It is because morals are not a question about what a person would do in a given situation, but what they do in every situation, which should be to do justice...Ethics is never what a person thinks, but is who they are, their character, and while I may agree that one never knows what they may do in a given situation, the ethical person avoids those situations where ethics are challenged because life is there on a perilous edge, and so, immoral... It is not to avoid risk that people are moral, but it is moral to avoid risk when the life of the community is not at stake... To risk ones life is to act as an individual, without concern for the well being of others, or ones responsibility to them, and that is immoral... Do children who climb mountains not have parents??? And do parents who climb mountains not have children???... We sell our lives dear to be there for the hard work that is required of relationships, to full fill our natural obligations, which is our honor...