Shinhyung;88093 wrote:I was thinking about this while killing a spider one day. I was quite scared to touch it or smash and burst it (urrgh) so I hoovered it! Well it must have been a shock and torture for it and I'm a bit sorry, but I find myself thinking, "well it's only a spider..."
I wouldn't have got over it so easily killing another person though.
Why is a person's life better than a spider's (I'm sure it is!!)? Because we are bigger? Live longer? Are cleverer? Or do we only think it because we are human ourselves?
There are many reasons to not care for spiders, so I will give just one =)
There is no way we could live caring for spiders, we probally never notice most of our spider murders, the amount of care we would need to not kill spiders is humanely impossible.
Reminds me of a visit to a buddhist temple where there was a sign asking you to not step in the ants, what was impossible since the ants were all over the path.
Aedes;88094 wrote:Ask a spider his perspective on the question

Nice idea =)
"Do you care if I kill you? No answer means no"
Krumple;88097 wrote:Self interest and superiority complex. But if you were the size of the spider would you become it's next meal? It is easy to hate and dislike and much more difficult to respect and let be.
I think in the case of spiders its just self interest. I dont kill spiders to affirm my superiority, I kill then because they bite and inject poison on me. Same goes for mosquitos =)
TickTockMan;88101 wrote:When going to war, one of the functions of propaganda is to teach us to say "well it's only a (insert relevant ethnic group here) . . . ."
Yeah... I wish people were at least honest then they wage war, admiting that the war is based on self-interest rather than the fact that the other side is the "axis of evil" or something like it. Off course, it would be hard to get people to want to fight that way, and if you can admit that to ourself and your people, you can likely find a peacefull solution... unless you are the "axis of evil" in the other country =)
My personal reason to not care for spiders is that I only care for human beings, caring for other animals only in how important they are to humans.