here is the conversation we had:
7:44 PM - kplax: truth is the accurate and precise reflection of what was and what is. what may come is where truth has no reign.
7:45 PM - watsoNs2Rosa: nope
7:45 PM - watsoNs2Rosa: sorry but that is dumb
7:45 PM - kplax: why
7:45 PM - kplax: elaborate
7:45 PM - watsoNs2Rosa: truth is not what was or what is
7:45 PM - kplax: what is truth
7:45 PM - watsoNs2Rosa: exactly'
7:45 PM - watsoNs2Rosa: i could tell u a lie
7:45 PM - watsoNs2Rosa: and u could believe it as truth
7:45 PM - watsoNs2Rosa: that makes it true
7:45 PM - watsoNs2Rosa: so its not what is or what was
7:45 PM - kplax: no, that still makes it a lie
7:45 PM - kplax: you believe it to be true
7:45 PM - kplax: doesnt make it true
7:45 PM - watsoNs2Rosa: if everyone believes a lie
7:45 PM - watsoNs2Rosa: it becomes true
7:46 PM - watsoNs2Rosa: artists use lies to tell the truth
7:46 PM - watsoNs2Rosa: booOM
7:46 PM - kplax: nope
7:46 PM - kplax: i disagree
7:46 PM - watsoNs2Rosa: well thats why its philosophy
7:46 PM - kplax: because once we find out it isnt the truth, it is acknowledged as a lie
7:46 PM - watsoNs2Rosa: yeah and if u dont find out
7:46 PM - watsoNs2Rosa: u will believe it as truth
7:46 PM - kplax: and that is it
7:46 PM - kplax: it still will not be truth
7:46 PM - kplax: truth is universal
7:46 PM - watsoNs2Rosa: in ur eyes
7:47 PM - watsoNs2Rosa: it will be truth
7:47 PM - watsoNs2Rosa: if i told u i had a 10 pairs of sneakers
7:47 PM - watsoNs2Rosa: when i really only have 5
7:47 PM - watsoNs2Rosa: and u told other poeple
7:47 PM - watsoNs2Rosa: i had 10 pairs of sneakers
7:47 PM - kplax: seeing and believing are very dangerous - McNamara
7:47 PM - watsoNs2Rosa: and everyone believed u
7:47 PM - watsoNs2Rosa: all those people believe i have 10 pairs of sneakers
7:47 PM - watsoNs2Rosa: making a lie into truth
7:47 PM - kplax: but its not the truth
7:47 PM - kplax: no, it makes it a lie
7:47 PM - watsoNs2Rosa: why are u so dense
7:54 PM - watsoNs2Rosa: 1. There will NEVER be a universal truth
7:54 PM - watsoNs2Rosa: 2. lies can be truth n' truth can be lie
7:55 PM - watsoNs2Rosa: ok u go believe truth is universal
7:55 PM - watsoNs2Rosa: and ill be over here
7:55 PM - watsoNs2Rosa: with rational thought