It is not human action which is futile, but individual action which is futile... And while we consider freedom to be a quality experienced and enjoyed by individual people, it is not... Socieities are free, just as societies are moral, and people are free and moral because they belong, in fact free and moral as the price of belonging to their societies...No person, in fact, can be free if not moral, or the immorality will destroy the basis of freedom in mutual self respect... If people are free of obnoxious government then they must themselves show self control and self restraint, and these are qualities all people must practice and know before even the most basic freedom is possible... Yet, your question about meaning has nothing to do with freedom...
It is a mistake to invest the stuff of this world with meaning, and to seek meaning...That is your dust in the wind... Life is meaning, and slaves recognize this as fully as masters, because both will surrender freedom to have life, and will give up all the stuff of life to have life... It is only with life that we have meaning, and there, as with all forms, meaning is a form of relationship... We share that meaning called life while we live...
We can see the meaning in the physical world... A comet has meaning, and so has a bullet... Everything having being has a certain meaning in relation to all other objects...But what is behind that meaning is the ultimate meaning to people, which is life, and the scale of value we apply to physical objects results from their likely effect on our lives...
But physical objects play an almost insignificant part in our lives, simply because we have mastered the physical world... But we are all troubled with the moral/spiritual world... What is freedom???? What is Morality??? What is God??? What is virtue, and what is good??? Our effort to define these moral and spiritual forms is wasted because each is an infinite... These qualities do not have being, and yet each has meaning, if not the same meaning to each of us...Why do we fight over freedom or God???
These qualities without being, that have so much meaning that we will die for them we value, that is, find meaning in, as with physical objects, in relation to our own lives...If we realize that people die for the want of freedom, or die from the want of morality, or die because their notion of God is not accepted then we can see in life the source of all meaning... It is the effect of moral ideas on life that gives them rank and classification in our hierarchy of meaning