraux on the nature of modern painting. Why? Why does classical painted prefer the "masterpiece" while modern painting does not? Why does Merleau-Ponty criticize the museum?
Would you happen to have a link to the text or upload the pdf? The book is partially posted on google books but a good chunk of the releveant material is missing from what is there (only goes up to page 38).
Sounds to me like a take home final question