Well, the Theory is that if the most important thing in life, is yourself, and this is magnified over society, then such a society will collapse.
If one believes that one is an animal, then you will only care for fickle physical pleasure. You will have no qualms about pretending to be a doctor, and then harvesting your 'patients' for body parts. Can you see where this leads?
On the T-shirt of the one columbine killer, read "Survival of the fittest"
If you believe you are merely a physical animal, you will have no problem with killing someone else - like your parents - to collect the inheritance, for example. (See the Mendez brothers)
No judgement in the afterlife, means that ethics is just a con.
And if ethics is just a con, then society will collapse.
So if you believe in God, the world you live in will be better than if you do not.
Ironically, this is true regardless of wether God exists or not.
So I agree, proof is not really important.
Its functional to believe in God.
And more irony - that itself is proof of God.